Chapter 213 - CHAPTER 213: SHE IS MINE

"You better explain how you created that script later; you hear me?!"

Smith finally leaves the stage. Albert comes to me. he seems joyful as well.

"You surprised me."

"Eh? Really?"

"Yes. You don't really have a particular talent for the raizen but with this…Indeed, you might be more interesting than I thought."

"If you say so." Even Albert's reaction is different than what I except.

"Anyway, seeing your performance just now, you have the choice between two classes: ANGAS SLAYER or…"


"Well, the other class is a mage class but seeing as you are fighting with weapons, I wonder if I should really tell you about it."

"What class is it? Don't leave me hanging."


"Wait, just that?" I thought the name would be way more impressive.

"Your class isn't here to be impressive. It has a purpose. Calling you an elements master means you can use at least four elemental Angas with high proficiency."

"And how do you know I can? I just use a single bullet."

"You may deceive other eyes but not mine. That 'bullet' of yours contained more than three types of elemental Angas, right?" Yep, this guy saw right through it.

"Shit. Your eyes are way too sharp for an old man."

"I told you I am not that old!"

Albert smacks my head then turns around, looking at Lanuvel and the others who seem completely captivated right now. They are all piercing me with their gaze, like they wish to see right through me, right inside of me.


The group starts clapping their hands as soon as Albert closes his mouth. Were they waiting for it or something? Even Germinia is clapping her hands, though she seems reluctant. She isn't even looking at me and just focuses on Lanuvel.


After that, we all go back to the dorm and as we enter, I notice that Germinia's eyes are sticking to me. Even when I look at her, she doesn't look away. From what she is thinking, it seems I left a deep impression on her. Even more so because I looked so weak in her eyes. I hope you learned your lesson. I smile at her but her face just darkens a bit.

We enter the omega dorm and find Judy and Velvet inside. Her face changes as soon as she sees me and she stands up and goes back upstairs. Well, another one who doesn't like me.

"What did you do this time?"

"Nothing." And of course, Lanuvel noticed she went upstairs right after seeing me.

"He is lying." Thank you Esteressa. You are the best…

"I am not."

"Then why did she leave?"

"Because I told her the truth."

"Telling the truth to people doesn't chase them away." Oh, in some cases, it does. I can't even imagine how you will react after I will tell you the truth.

"Why do you even care about this guy?" Like the wind that enters the home after you forgot to close your window and break one of the porcelain dishes that you left hanging, Germinia enters the conversation and even places herself right next to Lanuvel.

"You are really rude, you know."

"I have a question." She doesn't mind what I say and just continues on her own.

"You will ask no matter what I say so…"

"Are you and Lanuvel possibly together?"

"W-what? Germinia!! What is your problem?" Lanuvel blushes and punches her lightly. But Germinia doesn't even act concerned. She is just looking straight up at me. Waiting for an answer with the seriousness of a bird of prey watching from the skies.

"Yes, we are." Seeing as nobody reacts, I guess it was known already.

"I see. Then what can I do for you to leave her alone."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I want her."

"WHAT?!!" Before I can't even react, the whole flock present has already broken the awkward silence that was created by our discussion. Lanuvel is especially flabbergasted by Germinia's sentence.



"What do you mean?! I don't see you that way!! No, in the forst place, we are both girls!!" Lanuvel gets away from her and comes to me, placing herself right in front of me. Ah, there comes the smell again. Am I a pervert for enjoying her scent and Farner's like that? I don't think so but I should ask somebody later.

"I don't see you that way at all."

"Yes, I know. But that's only for now and because he is there. Once he leaves you alone, I am sure we will find a way. Besides, we have much in common."

"No, wait, wait, wait. First thing first. I don't like girls. I don't swing that way. How did it even come to this?"

"Ah, you are worried about children? Don't worry. The reason I am here is mostly because I won't inherit my father's 'sword', so to speak. My brother bested me during the inheritance tournament. So they won't care even if I have no children."

"But I care!!"

"Sigh... Then we can find one of brothers to-"

"I am not talking about that!!" It is no use, Germinia is way too persistent and blockheaded for Lanuvel to win this.

"So anyway, you are basically saying you want to have Lanuvel, right?" I butt in and cut Lanuvel in her explanation.

"Not basically, it is exactly that. Though I also want to fight you and experience that thing you used."

"You are quite greedy, you know?"

"I am true to my desires. That's all. So, I will do anything to realize them."

"That's not a bad attitude. But as far as Lanuvel is concerned," I grab her around the stomach and pulls her closer, so close our bodies are sticking to each other. Then I look at Germinia again whose face has distorted slightly, "she is mine."

"Oh…" I can hear Esteressa whispering something but since she is an idiot, I don't need to care.

"K-Kevin..." Lanuvel's ears are so red you could think she is bleeding.


"Y-you are holding me too tight."

"Oh, sorry." I release her and she immediately moves away. Though she still stays in front of me. "Anyway, you can't have her and that is that."

"Then let's fight. That way, once I win, you will have to give her to me."

"Okay, let's f-"

"Stop it!" Lanuvel screams so hard my eardrums ring for a few seconds after that. What is it?

"Don't worry. I am sure I will-"

"I said stop it!" I can feel the anger in her voice now. "I am not some trophy for you to fight over. I have my own reason and my own freedom of choice." She turns and looks at me with a red face and gentle eyes. "And my choices are my own to defend and justify, no matter the consequences."

"Okay." So, you want to fight her yourself? Have at it then. The only other time when I saw that determination in Lanuvel was when she told me to give her a chance. That night, there was a fire burning inside her eyes for sure.

"Meaning?" Apparently, Germinia hasn't understood what Lanuvel means. She turns towards her now and her voice sounds angry again.

"Meaning that if you have a problem with who I love and who I date. Then I shall be the one to prove their worth to you."

"How can you do that? I told you. That guy is weak. Even if I take that script of his into account, he is still too weak to defeat me. And a weakling doesn't have the right to anything."

"Is that how you see things?"

"That is what I was taught. And I believe it is the truth, yes."

"Then let us see if it is the truth." She advances to Germinia and stands right in front of her, looking straight into her eyes, her head shifts upwards, and her back slightly arched as if to give her more height.

Germinia is really tall. What did she eat to grow so tall? I thought of myself as tall but compared to her, I must look average at best. I wonder if all of her family's members are as tall.

"You will fight me?"

"Yes. I will fight you. And if I lose, I will consider your proposition. But if you lose, you won't ever, ever, talk about this or try to break my couple."

"I don't have a lot to win if you only consider it."

"You aren't in the position to have an advantage. It's either that or we all forget this whole thing and go back to be friends, no, acquaintances."

Lanuvel extends her hand. Germinia takes it and a gigantic smile appears on her face, like a devil which has obtained the soul of an innocent.

"Then you better consider it thoroughly."


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