Chapter 307 - CHAPTER 307: WORMS (1)

During the night, we are teleported to a new camp near Rockwell. This time, there is merely a few hundred soldiers stationed. It seems the war isn't much to handle here. Eduard told us there would be a captain in charge of the camp but he is nowhere to be seen. We leave his tent and outside, we find people drinking and enjoying themselves like there is absolutely no war going on.


"You should have seen his face! It was hilarious!"

We walk through them without greeting anybody and Eduard brings us to a set of four tents. There are other people there as well. It is a good thing we aren't the only mercenary group present this time.

"Tch." Or not.

Almost all of the guys who see us; or more precisely, Willhem, lower their heads. There is just a group of three which seems to particularly hate him and doesn't try to hide it. What did you do to those three, Mister Willhem?

"Then. I will leave for now. There will be a meeting tomorrow morning." 

"Right. Goodnight." 


"Look at that, the priest is saying goodnight to the little scared girls." One of the group of three finally speaks. 

Aren't they afraid of Willhem? No; before even Willhem, aren't they afraid of K'nor? I don't think any of you could beat him.

"Don't you guys want some fluffy stuffed animals to kee you warm at night?"

"Nah, look they already have a big and fat one with them. Ahaha!!" 

"Hey, you are right!! Ahahaha!!" 

Willhem tries to move but I am faster. You guys have isnsulted K'nor so you will lose those tongues of yours. 

I use Disperse and land before the first of the group who spoke. I grab his head from behind and smash it on the fire before him.


"Son of a bitch!!" 

The other two weren't too surprised by the fact that I appeared abruptly behind them. It seems they are somehow used to it. Each of them immediately brings out his weapon: the one to my left knuckles just like Esteressa and the one to my right two axes. They also release their auras instantly, which prove that they are experienced warriors. But still…


"No wa-"

When they try to hit me, I use Sphere and as their attacks are repelled, the guy to my right receives a punch that sends his teeth to the afterlife. One guy for the soup incoming.


The guy whose face got burnt just now is wriggling around while holding his bloodied face. The knuckles' guy tries to step back but I once again; I am faster and grab his neck.

"Ack!! S-stop!!" He starts tapping my arm with his left hand like a sign of resignation.

"Eh? Why should I? Do you want some stuffed animal as well?" 

"W-we were just trying to-Ack!!" I press his neck harder. I don't really want to hear what you guys have to say.

"Capt', you should stop there." Willhem, who had already walk to me, touches my shoulder. Wait, don't tell me you want your piece of them as well. They are mine, okay?


"They are old mates. They just wanted to tease me a bit." 

"Ah…" I look at the guy who I am strangling and he tries his best to nod. "Oops."


"Ahahah!!! See, this is what happens when you don't close that stupid mouth of yours!!"

"Fuck you, man!! I just wasn't ready!!" 

"Shut your trap!! We could have beaten him easily if not for the alcohol!!" 

After the misunderstanding that wasn't really one since they insulted K'nor, I healed the guys as a sign of apology but they kept looking at him angrily. At least until Willhem brought out a bottle. Their colors came back as soon as they did and now; two hours later, they are still drinking. 

I am sitting with K'nor on a corner a bit darker than the rest of the surroundings. I wanted to sleep a little but with all the noise they are making, I can't really fall asleep. Though K'nor is already dreaming about something judging from the way he is calmly breathing.

Surprising enough, the soldiers aren't in rest and are drinking just as much as the mercenaries, if not more. Are those guys really aware that they lost ten thousand soldiers? Or maybe it is that? They are trying to forget their sorrow for those they have lost. If that's the case, I cannot blame them. Though I wouldn't say it is the best way.

The next morning, there no more than ten people listening to the captain's explanations, myself included. I didn't want to come but since everyone else is sleeping and snoring. Staying there wouldn't have been possible. I didn't even sleep enough. I should have punched hendrick for putting his hand on my face while sleeping.

"Argh! My head. Okay, huh, how many are you guys? Nah, it doesn't matter…" The guy is drunk and smelling as well. He is not even wearing a shirt as he does the briefing so this doesn't even look serious. "So like, yeah. That's about it." 

I didn't even pay attention to whatever he said but in less than five minutes. The briefing is over. Everybody leaves and while I walk to our tent, a soldier comes to me.

"Please, can you help us?" 

"Huh…No? I mean, you guys are soldiers, right? Should you not be the one to help us?" 

"No, please, listen to me first. One of the patrols has disappeared for the past two days and we haven't found anything yet. No bodies, nothing."

"And your captain said?" 

"That they would come back when they are tired of hiding. But please, you have to help. Some of us have put together a bit of money. It is enough but we will complete it. Please, you must help us."

"Are you sure they weren't just killed by Longinus? I mean, there would be no remainings if that was the case, right?" And  I don't really want to help when the guy who is in charge is that much of a laxist himself. If he doesn't care about his own men, I don't see why I should. 

"Yes but there were no traces of fight or anything that would indicate Longinus's passage. This is why it is weird."

"If it was a a well prepared ambush, it is possible that they didn't have the time to react." 

"I know that but even if it was the case. Those guys were our seniors and they were veteran warriors. I am sure they would have able to at least bring some of them to oblivion if it was the case."

"I see. Well, you can give the money to that guy over there." I point at Hendrick who is the least drunk of the group of mercenaries. How is he up already when he went to bed the last? Was he faking it only to trouble my sleep? then he should really receive a punch for that. Yeah, I will make sure to clarfiy that once I get back. For now, let's deal with this before lunch. Today is going to be roasted pork's cutlets for us so I can't miss it.

"I will go and look for your friends." 

"Thank you. But you are going alone?"

"Yeah, why not?" I will take K'nor though. The other guys won't be of much help with their current situation and unless it is a pretty tough opponent, I should be able to handle it.

"I-I see. Good luck then." 

"What do you mean good luck? You are coming as well." Ah, that's what he was asking. 

"What? But you just said-"

"I said no others mercenaries will be coming. But you obviously are. Who will show me where they went if not you?" 

"I-I see. Give me a minute to prepare then." 

He didn't seem to be lying from what I read in his mind but you never know. Going with me, it will be faster to find and kill him once he betrays me... If he does; yeah. If he does. 

The guy comes back a few minutes later, armed to the teeth with a spear, a shield and a sword. The armor he is wearing is so heavy he has a hard time walking as well. He has put all kind of protections on him besides the armor. Do you have any idea of how ridiculous you look like right now? 

"Were are you going like that?" 

"To battle of course. We never know what might happen." I didn't think about it too much because I didn't care but seeing how young he is, he must be a new recruit with no experience. Still, didn't his friends tell him anything?

"Is that so?" I simply push him back with a bit of strength and the guy falls the ground without any kind of control. He lands brutally like a rock that fell down a well. Is he the mayor of Rockwell?

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