Chapter 311 - CHAPTER 311: SHOW OFF

"That was a hefty sum of money, you know?"

"Yeah, I know Willhem. But those guys were trying to mock us. I am not a dog eating whatever people throw at me."

"Woof!" Wait, K'nor. You understood that? No way!

"Ah." There are people ahead once again. I wonder who it is this time.

An arrow comes and hits one of us in the shoulder.


As he falls to ground, we are getting encircled by twenty people.. Longinus men this time. This is getting tiring. After a few seconds, arrows and bolts start raining on us. I simply use Sphere and advance to the enemy. The first guy who sees me releases his longinus aura and transforms instantly but there was no point. Raizen gets through his neck rapidly. 

I am now confident enough to say that my script doesn't lack in any way to a real one. If anything, it is actually more powerful I would say. I am sure that teacher Albert would be jealous if he could see this. We take care of the ambush and then I heal the three guys that were wounded. Nobody died.


In the same fashion, we have encountered a lot of resistance while going to the next targeted city. But just like scheduled, we arrive without casualities. What greets us is a dome though. At the top of a hill high enough to not be able to hide anywhere. Everything around has been cleared out as wells so we are staying n the nearest forest. Almost a kilometre away from it. 

"This is going to be extremely difficult to put down." 

"Yeah. That's for sure. But I wonder why I don't see any Longinus around." Willhem doesn't look that excited. And that's a bad omen. 

"They must be inside. Once that bubble bursts, they will certainly flood outside." 

"Down the hill, while we push upwards, with no cover and a landscape disadvantage…" 

"Are you afraid?" That would be a first. I look at the others but they are already smiling. Not just Hendrick's group. All of them have mad men' smiles on their faces. Of course, what was I thinking?

"Afraid? When this is going to be so good. Can you imagine? There will be-"

"Yeah, yeah. Moving on…" I was a fool to ask him that.

We start discussing about any possibility to enter the city and I notice that the dome becomes thinner, brighter as well. Its dark color fades a bit then a group of Longinus men come out. This time, they are accompanied by sloins and prators. A group of fifty, without any vanguard. 

As they get down the hill, they change directions and go in the opposite direction of the other group we have encountered so far. So that's how they do, they create Longinus there then send them elsewhere.

"What do we do, capt'?" You guys…

"You are a real show off, huh. Let's go then." 

"Oh yeah!!!" 

My group gets down the trees and chase the Longinus that left the city. However, the other group aren't following us. Oh, well, everybody has to know his weakness, right?



The longinus detect us and turn around to attack but we are faster. Hendrick gets the first hit on a Longinus man, splitting his head in two. Then I make quick work of a prator and we continue advancing.


"Which part of 'you must not fight.' Did you guys not understand?"

Four days later, we are back at the camp. When we arrive, we didn't even recognize anymore. There were so much more people. The mortars still aren't there though. Rebecca's family is here as well. I thought hey left already. 

"…"Neither I nor Willhem dare to speak for now. I think it is better to let Frankher's anger pass first. 

"I had thought you would be remain arrogant but it seems you do know respect."

This senile old man won't leave me alone, it seems. That's why I don't like old men. Excafol was the same. Pestering you non stop about a single thing you did until you apologize a hundred times. 

"He might not know who you are. That's why he acted that way?" Who he is? 

I read Frankher's mind and apparently, this gramps is the leader of the rebellious force fighting against the hammer hands here in Titanium. I see. That's why they were attacked so relentlessly. But, wait, just because of that?

"I do think so as well. But surely-"

"Whether I know who you are or not doesn't justify that you wouldtest your savior." I cut the old fart and speaks casually. And no, Frankher. Your eyes don't intimidate me. 

"Oh…" the old man looks at me with a weirdly delightful face. "So you knew?"

"It was obvious enough." 

"And you still acted that way."

"Just because I know doesn't mean I will do the right choice." 

"I see. That's true. Humans sometimes know what they have to do but because of their emotions or education, they tend to fail even what should have been easy to achieve." 

"I will make sure that he learn it thoroughly." Frankher…I said your eyes don't scare me. Well, not for now.

"I am sure you will. But there is one last thing I would like to confirm. You said you were our savior, right?" 

"Yes, I did." 

"I see. Then you wouldn't mind fighting my daughter, would you?" Eh?

"What does it…Yes, whatever you want." 


In less than five minutes, I am now encircled by people. Soldiers for the most part, but also the knight who we said before and the mercenaries as well.

"Hey, place your bets now!! Or I won't take them later!!" 

One of the mercenaries screa msomething about bets and people rush to him, almost forgetting about me. 

I haven't worn any armor but the girl comes with a full plate silver armor with red lines creating beautiful shapes on the chest plate. It looks like a rose. The shoulders are also shaped to look like roses it seems. AN overly designed armor, I think. 

She looks at me with a very surprised look and as curiosity wins her over, she opens her mouth.

"You aren't going to wear your armor?" 


"And you don't need a weapon?" She herself is holding a sword and shield. A typical vanguard like Lanuvel. 

"I am the only weapon I need." And I have Raizen anyway.

"I see. You are a peculiar one." 

"You aren't mad?" This is the first time I see somebody who doesn't get mad at me for what I am doing. 

"No. Why should I be?" 

"I don't know."

"You are really peculiar. Please treat me well." She actually bows to me before taking a stance.

"Huh…okay." Never seen somebody asking to be treated well before a fight. If I had to treat you well, we wouldn't be fighting, would we?

The girl's position is good. Her shield forward, protecting her body and ready to bloc kor parry any attack, while her hand is raising the sword right above her head, so as to obtain the perfect slash. Not to heavy and slow, not to light and weak. 

Before we begin, the old man comes behind her as everybody is freeing space for him.

"So, can you do it now?" Can she do what?

"I am sorry but I still can't. It is amazing." 

"I see. Well, it is not the first time so do not worry." 

"I will try to." 

"Are you both ready?" The knight leader from that day is the referee of our match. Staying on the side and raises his hand and as we both nod, he brings it down violently. "Fight!!" 

The girl doesn't move after that though.

"You aren't attacking." 


"Okay. Then, OVERWHELMING." 

Most people get down on their knees as I use my script. The knight leader is forced to put one knee down as well, so is the girl. Frankher looks really uncomfortable and Willehm is behind me so I don't know. The old man has his knees to the ground but I don't care. He asked for it.

I walk to the girl who is using her sword as a stick now and create a bullet that I placed in front of her face.

"You will give up, right?" 

"Y-yeah." She lowers her face and I stop Overwhelming as well. Relieving all the people watching us.


"Sir!" The man who was helping that gramps walk sprints to him and helps him stand up, after what they just leave without a word. Yup, you should keep those shut as well next time.

The girl stands up and looks at me with bewilderment, envy, joy and excitement. All those are blending in her eyes right now.

"You okay?"

"…" She doesn't speak and just looks at me with that huge smile and those eyes. I guess she is not okay.

"You really like to show off, capt'." Willhem pass by and tap my shoulder while walking. 

You better not send all this on me. You guys are the one responsible for all this? You and your insatiable desire to fight.

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