Chapter 284 - CHAPTER 284: I REMEMBER

One week after our intervention in Oregon, we are still at the base, awaiting new orders. The guys are drinking away most of the time and when we receive our pay three days after the mission, they even went back to Nivalneilhm to buy some more alcohol.

It may be because I am an inquisitor but I have received the double of what Eduard said we would have. Well, I don't really have anything to do with my money so I just stored it away. 

Today, like any other day, I went hunting with K'nor. Well, he is the one actually hunting while I just follow him from the skies. K'nor is really fast and he has already catch two rabbits. But surprisingly enough, he just killed them then munch a little bit of their meat and leave the corpse behind. Is he seriously snacking? 

"You arrogant little bastard." When I think of the time it was taking me to hunt Karnados, it just angers me to see him do that. 

Finally, K'nor speeds up a bit.. He must have found a good prey this time. After a while, he stops in front of… a pack of wolfiders? To my surprise, there is a whole pack of five wolfiders in front of him. Although none of them are as big as him, there is one that is about two-third of his size.

Well, this is interesting. I fly down and land near him. But I am greeted by a tense atmosphere and growling from the pack of wolfiders. K'nor is calm and simply watching with his tail and ears raised. The fur on his back is like a small forest of needles as well. On the other hand, none of the wolfiders from the pack is doing the same. 

It looks like there are two males in the pack. The biggest one and another one, way smaller,the smallest of the group in fact. The rest are females judging by the lack of visible genitals organs. None of them have the same color as K'nor. They all have that navy blue color, which is also beautiful.

"I wonder if any of them can use Wind Angas like you." I pat his head a bit but his dressed ears don't back down.

"Woof!" With a single bark, K'nor stops the growling of the pack which then scram like little children who just got scolded. 

After they are gone far enough, he finally goes back to normal and let me caress his fur as much as I want to. 

"Would you like to follow them, K'nor?" 

Just like me, you were discarded. Though in your case, it was by fear of your strength whereas I was simply weak. Perhaps you would like to have a family.

K'nor simply licks my hand then turns around and starts running again. Then there is the sound of wind ball script being used. He comes back three minutes later with a sort of snake big enough for its neck to fill K'nor's mouth. Half of the creature's head is blown off, surely the effect of the wind ball. It is almost two times my height.

"What is that?" I have never seen such a huge snake before.


"Wow, capt', where did you find that?" When we come back with the huge snake, the guys who were having a barbecue, all come to K'nor as he releases the snake from his mouth. The thing falls heavily to the ground and a bit of blood scatters around. 

"You know what this is?" I ask Willhem since he seems to be the most interested.

"Of course, that a mangradora. It's me, man!" I see, so that's a mangradora. The thing that killed Tatiana and almost got me as well. If it wasn't for…If it wasn't for…


"Captain!! What is wrong?!!"

Suddenly, my head hurts. It hurts so bad I wish I could tear it apart to make it stop. It hurts so bad!! I start knocking my head on the ground to make the pain stop. I can't even hear what the others are saying. All I want is to get rid of this pain. Then suddenly…

'I am the first hero to who drove the Longinus to their extinction. Maria Saint Axelandria.'

Memories flash before my eyes as the pain fades away. 

'He doesn't belong here.'

'Kyaa! You are just as perverted as him!'

'You have no potential.'

'It cannot be a coincidence.'


As I hear one last thing from two voices I finally recognize, everything turns black.


"So, those names were familiar after all." 


"Two, what happened? Why did I not remember something so important?" No, I already the answer. But still, how did N'donkeu manages to seal it so tight I couldn't remember anything at all.

"The lid is open now anyway. Though, we can't go there by ourselves, It seems." 

"Wait, you mean you know how we can go back to that tower?" 

"Hm…Not much as know but more like he left something for us to use." 


"Just like the ability to read minds." 

"Ah, yeah. He did leave that as well. And so, what does it say?"

"The space they are in was sealed using all types of Angas as well as the divine power of the goddess through Maria. So to open a portal to that place. You must normally have that same kind of power blending up."

"Which is obviously wrong since I went there without any kind of divine power." 

"Or you need another kind of power. One that is at least as strong as Meetia's power." 

"Draconic? But I couldn't use it when it happened the first time. How could it have been the cause?" 

"Hey, don't ask me! How would I know? You should ask Cissa once she is back." 

"Yeah, once we find Tatiana and change whatever she did to me." 

"Now, the problem is why the pope and Dilt are looking for them as well." 

"Well, the strongest man ever who fought with the goddess herself and the first hero who helped him. I think the reason is pretty clear." 

"No, there must be more to it. Besides, in class, they told me the first hero was Genesis Saint Axelandria. If she isn't the first then it means history was rewritten. But why would the pope look for Maria who has been suppressed from history then? How does he even know about her?" 

"I told you not to ask me anything. You want answers. You know where you can get them. Besides, they are planning on using you to acquire those very answers, right?"

It's true. The ring Dilt gave me is able to, I don't know how, connect my mind with somebody else. Just like when I read minds. Though, in this case, the one on the other side will be the only one to know what I am thinking.

In the end, I have so many questions now that I don't know if it was a good thing to actually recover those memories.

"Whatever happens happens, right?"

"Yawn…" Two is about to sleep. I have seen it countless times but seriously… How can my subconsciousness fall asleep?


"Hey, captain! You okay?!"

When I wake up, only Hendrick is near me. We are inside the hut. Ah, no, correction, we aren't the only two in the house. Eduard is here as well. Sitting calmly on a chair, reading what looks like report. 

"Yeah, I am. Just felt a bit dizzy."

"You are overworking yourself from the get-go? You sure you can handle this?"

"I said I just felt dizzy. This is nothing."

"Is that so? You were asleep for three hours straight, you know? We even thought you got poisoned by that mangradora so we had to let you dry on the sun for a bit."

"Right. So, where is my share of the meat?" I want to taste that thing as well now. Though I don't even know why I am so curious.

"Your share? Your pet ate it, man."

"I don't believe you. You guys must have eaten it all without even thinking about me. You all are selfish!" There is no use lying. I already read your mind.

"Come on, man. You know meat will spoil if it stays unattended."


"Ahem." Eduard cuts us off abruptly. What does he want?

"Is there a problem?"

"Well, that depends. But first things first. The pope, his majesty the king and the high commander have been sending their regards concerning your successful mission."

"Wow, capt', you are one hell of a distinguished person!" Hendrick seems surprised. Did Eduard not tell them who I was. Though I am a nobody just like them as far as I am concerned.

"Well, I am a named as well, you know."

"Nah, man. Willhem is a named as well but no noble ever looked like he would even call him for a tea party or some of those shit."

Have you ever considered that it might be because you are always look bloodthirsty? No, I shouldn't say that. Not now at least.

"Anyway. That's not all, right?"

"Yes, indeed."

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