Chapter 309 - CHAPTER 309: A TRUE LEADER

After Frankher's arrival, everything changed. The very same day, not only did the captain's attitude changed, the city's problem was also handled swiftly and efficiently. Posting guards inside, inquiring about the diverse problems encountered by the people, capturing the spies and Longinus men that were infiltrated, that was my part... Frankher did so many things in a single day that I am surprised it was possible. 

Now, the day after, we are already leaving for another place. Half of the eternal army's soldiers that were at the camp have been affected to the city, the rest is moving with us to another city, smaller than Rockwell but with a huge disadvantage for us: it is located at the top of a hill. 

The city is at four days of walk from us so Frankher decided that some people should act as scouts and move ahead to inquire about the situation there.

"I will repeat again. It is a SCOUT mission." 

Obviously, it is us mercenaries that were selected for that mission. Frankher looks really aggressive when giving orders. 

"Yeah, we heard, ol…sir." 

He even managed to tame the wild Willhem yesterday by threatening of suppressing all and any kind of alcohols present in the camp. I didn't know this guy like to drink that much. It was quite effective on him as well as the rest of the twenty seven mercenaries present.

"Good. Then you guys can go. The captain said there would be reinforcements coming  in four days first then in one week for the mortars. Your scout mission is then really important and plan how we will move and position our forces."

"Sir, will they also teleport the mortars here?" I am really curious about how they move those huge things. In Obarion, I didn't get to see how they move it from the top of the hill to the valley.

"No, unfortunately, they are pulled. That's why it takes a lot more time for them to come." 

"I see." So they actually pull those. Tch, boring."

We leave the camp then head towards the new city. Each mercenary's group is running separated from the others. Our own being in the lead. When the night falls, we all stop and rest though. 

I go hunting with K'nor and so do people from the other groups as well. Thanks to K'nor, I am the first to come back. We have capture two deers. It should be enough for us all, right?

"Well, capt'. You are as effective as always."

Two guys of our group come and take the meat then they start cleaning it. The fire is already lit as well. In less than an hour, we are already, but that's when the hunter of the other groups come back. The first group sent two people and the second three. The group of two brought back five ducks and two rabbits. The group of three brought back a deer and two rabbits as well. Everyone will be able to eat properly tonight I guess. 

This reminds so much of my time in Karnados. It is both a painful and sweet, heart-warming memory. 

"Hey, this beer tastes like piss." The way Hendrick is exactly the same as Selene. Do all people using great axes or the likes as wepaons drink the same savage way?

"Ah, yeah. I think I use that bottle yesterday night. Now I remember whyi ddin't wet my pants." 

"Pfuuuu!!! You fucking bastard!! And you just let me drink it?!!" 

This atmosphere of joy and peace. It wouldn't look like there is raging war going on or even spies lurking around right now. Are they waiting for us to fall asleep to attack? That's a bit of an easy tactic. Though I can't blame them since there is only fifteen of them against twenty-seven of us. Twenty-six now with the guy Hendrick just removes the teeth by punching extra hard. Just in case he doesn't know yet, I am not healing him.

Among the laughs and happiness filling the place, I look at Willhem for a second, trying to see if he has noticed and the way his face changes tells me we are in for a good fun. 

Two hours later, everyone falls asleep and the fires are extinguished. Silence is the master right now and the assassins are trying to be his servant. They creep silently to our position, walking among the sleeping gnolls that are all snoring like crazy. Each one of them takes position before a man, three for us though. I guess they are planning on using two for K'nor. Still, it is relatively good plan. Each of them kills one of us then it will be seven against twenty. Even if the remaining guys are talented, they surely won't be able to handle a surprise attack in the middle of the night with no lights. Isn't that right?

When the tension rises, signs that they about to attack, the first to answer is Willhem, he fires a bolt at the head of the guy in front of him. Then I fire three bullets made of lightning and wind, the two who were supposedly in charge of K'nor are hit in the head while the one in front of me is hit on the chest. I am not too worried about them standing back up since none of them has crystals in him. It would also be good to capture and obtain intel from at least of them. 

Still, those assassins are good. None of them shouted when they saw their comrades being killed. They simply took the best course of action: two of them immediately ran away while the rest stay behind to block us off. 

"We are under attack, moron!!" Willhem wakes up everybody with a shout while I start pursuing the two who ran away. A projectile comes from behind to prevent me from doing so but I block it with Sphere without even looking.

I rapidly catch up to the two escapees and we start fighting a bit. Though, really, there was nothing especially remarkable about them. I wonder why they are sending people like that to us.



Out of the two people I chased, I let one live and cut the other one's limbs before beheading him. Weird thing is that he didn't scream, only making weird scream. It might be cruel but that way, the other one knows what will happen if he doesn't answer my questions. It will also prevent him to act like somebody who is tough. They always tend to act like they are until you show them how strong you are.

"Ah, ah." The guy just makes weird sounds as well just like his companion. 

"Seriously.?" I inspect his mouth and his tongue is missing. That's a really efficient way to prevent information from spilling. 

I inspect the guy's body by removing his black clothes on him and the Kalor's insignia I had almost forgotten about. So you guys were still alive. I would say this is a waste of time now but since I can read minds.

"Hey, listen and listen very carefully. I am going to ask you questions and I want you to think of the answer in your head. Nod if you understand." 

"…" He just looks at me but doesn't act so I break three of his fingers by stepping on them. "Uagh!" He finally nods energetically. Good.

"First, who sent you?" 

'Why does he ask that? Anyway, it's only a matter of time until master Tatiana comes with the reinforcements. I just have to-"

I unconsciously kick him hearing Tatiana's name in his mind. So she is the one after all. That's great. I heal the guy then take the sword he has with him. It is a normal sword, without any kind of impressive features. 

I am really surprised. Tatiana would send out assassins with this level of skills, with this level of weapons, for me? This is suspicious. I can only see two options: they are either a diversion while she will attack our camp or they got discarded by her. I thought I had taken care of the whole group when I destroyed Nargil but seeing as there are some survivors, she might have grown tired of them. I mean, I don't see why else she would send no Longinus men with them besides that.

"Okay, second question then. Where is she right now?" I look at him holding the sword. It should tell him what I am going to do if he doesn't answer, right?

'She is supposed to be in the old fort near Titan.' 

"I see. Okay, that's all I needed to know, thanks." 

'He's going to let me live, right? He has to. Then I will go back to-'

I cut the guy's throat while he is having his delusions about surviving. I would be crazy to let you live even though you were sent to kill me. Still, I must thank you. You just provide me with a very valuable though to verified information. If Tatiana has her base of operations there, I must and will find her and kill her. Then Cissa will be back and it will be Demtther and Veronica's turns.

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