Chapter 176 - CHAPTER 176: DOGS’ FIGHT

This voice…To think that you of all people would be the one to save me. It's frustrating.

"Sis, are you okay?!!"

After the appearance of the dome of light. People appear to our side. Rebecca, William, Excia, Roxcia, some knights from the church, and even Frankher. All of them are wearing fancy and incredibly beautiful armors. Even Rebecca who has a long robe has a white armor on top of it.

Seeing as I didn't even hear them coming, they must have teleport here, I guess. Roxcia and Excia are the first to run to Farner who still hasn't managed to heal her wound. The others all jump in front of us and face the monster.

Only Rebecca stays at my left side.. She is glowing like the sun while holding onto something with her hand on her chest. The other hand being raised to the sky.

"This is…this is so good!! Lowly worm!! You have managed to bring me all the heroes. Such a joyful moment!! I could almost forget the hear-"

Before the monster finishes talking, he receives a lightning ball from Frankher right in the face.

"To think a Longinus can even speak. Such madness cannot be tolerated."

"You can say that again."  William advances with another knight who has the exact same armor as him. They draw their swords together, him his two-hand sword and the other a one-hand long sword. Then, they both pounce on the monster and cut his horse's feet. As it falls, Frankher shoots two others lightning balls.

The monster doesn't even get the chance to scream. Or so it looks like. Right before the lightning ball can reach it, the whip acts and lashes them away. Then the crossbow also moves and targets William who manages to escape just in time, though it grazes his hair.

The cut feet reappear like nothing and the monster stands back up.

"You lowly worms really are impatient. But no matter, I don't have the time to deal with you."

He raises his sword and finally, the portal that appeared earlier opens. The black mass starts turning like a whirlwind and from it, Longinus pours out right on top of us. But before they can even reach the height of the forest, they hit the dome of light and most of them disappear on the spot, leaving only their crystals that rain on us. But some still manage to avoid it and land near the monster.

William and the other knight comes back inside the dome and we all watch as dozen of Longinus start agglomerating in front of us.

"Still not done?"

"It's okay. I am almost finished."

Roxcia is treating Farner's wounds. It seems they were more serious than I thought. The green light emitted is so intense I can see its glow even though it is emitted behind me. That's quite the healing Roxcia is using.


After a minute or two, the portal closes and disappears. At least a hundred Longinus are encircling us now. There Sloins, vanguards, Prators. The whole bunch of ugly faces is there.

"And now, I will taste the heroes' blood again. I can't wait!!"


The monster points his sword at us and all of them moves like a single mind.

"There!!! I am done!!"


As soon as Roxcia says she is done with Farner's treatment. The dome of light disappears.


Rebecca screams something and all our surroundings start shining. No, not just our surroundings, the whole area, the whole forest is shining like we are in plain day.


All the vanguards that I saw approaching and even some Sloins get instantly disintegrated. The others slow down and wriggle like worms exposed to an intense light. Smoke also emanating from their bodies.

"Don't underestimate me, Longinus." Rebecca points her finger at the Longinus commander who doesn't seem to be affected by the light like the others. "You will be cleansed today!"

Like they were waiting for that signal, all the knights start moving, even William. They reach all corners and start massacring the Longinus that are suffering from the light. After that, the heroes all come and stand in front of me.

"Now, you leave everything to us and don't move, okay?"

"Farner, you are acting way too smug for somebody who just got wrecked."

"I didn't get wrecked, Excia!!!"


"I didn't!! I simply…"

"Anyway. Let's go."

They all move forward with great speed towards the Longinus whose eyes have started to change color.

"The heroes…The heroes…I must taste…the blood…The sweet and delicious…KRIEEKKK!!!!"

The Longinus screams again, more powerfully this time. Then black strings appear all around him. Wary of it, the heroes stop and step back a little but the black strings all attach themselves around the Longinus, creating a sort of cocoon.

"I should go in as w-"

I try to move but my body doesn't answer. My arm, my leg, even my neck. Nothing answers, nothing moves. Even my eyelids barely close and when they do, it is incredibly hard to reopen them. I think I know why. I must have lost too much blood. Although my wound should be closing rather rapidly, I still took a lot of hits. Plus, the pain from my burnt arm hasn't subsided at all. It's just that, I am so tired I don't even feel it that much anymore.

While I am pondering over what to do, a green light abruptly engulfs me. Looking at Rebecca, her hand pointed in my direction is the only clue I need to know what she is doing.

"Stay put while I-"

"Stop this!!"


"Stop it right now!!! I would rather die than getting saved by you!!"

"Hey, don't angry me!! I am not in the mood for-"

"I said STOP IT!!"

The green light stops as she lowers her hand.

"I will have you answer for this later."

"Go to hell!"

She stops looking at me and focuses back on the heroes' fight.


"Rah!! Take this!!"

"Watch out for the bolts!!"

"Roxcia!! The whip isn't slowing down!!"

"I know already!!"

Anyone seeing the current scenery would believe the sky has fallen on earth. It is a full deluge of Angas's scripts versus Regas. Excia and Roxcia are bombarding the monster with arrows and scripts while Farner pummels him with sword attacks. Not only that, they are constantly shining. It seems Rebecca is somehow boosting them seeing how she extremely focused on them. Everywhere else, you can see William and the knights taking care of the Longinus who try to offer a resistance but barely manage to.

That monster is really strong. I am bewildered by how he manages to take on the three heroes buffed by the saintess without flinching. I can't believe I manage to take him on alone and even retrieve two cores from him. Does it mean I am stronger than the four of them reunited?





Seeing all three of them unleash absolutely destructive scripts, I immediately erase those thoughts from my head. Let alone the path to victory from Farner, the Justice arrow Excia just unleashed is like a mortar. It seems to be made of lightning and light Angas seeing the way it shone and moved in zigzag. The explosion it created is really flashy and loud.

Roxcia's elemental fury is made of all elements. They all blend into a storm that engulfed the monster. It didn't look too impressive but it must be incredibly efficient.

"Waouh…" That was really powerful. The guy must be finished after that.

"Fucking heroes!!"

Or not. The monster emerges from the smoke of the explosion and runs to Excia who was the most far away from him. But Farner appears behind him and with another one of her flashy cuts, she slices off the arm that is holding the whip. The arm falls to the ground and disappears, letting a core appear.


Finally, they manage to take another core from him. Before he has the time to move or do anything else, Roxcia and Excia both bombard him again with arrows and scripts, giving Farner enough time to grab the core and launched it at Rebecca. She catches it delicately

Now that I think about it, I have two of his cores with me. Can't I…

"Cissa, what do you think?"

"Why not? The power contained inside will certainly help you recover faster. But since it is more concentrated. You should be careful."


A wave of Regas hits us all like the shockwave of an explosion. All the heroes are pushed back as the monster emerges from the girls' attack barrage. Just like before, layers of black strings cover him. But this time, it doesn't last.

"Oh no!! You don't!"

When he did that earlier, the heroes let him act and he came back with his strength anew. This time, they can't let him do the same. They all start attacking the ball of Regas but to no avail. It doesn't break, doesn't falter.

I should prepare as well. Seeing how the fight is going. They might need my help. I give my all and release my raizen which was my only support and fall to the ground like a rock. My body is really in a pitiful state. I can barely move my hand and my vision is blurry.


I can still their voices, though. However, I can't seem to speak. I try to make a sound but my mouth just doesn't obey. Ah, fuck it.

Thankfully, my functional arm was the one where I put my bracelet. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if it was on the one that got burnt. I infuse it with the small amount of Angas that I have left and one of the cores comes out. I try to move my hand to take it and put it in my mouth but I can't. Shit.

"Argh!!" I crawl to the ground like a real worm, using my chin, and then bite on the core with a bit of dirt as well. At the same time as I do, I hear the cocoon exploding.


But a sweet nectar invades my mouth at the same time. It is so sweet it feels nauseating. Then my mind drifts and everything turns black. I can hear or see anything.

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