Chapter 183 - CHAPTER 183: THAT DAY, HE BECAME A STAR (1)


Today, I wake up as usual before the sun. Yesterday was a normal day, tomorrow will certainly be a normal one as well. I go to the kitchen and cook today's breakfast before anybody wakes up. Soon after me, aunty Claire wakes up as well and goes outside to train. She is really diligent. Ever since I was young, I have never seen her skip her training even once when I came to see her with my parents. And even now, she still does the same.

"Good morning, dear."

"Good morning, mother Claire."

She insisted that I call her mother and not aunty when there is nobody around ever since I came after the death of my parents. It was certainly out of benevolence but instead, it reminds me of what happened every time.. She keeps saying that time heals all wounds but I don't think I will ever get over this one. Which reminds me…

"It's today, right?"

"What? Ah, yeah... Yes, it is today."

"I see."

Two days ago, a messenger from the king came to our house. From the official document he read to us, we have been invited to a ceremony hold by the king himself where Kevin will become a noble.

"I still can't believe it. He is truly lucky, I think."




"What is it? You seem somehow troubled."

"No, it's nothing. Please don't worry about me."

"What would I do if didn't at least do that? Are you trying to strip me of my only pleasure?"

Mother Claire comes to me and pinches my cheeks.

"Are those cute hamster-like cheeks trying to bring me to tears, huh???"

"No, mother, of course not."

"Good. I will go and wake up Frank. Let's eat and go to the market. I want to buy something for Kevin."


I don't know why, but I somehow feel uncomfortable around him. Ever since that evening, I felt like something was wrong. Like there was something hidden somewhere that had to be discovered, somewhere, somehow.

Not only that, but that goujat didn't even try to apologize or calm me down when I showed him I was angry. He just kept coming here like we never had any problem. Such a hypocrite. Not only that, he even brought the heroes with him the other times he came as well. He is the most insensitive guy ever.


After the sunrise. People starts coming out; we leave as well, all dressed for the event. Outside the house, a carriage awaits us. It has the royal insignia on it, a dragon's head pierced by a sword. The symbol of Syldavie.

We get inside and the messenger who was here two days ago is inside.

"I hope you all slept well."

"Yes, we did, thank you. And you?"

"I have tried to. My job, sadly, requires you to be a light sleeper."

"I see, just like my husband then."

Mother Claire immediately engages a conversation as soon as we are inside. Our destination is outside the city, a two-hour trip from Mercuria to the next town: MAKENZ. It's a fortified city that looks more like fortress than a city. In fact, long ago, I heard that the royal sought refuge there after an attack. Ever since then, it became their place. Just like me. I wonder if they felt helpless as well. If somebody saved them only to break their hopes in the end. Surely not, right?


"We have arrived."

Mother Claire wakes me up gently. I didn't even notice I fell asleep. When we get off the carriage, I find myself the fortress. The gigantic grey walls are really impressive. The carriage stops inside a sort of garden with a lot of trees around and a single alley made of marble stone leading to a magnificent castle at a distance.

We walk while admiring the scenery around us, fountain sculpted on the stone in place, flower's beds all around with tulips and roses.

"The smell here is incredible."

"Right. If only we could take some flowers for the house."

"Oh, but you can. Once you leave, you can take some with you."

"Really, thank you!"

Mother Claire smiles genuinely while slapping the messenger's back. I did appreciate the smell but I didn't really mean to bring them back. Oh, well, as long Mother is happy.


Inside the castle, we are brought to the rear part of it. There we find people already waiting as well. The heroes are here, obviously, but even the Saintess. No, wait, even the high-commander of the eternal army is here. Kevin, who are you really?!!

In front of all those officials and important figures, we all feel crushed and goes to a corner of the terrace. The other side of the terrace is just the void, with the forest below. This castle is higher than I thought.

"Hello, guys."

While I was admiring the scenery, somebody comes and greet us. When I turn my head, I directly face the heroes. All three of them have come to see us.

"Oh, hello."

"Why are you guys staying on the corner like that?"

The heroes are all exceptionally beautiful. They are all wearing the same golden-colored dress but each of them has a different style. Miss Farner's dress is reaching her knees and has no sleeves or attaches. It fully reveals her crystalline shoulders and her bountiful breasts are squeezed enough inside to be emphasized without being vulgar.

Miss Roxcia's dress reaches her feet and has long sleeves. It doesn't reveal anything but the way it sticks to her body is still enough to make her look elegant. Miss Excia has a dress that reaches her knees as well. It has short sleeves and there is an opening on the left side of the skirt. It makes the dress waves as she walks, revealing her smooth leg from time to time.

Miss Farner grabs my hand and the other heroes do the same with mother Claire and Father Frank.

"Come with us. It's boring staying all alone." They drag us to a place near a table with a buffet. Then three maids come to us and give each of us a dish with some cakes and other things as well as a glass of wine.

"Thank you."

The maid simply nods after I thank her and goes back to the table.

"So, have you guys heard?"


Miss Farner starts talking to mother Claire while I taste the small cake that looks like a pie.

"Kevin is going to be given a property. Don't you think it is wonderful?"

"Wait, really?"

I almost choke on the cake hearing that. He will receive a property? Not just a house but a freaing property?!! What did he do to deserve that? That guy who can barely anything aside from gragora's meat!!

"Cough…Cough…" I gulp down the wine I was given.

"Are you okay?"

"Are you serious?"


"About the property."

"Huh, yes." Oh hell, my head is spinning. I drank that wine too fast.

"That guy who can't even cook anything besides gragora's meat, who doesn't even turn around when a girl changes, who doesn't mind his body odor even after a week without bathing, who-Hmph!! Hmph!!"

Mother Claire's hand covers my hand before I can say more and then holds me by the stomach.

"Please forgive her. She must have had too much wine."

"Oh, we don't mind. We badmouth him as well sometimes."

"You mean you do."

"You did it too, Excia."

"Me, never. Roxcia, however."

"Like I ever even talked about him."

"Oh please, don't play your innocent little self with us. You did it as well."

"Oh yeah, when?"

The heroes start arguing with each other. Later, four knights come to the terrace and place themselves in pairs on each side of the entrance. As they do, everyone stops talking and looks at the entrance.

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