Chapter 260 - CHAPTER 260: THE TRUTH WILL HURT (1)

"We were lucky."

"You can say that again."

After I opened my eyes and saw Farner and Excia, I fainted once again. Now, I don't know how much time has passed but I have been in the inner soul with Two. We have talked about everything and nothing to pass the time but I can't seem to wake up no matter my efforts.

"I wasn't even wounded that much compared to the other time."

"Yeah, but your Angas got poisoned. That's a whole lot different."

"And so what? It's not like I can do anything about it."

"You don't need to. I can feel your dragon heart working to cleanse your Angas energy and your Angas flow throughout your body."

"So, Cissa hasn't abandoned me yet, then."

"I don't know if it is her doing but you should stop saying that she abandoned you. If she can hear it, she will be really upset."

"I will deal with it when the time comes."

"Like you did with Anriette."


"You know you fucked up back there, right?"

"I know but-"

"There is no but. From the moment you didn't tell her the truth, you should have been prepared for the consequences."

"It feels weird to be yell at by me."

"Don't change the subject."

"I know. I am not trying to."

"Then do the right thing. Once you wake up, talk to Lanuvel. Tell her the truth. And not just the truth, tell her everything. Even if she won't believe you and hate you. At least she will do so knowing why you did it."

"I know already. Stop pestering me about it."

"Right. See you then."



I blinked. I am sure I simply blinked. But when I opened my eyes back, it was in the real world. On a bed. In the middle of the night, once again.

"That damn…" You won't get away that easily Two. Wait until I get back there.

Unlike the last time I woke up like this, there is nobody by my side this time. I wonder why. I mean, it's not like I was expecting them to be here but I am a patient. At least, somebody should be there just in case.

Finally, I hear footsteps. Somebody, no, two people are coming. Good. There are some things I will have to confirm. I wait but the footsteps just pass by my room then continue until they fade away. It was just night guards? Tch!

I stand up from my bed then go to the door and open it. Now that I look at it, the room is a bit small. There is no place for something else except the bed and a very small table. I exit the room only to find a long corridor with doors on both sides. Ten doors on each side. The alley seems to go up on one side, the one the guards came from, and down on the other side. Let's go down then.

I walk down the stairs which are really well enlightened. You wouldn't need a torch or anything here. Then I arrive at another floor with the same configuration. I guess we are in a hospital of some kind. I walk down again but this time, it is a huge hall that I find. There are chairs everywhere to sit and it is lightened up as well.


On the left side of the hall, there is a receptionist, it seems. A man, a priest, judging by his hat and his robe.

"Hm, where are we exactly?"

"You have woken up already?!"

"Huh, yeah. I mean, I think so." Why does this guy look so surprised?

"I see, thank Meetia for such a blessing."

The guy comes from his desk and starts checking my body up and down. Meanwhile, the two guards I heard appear from the entrance of the hall.

"What is happening?"

"Call the head priest. Tell him that the Star of mercuria has woken up."

"Right away, Sir."

And just like they entered, they leave to go where the duty calls them.

"Please, Sir. Have a seat while we wait."

"Huh, okay. How long was I asleep by the way?"

"Hm…This is the night of the fifth day so tomorrow was going to be the sixth. But from your wounds and the state of your Angas, we estimated it would have taken longer."

"And where are the heroes? I think they are the ones who saved me, right?"

"They aren't here but don't worry, you will-"

"Where is he?"

A woman arrives in big strides and walks to me like an arrow through the chairs after the guards from earlier opened the entrance door.

"Are you okay? Is there any remaining wound? Do you still feel pain somewhere?"


That woman starts inspecting my mouth like it is the core of the problem. Only after I try to say no does she leave it alone and inspect other areas.

"Master, I have checked his body earlier. I don't think there are any other wounds that remain. Externally at least."

"I see. Good. Good. We didn't receive such a case in a long time so it should be handled with care. It is also a good exercise for the future."

"I understand, Master." Is she treating me as a guinea pig?


"Yes, I know. My name is Djibril Highlander."

"Highlander?" Wait, for real? "You are…"

"Yes, I am Alphonse and Germinia's aunt." Aunt…I was going to say mother.

"Their aunt, huh…okay."

"I was expelled of the family due to being weak but I guess you know how it works already. You did great at the tournament by the way. I was really surprised to see somebody so young fighting on par with Alphonse."

"Excuse me but where are we?"

"Oh dear, would you look at me, rambling like an old lady. We are at the special medical center of the eternal army, its hospital, sort of. It is located near the kingdom of Sacoxs."

"I see." Then the others aren't near here for sure.

"Don't worry. I have sent an informant already. Your headmaster will certainly come tomorrow since it is the middle of the night. For now, you need to rest."

"No, I-" The Djibril places her finger on my mouth.

"Hm-mhm. I said you need to rest. Nothing you want to know will be lost by tomorrow, right?"


"Good. See you tomorrow morning then."

She smiles gently then leaves, followed by one of the two guards.


The next morning find me awake. I go down the stairs and sit in the hall, on the side near the entrance door. Just in case that woman comes back and tells me to go back to sleep. I have slept too much and there isn't much time.

If Tatiana is alive, I should find her and the best clue for that is the order of knights of Flolerl. I must go back there. I was planning to pay a visit to Veronica and Demether for a long time and I would have certainly done so if Frankher didn't convince me not to.

Though I must admit he was right, seeing how easily Tatiana took care of me, if I went there back then, I would have died a dog's death.

But now, I am different. I am stronger. I am sure of it. Plus, if I don't go, I won't know what she did to my draconic powers.

I hear footsteps coming, a lot of them, then the door opens brutally and a mass of people enter. Farner in front, followed by Lanuvel. As soon as I see Lanuvel, my heart hurts. I am reminded that it is time. The time to tell the truth is here. And this time, I better not run away.

"Where is he?!" They really didn't notice me when they entered. I chose a good spot, I guess. Though it is backfiring in their case.

While they go to the receptionist and asks for my room number. Frankher then enters, together with most of the group: Cordel, Peter, Keltia, Esteressa…Germinia and Roxcia are the last ones to enter.

"You don't look too eager to see him."

"You neither."

Well, it seems they are getting along. While they are talking, Germinia is the one who notices me and nods slightly with her head. I guess that her greetings. I thought she was going to act as if she didn't see me. She has changed quite a bit. Is it still because I fought against her brother?

I wave my hand to greet her back and that's when Roxcia turns around and sees me. Her first reaction is to sighs as if she is already tired. Well, considering the diverse reactions will are going to take place now, I guess she isn't wrong.

"Why are you hiding?"

"Good morning, Roxcia."

"Yeah, goo-"


Before she can answer my greetings, Farner's voice resounds powerfully through the hall as he sees me.

"Hey, guys."

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