Chapter 26 - CHAPTER 25: YOU CANNOT DO IT(1)


It's hot. It's so hot. Why do I feel hot even though I can't feel things? And where am I? Everything around me is just dark. My whole body feels like it is burning. Even breathing is hard; every time I inhale, my lungs hurt so much.


I crouch while holding my chest with my left hand and start crying. I scream and cry over and over. Calling for help. Ah. I forgot. I am alone. I am ALL ALONE in this world.. No one will come for me. I must fight. ALONE. I must VANQUISH and show them. I MUST SHOW THEM ALL!


"Mama, he is waking up!!"

When I open my eyes, the first I hear is the voice of another child. I look in the direction of the sound, and what I see is quite disturbing. A boy and a girl are sitting near me. They look at me all curious. Who are they? Where am I? This is not my room.

I look left and right, but I don't recognize this place. Was I kidnap again after I fainted? My body is heavy, and I can't move my neck properly. Same for the rest. Is this the after-effect of trying to awake Angas? Does it mean I have been able to do it? No, those are not important questions right now. I must first assess my situation.

"Where am I? Who are you? What do you want?" I look at the girl who is sitting in the chair. It seems the boy went somewhere while I was thinking. She seems confused after I have asked my questions. Did she not understand me?

"I have asked you-"

"Yes, I heard you." She finally speaks. She was not the one who shouted earlier.

"So, can you answer my questions?" I ask her again.

"My parents told me you should introduce yourself before asking for other people's names. You lack manners." Saying so, she sits straight on her chair, giving her a more dignified look.

"Where are we?" I don't have time to play with you, little girl with a weird haircut. How did they make her hair twirl around like that?

"You lack manners. Are you possibly a free citizen? Or maybe just a slave? One thing is for sure: you are not a noble." Who is this girl? The curtains behind her suddenly move.

"Oh, you are up now. How do you feel?"

A purple hair woman enters. She is wearing an open white coat. Underneath, she is wearing baggy trousers and a big shirt. I wonder who she is.

"Who are you? Where are we? What do you want?" Since the little one won't answer, let's ask the adult directly.

"You are quite the impatient one."

"Truly a rude person." The little girl comments after the woman. Like we asked you something!

"I am SECILY SILONIA. A doctor. And you, boy, are in the infirmary of the order of knights of Flolerl." I see, so I am still within the premises of the castle. "Also, you have been asleep for two weeks now. Your body was truly in a pitiful state and needed a lot of rest. All your muscles were damaged. Your bones, broken. And that's just the good news."

"What can be worse than that?" Is she serious? Damaged muscles and broken bones are good news.

It must be why I slept for two weeks then. I didn't get to sleep much since I have started my training anyway.

"The worst part is… Who granted you Angas?" Huh…What? "Normally, you cannot be granted Angas by a priest or a mage before you are ten years old. It would otherwise have unpredictable consequences on your body. Because you were granted Angas before 10, you have suffered from it. Your body temperature went way off the chart, and we had to stabilize your temperature as best as we could, or you would be dead right now." Using Angas before ten can kill you? Nobody told me that!! Not even that damn book!!

"I do not know who did it." It's better to tell her that.

"You don't know? Hm…" Secily is looking at me with doubtful eyes. I look back without avoiding her eyes. "Okay, if you say so. But, just so you know, you are not out of danger yet. You have lost a lot of water in your body, and you need to hydrate yourself a lot from now on. Also, learn to control your powers soon, or there might be more side effects."

"Okay, I understand. Also, you said 'we.' Who worked with you?" She did say they had to stabilize my temperature.

"Ah, it's her mother, your instructor." While saying so, Secily touches the little girl's head. She has been looking at me with scornful eyes since earlier but didn't say anything.

"You are Rose's daughter?"

"Yes, and you are a vulgar person. But I suppose your education is lacking. Your parents should be ashamed. Anyway, my name is Lanuvel, LANUVEL GRANDCROSS." She looks away after giving her name with a 'hmph.'

My parents should be ashamed? Well, I do agree with that. But for a different reason.

"I am Kevin KOERSOMBRE. Son of…" I stop right after that. I just can't say it after all. "I am just Kevin."

"You can't even give your parent's name. Truly a savage. Well, it's better this way, you must be ashamed of them yourself." She keeps hitting where it hurts. And this time, it doesn't feel good at all.

"Lanuvel, why are you like that? You aren't normally so mean." Secily asks her while patting her head. She should knock her down instead.

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