Chapter 279 - CHAPTER 279: OREGON (1)

The next day, the sun finds me in the church of Mercuria. I am sitting on the stair of the entrance, waiting for them to open their doors. K'nor is waiting with me since we will go together. Soon after the sunrise, they do so and I greet the four priests after they are done pushing the needlessly gigantic doors.

"I would like to the high commander."

"Star of mercuria?... This way, please."

We go upstairs then go to the left and take another set of stairs. At the top of them, a door, slightly decorated. The priest knocks on it four times in a rhythmic manner then opens it..

"Please, he will receive you."

I enter the room and it looks a lot like Frankher's office.

"Dragonroad. You have come then."

Dilt is with the pope. A bunch of papers is disorderly thrown on the desk and they are both drinking tea or whatever while sitting on the set of couches on the side of the office.

"Enjoying the first ray of sunlight I see."

"Not really, we spend all night here so…"

"I have come for the inquisitor offer."

"Oh, so quickly." The pope smiles with his teeth out and sips his drink again. "I would have thought you would take a week to decide."

"Not if that woman is involved."

"Why is that? Being kidnapped isn't so dramatic."

"Not in his case, no."

"I see. In any case-"

"Before I accept, I need a clear understanding of what you guys want from me." Those two are acting as if I am not even here. I don't want to become their lapdog or the pawn in their games.

Thinking of games, I never tried reading the pope's mind. I look at the pope and thankfully, there is a golden line above his head. Good, now I won't be disadvantaged.

'Now, we have somebody we can use who is strong enough to find her.'

"Well, your role is as we explained yesterday. But if you still not sure," Dilt stands up and goes to his desk. He then takes a sheet of paper there and gives it to me, "here are the different requirements and perks of an inquisitor."

I read the document and nothing seems different from what they explained. While reading, I peek at the pope's mind again and hear something a bit disturbing.

'If that woman really knows about N'donkeu and Maria, then it is imperative that we captured her.'

N'donkeu and Maria? Have I not heard those names…Suddenly, I feel dizzy and my strengths leave me. I almost fall to the floor from dizziness.


"Are you okay?"

"It's…It's nothing. I must be hungry." What the fuck was that just now?

"Fufufu. A soldier who forgets to have his meal. You won't last long on the battlefield."

"Is that so? I accept the offer anyway."

"Good. Bring this paper to commander Stephan. He will handle the rest of the paperwork then you will transfer to Oregon." Dilt stands up and brings out a ring. A white one. The metal is completely white. "It is a small town at the borders of Titanium. We believe there is a group of conspirators there. Once you find them, you should be able to trace your way up to Tatiana, we hope."

"I see." I take the ring he hangs over but I don't put it on. What the pope just thought tells me not to.

"This ring contains a protective script directly applied by the previous Saintess. It is one of the artifacts of the church and is priceless."

"Still, you are giving it to me so simply."

"Because the task at hand is enormous." The pope inserts a comment on our discussion but his mind is telling me far more.

"Once you are in Oregon, there is a group of mercenaries that Nivalneilhm has allocated to us. They will be your teammates throughout your mission. You will also go there with a high-priest who will be in charge of healing your group and reporting to us here."

"I understand."

"Good luck then."

"Thank you."

You guys really take me for a fool, huh.

"Don't lose the ring. It is far more valuable than your life."


I read the pope's mind a last time before just to make sure of my suspicion. Basically, those two want to capture Tatiana because she might know something about a certain N'donkeu and Maria. So, they are not even interested in the fact she is using humans as experiments. And why do those names sound so familiar?


The commander Stephan was quite the friendly guy. Or he tried to act like it. I read his mind and he is on in Dilt's plan as well. In any case, he gave me a bracelet to store my things, an orb, a new compass bracelet, and an armor that I won't need since Frankher told me that he had my armor and my raizen repaired. I didn't know he had them. Maybe I should have taken them back before we went to Onklah. Hm…nah, it wouldn't have changed much.

I walk back to the entrance and wait for the priest as the commander told me. K'nor hasn't moved from where he was. You are a good boy, K'nor. Soon, an old man comes. Actually…


"So, it's you they are sending." This old man. He is the one who healed me with that little girl when I fought against Cordel. "Aren't you in charge of the infirmary of the eternal academy?"

"Not anymore. I left somebody else in charge."

"I see. I am sorry but I don't know your name."

"Eduard. Eduard Toriks."

"Kevin Dragonroad. This is K'nor. Let's get along."


"Likewise." We shake hands then I bring my orb out.

"Is it going to bring us directly to Oregon?"

"Yes, you didn't ask the commander?"

"No. I forgot." More like I didn't want to.

"Well, try to forget fewer things then. We will have to meet somebody there to reconfigure the orb. Right now, it is only set to bring us to the outskirts of Oregon. We should have it set for Mercuria as well."

"But you have one as well, right?"

"No, I don't." You are lying. Though I don't see why. Oh well.


Engulfed in the blue light, I find myself in front of a small house when the teleportation process ends.

"This is the secret base of operations we have established for this area. It if officially a lumberman's hut. Remember it well."


We then enter the hut and Eduard removes a carpet from the floor and exposes a trap door. He opens it and we enter. The trap door isn't big enough for K'nor to enter as well so we leave him here.

"I will come soon, okay?"


Below the hut, there is a big room with chairs and a table on the left side. It is big enough to contain eleven chairs. On the right side, there are some blankets lying on the floor with pillows.

Right now, there are seven people in the room. One of them seems oddly familiar as well.

"Those are the mercenaries sent by Nivalneilhm. I suppose they can be trusted but let's be careful."

The guy who seems to be familiar to me stands up after Eduard said to be careful and spits out the chicken's bone he had in his mouth.

"What? We look suspicious to you? Is that it?"

"No, I simply said-"

Before he can continue, the guy throws a knife at him. I catch it mid-way and send it back. Maybe because he was surprised, the guy doesn't move and it cuts his cheek. The other guys stand up as well and we rapidly find ourselves facing seven mean-looking guys. Then the one I just wounded smiles and licks the blood flowing from his wound.

"Let's see what you guys have to offer then."


I use Overwhelming and not only the seven guys, even Eduard finds himself on the knees, breathing with great difficulties. 

"W-what is this?!"

"What is happening?!"

Some of the mercenaries look surprised while the guy I wounded and another one just looks at me silently. They don't seem to have trouble breathing but still are on their knees like the others.

"Y-you can stop now. I think they have learned the lesson." Eduard is suffering as well so I should leave it at that.

I stop my script and help Eduard to stand back up while the mercenaries painfully do the same.

"I hope you guys understand now. We are here to work together but it doesn't mean we will tolerate any improper behavior."

"Hey! Old man, you are the one who called suspicious first!" A mercenary replies to Eduard but when I look at him, he draws back a bit and almost bit his lip.

"it was be-"

"Let me speak, please."


"You guys are mercenary, right?"

"Yeah." Somebody answers but the mood is awkward. Still, Selene told me a lot of stories about mercenaries so I should make use of them now.

"Then what is the best between a whisky and a beer after a fight against a pack of famished gragora?"


"You didn't hear me? Is there maggots on your ears or something?"

"What are you doing, mister Dragonroad?"

"Hmph! It's obviously whisky. Gragora's blood smells too much to be washed off with a beer."

The guy I wounded answers with pride like an experienced warrior. I guess I have found a door to get along with them.

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