Chapter 262 - CHAPTER 262: THE TRUTH WILL HURT (3)

"Sniff…And you…Sniff…Did he say something?"

"No. I am sorry."

"Stop with the sorry. You are just a monster!!"

She slaps me a first time, then a second, a third…after the tenth time, she stops as her hands are red and trembling.


"I told you to stop saying," this time, she forms a fist filled it with Angas. She throws her fist but stops right before hitting me. "Stop. Stop saying you are sorry."

"I am sorry.."

"Ahaha…You really are one son of a bitch."

Lanuvel stands up and takes the key she threw earlier, then leaves my room, even forgetting her coat. Now, I just need to wait for my judgment.


I waited for the whole night for guards or knights but nothing. By the next morning, only the guards patrolling came by and close my door.

Around midday, somebody knocks on the door the enters, Frankher, followed by Smith and the headmaster of Nivalneilhm's school: Thobias, enter my room.

"You haven't brought the guards?"

"Guards?" They didn't bring in any guards? I read their minds and to my surprise, none of them seems to know a single thing. How come?

"Why would we need to bring guards, young lad?" Thobias speaks while stroking his beard. "Did you perhaps do something wrong?" He looks at me for a minute then smiles.

"No, I…"

"It's okay. I am just teasing you. In any case, I will be brief so as to let you rest. We have come to inquire about your abduction. More specifically: if you Mohana academy was involved."

"They weren't, sir. At least, not directly I think."

"Are you sure? Maybe you don't recall everything that happened." Frankher seems really convinced that Mohana has something to do with this. Maybe he isn't wrong but…

"I am sure, sir. Those who kidnapped me…It's better if we talk about it in private."

"I see. In that case, there is no need to conduct an official trial, I guess." Thobias turns around, ready to leave. Wait, perhaps it is not bad to send part of the blame on them. If their students are the same as Anriette, then it won't be long before I am attacked again.

"No, wait, Headmaster Thobias."


"Although they aren't directly related to my abduction. I still think it is necessary to have them go through a trial."

"Oh…Just out of personal grudges?"

"No, sir. I cannot say why, but I am convinced that they are hiding something. And If I am right, it will be a disaster by the time we act."

"Is that so…" The headmaster strokes his beard with such frenzy it would probably fall off at any moment. His eyes peering into mine for a minute then closing slowly. Then as he opens his eyes, he continues walking outside my room.

"You can go too, Smith. Sir Thobias might need your help to make the necessary arrangements."

"Yes, headmaster."

Smith leaves while closing the door.

"Now, to us. Let's hear what you wanted to tell me."

"It was Veronica's assassin that kidnapped me." Frankher's eyes instantly open like that of an owl.

"This is a very grave accusation. You do realize that?"

"Yes, sir. Which is why I couldn't just blurt it out just like that."

"How would you know it was an assassin sent by the Flolerl. We didn't find any convincing pieces of evidence on the site. The only thing that we found which was identified were the remnants of the armor of the captain of the guards of Mercuria: Claire Kagar. We first thought they were there to mislead us."

"No, she got captured and killed together with her husband. Anriette Kolil as well."

"But why? this doesn't make any sense. Unless…" Frankher places his finger on his nose and starts scratching it a bit. "I see. They were people related to Nargil incident. She must have done something there that she wanted to cover up. But then that I would mean you were there as well."

"I…I was, sir."

"I see. That explains everything then. But still, I cannot order a trial just like that. After all, aside from you, there are no other witnesses. Besides, the Flolerl have more power than ever now with Demether Floras as the king. Even just sending the word about this would result pretty badly."

"Sir." I grab Frankher's sleeve. I cannot let this go. For Anriette, for Claire and Frank, I must avenge them! All of them!! "Veronica Flolerl is conducting dangerous experiments on humans based on crystals. I have seen the results of it. we must not let this continue or we are doomed."

"I see." Frankher's eyes lit like a fire and he stands up straight. "Give me the night to think then."

"Thank you, sir."

"It's nothing."

Frankher goes and as he grabs the door's knob, I remember that I should ask him about Lanuvel.

"Sir, did Lanuvel tell you anything?"

"Miss Nikitis? Ah, well, how do I say it…" She didn't tell him anything? "The only thing I can say is that relationships aren't as easy to handle as a weapon. So, do not forget what it is that you fight for or you might end up losing what is truly important."

He leaves and closes the door behind him. I can't believe it? she didn't tell them? Why?


During the late evening, I now receive the visit of the heroes and Keltia.

"The others left all left by the way. Since you will be discharged in a week. It's better for us to continue with our class normally." Keltia immediately informs me of the situation, though I didn't ask.

"I see. That's…good, I guess."

"You really are an animal, right?" Roxcia insults me without any kind of introductions. No subject was presented beforehand, no nothing.

"Roxcia, stop."

"No, I won't. I am tired of seeing her…I am tired of seeing you guys worried to death about somebody who has forgotten the meaning of life. Moreover, he doesn't even care about you! Why can't you see it?!!"

Roxcia explodes with everything, unloading the weight on her heart while looking angrily at Farner.

"Have you finished?" On contrary to what I thought, Farner looks calm enough. I thought she would be more shaken. Though I don't even know why all this is happening.

"Yes. Yes, I am finished."

"Then know that the answer to everything you just said is love. I love this guy. That's the only thing that matters. Just like Lanuvel does."

"Then you two are truly stupid."

"I don't care."

"Hey!" I break off their conversation and they turn towards me with various expressions. "I don't know what this is about but stop insulting them."

"You sneaky little rat."

"Stop it Roxcia. You can't win this one. It will just end up like when you told the pope about their relationship."

"Excia, why don't you say anything? You can see it too, right?!"

"This guy is certainly a crazy warrior, unaware of the simple common sense known as fear, and as stupid as a brick when it comes to taking care of himself," She sighs deeply then looks at me with a sincere smile, "but concerning his feelings, I can't say. Yet."

"Then Lanuvel's tears mean nothing to you?"

"She said herself that she would need some time to sort her feelings. She never said she doesn't love him."

"That's what she said?"

"Yeah. I don't know what you guys talked about but the only thing she told us afterward was that she needs some time alone to sort her feelings and that you guys decided to put a hold on your relationship."

"I…I see."

"Why are crying?" Farner approaches me and grabs my head with her hands. "You don't have to worry. It will be okay. Everything will be okay. Have faith."

Once again, this girl's words…No, not just her words, what Lanuvel has done…My heart is beating so fast right now I think I might faint again.


"It's okay. It's okay."

Without knowing why, I start crying and Farner places my head on her chest. I think she is patting my head as well.

"This is stupid. If you guys want to suffer so bad, suit yourself. But don't say I didn't warn you."

I hear Roxcia leaving the room. Now that I think about it, Keltia hasn't said anything at all. She must hate me as well.

"Sigh…Why can't you guys just be sincere? You are doing the same mistakes as my father. And I already know how it will end at this rate."

Finally, she speaks but what she says is disturbing.

"But you also know that it is not easy, right?"

"I know but…"

Keltia engages in a conversation with Excia while Farner is determined on maintaining me in that position until I calm down. It's not like I don't want to but my body is trembling for no reason and it doesn't stop.

In the end, do I really deserve this? Lanuvel has forgiven me but is this the end? Can I really consider myself free? No, there is one last thing I must do. One last thing I will have to do. I must find Tatiana and recover my powers.

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