Chapter 145 - CHAPTER 145: NAIVE

"Hurry up!!"

"Where is my tie?!!"

Some minutes later, everybody starts being busy in the hall. Farner seems to have woken up late seeing how Excia is constantly on her back. Roxcia is ready and sitting on a couch with Cordel. Pink panty is still sleepy.

"Why do they even bother going together?" I stand up and go to the door but Cordel calls out to me.

"Why are you going already?"

"What? Do I have to wait for you?"

"It is better to go as a group, don't you think?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Do you even know where we are going?".

Even Roxcia joins him now.

"To the training grounds, that's where we we-"

"See, you don't even know. Stop acting all mighty and seat down." Roxcia shoots me down like a vulgar bird. Everybody keeps doing his own thing like they didn't hear what she said though. I thought they would start laughing again. I go back to my seat and wait for everybody to be ready.

Five minutes later, we all go out of our dorm and there is a guard waiting at the entrance of our dorm.

"The headmaster asked that you all go to the classroom N°4."

"Okay." We all follow Roxcia to the building used for the teachings and go up the stairs. On the first floor, we find a door with the number 4 engraved on it.

Roxcia knocks on it and waits a bit then enters. We all follow her. Inside, we find the headmaster together with two teachers, one of them being Smith. The other is a tall and slim man. His black hair and purple eyes don't really go well together.

There are also blue uniform students. A lot of them. I think there are at least fifty students inside this place. The classroom is well built, though. The chairs are gradually higher as you go to the back and are divided into three rows with stairs between them.

The blue uniforms students are filling two rows but there is still some space left here and there between them. The last row is completely empty. I suppose we will sit there.

"Omega students, you all sit there."

Frankher shows us the last row. Like I thought, we will sit there. We go and sit randomly on the chairs. I sit at the end of the row, alone.

"Okay. Let's begin. Good morning to all of you. I would ask if you all slept well but…"

Frankher's aura suddenly fills the whole classroom and everything starts trembling, the chairs, the floor… Frankher is stronger than I thought. I might not be able to defeat him.


"Frankly speaking, I am quite disappointed and angry right now. Ever since I took the role of headmaster in this school, I tried to make sure that the students would receive the best accommodation possible. I have put efforts into ensuring that the best priests and teachers would be available to the students and improve the general conditions of the school. But!!!"

Frankher releases even more of his aura. It is powerful to crack the floor around him.

"To think there are people stupid and unconscious enough to harm a member of my staff. And for petty reasons as well! This is more outrageous than even hitting me."

Nobody is saying anything. Or more like, nobody can say anything. At least on the side of blue uniform guys. Most of them are overwhelm and trembling. On our side, I don't see anybody being uncomfortable so normally, they are all okay.

"Alpha students. Two days ago, the omega students have brought to me a case of high violations of the rules of the school regarding the interactions between students and the staff of the school. One of my staff members has been assaulted and heavily beaten up. She got threaten as well. I will ask you only once…"

Frankher looks at all of us for a second and dissipates his aura.

"Do any of you recognize those accusations?"

Nobody speaks. Are they really that afraid? I thought somebody would stand proudly and say he did it. Well, it seems they are not that courageous, after all.

"Do know that if you don't show yourself right now, I won't give you any second chance."

Still, nobody dares to make sound, nor moves. The dead silence that reigns right now would probably kill somebody if he were to speak.

"I see. Then, you may enter."

After Frankher speaks, the woman from the canteen enters, she is fully healed now. That's a relief.

The woman walks with her head lowered and goes between the two teachers. She is trembling a lot. Why does she look so pale? Let's read her mind.

'Oh, my goddess, please forgive me for what I am about to do. My children's lives are at stake. Please!!'

Her children's lives? What happ-

"Elizabeth, can you tell who assaulted you?"

"I-I can, headmaster."

"Then point him out."

"…" Elizabeth looks at all of us for a minute or two, then she lowers her head, starts crying. Her hand also moves upwards and points…at me?

Ah, I see. I understand.

"It…It was that omega student. He came to me during a night while I was-"

"That can't be true." Roxcia shoots up from her seat. I thought Farner would be the first to react here. And I wasn't the only one, seeing how the others are surprised as well.

"How could he be when he tried to help you? And why would we be even doing this if it was-"

"Roxcia Saint Axelandria. Please sit down." Frankher comes near Elizabeth and places his hand on her shoulder. She shudders but doesn't raise her head.

"Are you sure it was him?"

"Y-yes, headmaster."

"I see."


"Sit down!!" Frankher screams so loudly my eardrums almost burst. That was a really powerful scream there, man.

Roxcia slowly and reluctantly sits down, her whole body is trembling. But I don't think it is out of fear. Her ears are red, after all.

"Student Kevin DRAGONROAD. Stand up."

Frankher looks at me with a fierce but somehow weird look.

"You have been accused of assaulting a member of the staff of the eternal academy. As such, you should be put down and imprisoned until your trial."

Should? Why does he say should? Just do it and let's get this over with. I knew that this method was wrong. I never should have listened to Farner and her merry go round friends. The world, my world doesn't work like this. How stupid and naïve can I still be!!

"But, seeing as your own classmates brought up this whole affair and think you aren't the culprit. I cannot simply let that happen."


A student finally stands up from the middle of the second row. A rather short guy, with green hair.

"She has designated the monster as her culprit. Why do you care about his classmates' opinions? If it was us, would you have done the same?!!"

"Yeah!! He is right!!!"

"It is not fair!! He should be punished!!"

All the other students join him in an instant and start protesting. Until…

"Silence." Frankher releases his aura again. It is more powerful than before. There is a vein popping out on his forehead as well.

"Do I look like somebody you can just throw around and force into doing your biddings?"

All the noises have stopped in the room. Even the green hair sits back so quickly you would think he saw some kind of monster. Though, he doesn't have to worry. I will soon show him what a real monster looks like.

"Teacher Smith. Teacher Aspen."

"Yes!! Headmaster!"

"What do you propose?"

"Well, seeing as we aren't hearing all the truth here, I think it would be better to postpone the judgment." The Smith speaks first.

"No, I don't see why. If a student is wrong. He should be punished." Then the tall teacher speaks. His name, Aspen, reminds me of a warm meal people eat during the winter.

He then looks at us.

"He should be punished along with all of his classmates since they tried to protect him."

"Is that so?..."

Frankher starts stroking his small beard gently then he looks at me. Yeah, I know what you think. What a monster, right?

This whole thing was way too stupid. I can't believe I accept Farner's proposal. If I killed those guys yesterday, we certainly wouldn't be here.

"Then, I won't give a verdict now. Instead. Each class will choose a representative and they will fight. The winner will have an advantage on my final decision."

"But, headmaster the omega class…"

"I know. The heroes won't be allowed to participate. And the alpha class have the permission to hire somebody from outside the school as well."

"I see. Thank you, headmaster."

"It won't be a fight to death so don't go and hire some bloodthirsty fiend to bring them to my school."

"Of course, headmaster. I would never."

Your smile suggests otherwise though.

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