Chapter 290 - CHAPTER 290: CHILDHOOD’S SONG (2)

"Hey, capt'…You okay?" 

"I am not." 

Why did she have to sing that song? My heart hurts right now so much. One of the guys hands me a handkerchief which is dirty with grease and other things. When was the last time he washed this? 

"No, thanks." 

Let's leave them alone. I stand up and pass by Rebecca who doesn't stop singing. One of my tears fall on her hand while she sings. This is not only painful but it is irritating me as well. I had thought I was over and done with you but that song brought back unnecessary memories.



K'nor was sleeping right outside the camp so I go to him and lie down on his belly. He starts licking my face for a bit then return to his sleeping position. At least, with you, I can feel at ease. 

I close my eyes and try to sleep but those damn memories won't stop flashing back in my head. Why did she have to play the only song she ever sang for me and me alone when I was afraid. 

"Fucking hell!" 

It seems K'nor is worried about me. His tail keeps waving and touches my face multiple times even though he is not even looking my way. 

"Don't worry, I am okay." I grab his tail and place it on my chest. Time to sleep…

"There he is." …or not. Sadly, Her voice and K'nor raising his head tell me I am not about to sleep any time soon.

When I look, Rebecca is here, alone. Alone?

"You aren't with doggy?"


"Your protector."

"Ah! No, I am n…Wait, that's how you call him?!"

"Aren't you afraid that something might happen to you if you are alone?" 

"Fufufu. So you see him as a dog. It is insulting but funny enough so I won't scold you. But please call him by his name or his title in the future."

"Are you going to ignore to my question?"

"I am the Saintess, mister exstremely rude little crybaby. If I can't protect myself, then what can I protect?"

"No one." You couldn't protect your own son after all. "And what do you want then?" 

"My song. How was it?" 

"Horrible. I have never heard anything like that in my life."

"You are mean. I thought I did pretty good back there." 

Rebecca sits down near us without approaching K'nor who is watching her without growling. That's right, you come close and he will tear off that lying face of yours!

"I am just saying the truth."

"All truths shouldn't be said though."

"True. Some of them are parts of the past, therefore irrelevant."

"You speak just like William."

"Don't compare me to him." What are even doing here? "You should leave now before anything happens."

"Like you could do anything to me."

"You want to bet?" 

"Oh please, I have seen your eyes when you look at me. You love me too much to hurt me." This woman...

"You want to mess with me, huh…" I stand up and go to her but she doesn't move an inch. Even when I reach my hands to her neck, she doesn…No, she slowly extends her hands and grabs mine. "See, I knew it. You are afr…" 

Instead of removing my hands, she starts caressing them. What is she trying to do?

"Will it free you from your suffering if I die?"

"I am not in pain."

"Why are you crying again then?" 

I touch my face and she is right; tears are flowing from those stupid eyes of mine once again. What is wrong with this stupid body?!! 

"Dammit!" I smack my face a first time, then a second and third. I must bring everything back into order. This is the best chance I have to take revenge. I can't let it pass because…

Out of nowhere, Rebecca hugs me. I try to shake her off but she doesn't budge at all. Where does she find such a strength?

"Don't worry. You can cry all you want. Nobody will blame you right now. And if anybody does, I am here for y-" Finally, I manage to break free from her.

"You are here for me?! You?!!! Is that a joke?!!" How dare you of all people say that?!!!

"Why would I not?" She tries to touch my face again but I slap her hand.

"Why would you not?! Ahah…Ahaha!! Where were you for your son then?!!"


"Oh, you look surprised. You thought I didn't know?! You are just a fucking-"

Before I can continue, a stone comes to me with the speed of an arrow. I grab it then William appears behind me. Sadly for him, I heard him arriving. And I am not the only one.

I dodge his punch then kick him and while he sways a bit, K'nor pushes him to the ground, pressing his back with his paws.


"I would advise you against moving." 

"Protector…It seems I cannot trust you after all."

"You two cannot be trusted either way so…" 

"Rebecca, I didn't act to protect you."

"Why then?" 

"My uncle already had suspicions but from your conversation just now, I am sure of it now: this guy killed my…our son." So this is the conclusion you reached…Well, it is not that wrong.

"Why would you-"

"Then what?" They both look at me with surprise. "I did killed him. What are you going to do about it?" 


William deploys his aura and pushes K'nor away. But before he can touch me, Rebecca's characteristic light wall appears. That bee's nest form lookd really strong compared to other walls I have seen or the one I use.

"What are you doing, Rebecca?!!" 

"Stop. I didn't come here to fight. I told you to let me speak with him until the end and no matter the outcome. You have disobeyed to me twice now. Don't force me to strip you of your title."

William looks at Rebecca with incredibly cold eyes. For a few seconds, the atmosphere is silent, cold and tense. Then, he stops his aura, closes his eyes and lowers his head.

"I am sorry." 

"As long as you understand." 

"You have no right to avenge him to begin with." I don't see why I should leave it like that as well. If he wants to go, let's do this then.

"…" William doesn't answer me and keeps his head lowered.

"Kevin. Can I ask you for the reason why you killed him?" 

"Because he was weak. Nothing more, nothing less." 

"Is that truly so?" 

"What? You thought there was going to be some fancy history on how he was fighting bravely or some shit like that? Your son was a weakling who kept reminiscing the good time he had with people who just like the weakling he was, abandoned him, fearing for their lives. In the end, he lost even the little he had managed to win back and died a pitiful death. I am actually surprised so many people remember him."

"…" Come on, doggy. Do something already.

"You are not a good liar, you know." 


"Next time you want to lie, make sure to control your emotions first. I suppose you are doing to get revenge for what we did to him so I won't ask you about it any further for now but do know that it is not a subject to joke around with."

Saying so, Rebecca turns and leaves, followed by doggy.

"You guys are the ones joking around." Fucking betrayers!!! 


The next morning, when I go to the camp to regroup with Willhem and the others, a group of soldiers come back to the camp as well. It seems another change has been made. Rebecca is gone as well. That's the only good news I have received in a while.

Everyone is ready when I come so I get dressed rapidly then help K'nor as well. Soon after, the annoying captain and Eduard come. 

"Ahem…Today's mission for you guys is the same as yesterday. Help the soldiers push through the lines of Longinus and reach the fort. Yesterday, we were able to advance by ten meters at dawn. There are still two hundred meters separating us from the fort and those might be the hardest to cover. With that, good luck and may MEETIA's light shine upon your souls." 

"Right. Let's move out guys." 



I need to remove yesterday's bad taste that is stuck in my mouth. And the Longinus are the best stress relief I can find out there.

When we reach the battlefield, the mortars are more active than before. Their muzzle is hot red and they are shooting more frequently as well. On the other side, the longinus are more active as well. Currently, thirty kirsurks are roaming around, forcing the soldiers to form smaller groups to fight against them. The rear line is busy as well. 

As I start hovering to the sky, a kirsurk is hit by a fireball and fall to the ground, provoking the fury of its comrades. I guess I know where to start then.

"You guys help the rear line. I will handle the kirsurks."

"Nah, I am going there as well." 

"Okay, the rest, handle the rear line." 

"You got it, Capt'."

I fly to the front line while Willhem jumps on K'nor and follows me from the ground. Let's give those guys my best shot.


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