Chapter 350 - CHAPTER 350: ATTACK ON TITAN (11)

"Three dalls incomings! Germinia! Move to the left!" 

"Don't order me!" 

"Just obey already, dammit!" 

Under Keltia's command, I was ordered as a lone unit to indicate any Longinus incoming and take care of the bigger ones when they appear. She didn't mention what are the bigger ones but it can only be the kirsurks. 

The only problem is that Germinia isn't really one to be ordered around; by me at least. Anyway, I also fire bullets and scripts at the Longinus from time to time when there is too many of them incoming. 

Right when their numbers diminished, the dome becomes clearer and a new wave pours out with the same energy as before.. They really don't get tired ever? 

"I would personally get tired at some point." 

Suddenly, I feel a Longinus more powerful coming, he has three crystals but is covered by a group of seven other Longinus. Surely one of the hammer hands's lackeys. 


At the same time, a kirsurk appears near our position and I engage it. I fire thunder balls at the kirsurk's claws but right when I decide to fly to him, an arrow almost, almost hit. It was so close that I don't even know why it didn't hit. I actually saw the shaft of the arrow imbued with Regas flying before my eyes. 

"This fucker wants to play, huh." The guy I detected earlier seems to aim at me. But we need two people to play this game. 

"Look out!!" 

Keltia warns me but too late as the kirsurk grabs me with his claw.

"Kriekk!!" The pressure he applies is so great I instantly hear something cracking. 

"Shit." I hear another whistling noise coming and thankfully, as I move my head to the side, another arrow flies by. This guy is accurate and cunning. I like it.

"Keltia!! There is an assassin among the Longinus! Be careful!!" 


I blow up the kirsurk's claw with bullets then flies to its head and smacks it with Raizen. The bastard broke my arm. I follow up with a fireball for good measure and this guy is fried up good. 

"Argh!" Another arrow came and I was careless enough to let it hit me. 

The pain is enough to make me scream since it went through my knee but it is not enough to stop me. I grab the arrow but only now do I notice that it is entirely made of Regas. It fades by itself, leaving only my opened knee with blood coming out of it. 

I dodge another arrow and land on the ground near a soldier with a shield.

"Cover me for a minute." 


I don't know you but you should be able to block at least one arrow, right? I hear something hitting the shield heavily soon after that. 

"Tch." This is the first time I think healing takes too long. As soon as my arm and knee are okay; I jump above the guy who was protecting me and head for the mysterious assassin. 

While I am flying to him, I meet Keltia on the way. She makes the mistake of looking at me and receives an arrow in the shoulder because of that.

"Argh!!" She falls to the ground but I continue forward. 


I smash down another arrow then kill a vanguard. But this guy has the same tactic as Cissa. Right behind the vanguard, there was another arrow that was coming. That's a smart move. But as someone who is using it as well, though not as good, I knew that something like this could happen. I spin around lightly enough for the arrow to graze my shoulder then launch a volley of seven bullets in front of me.


The Longinus are destroyed by the explosion but my target has escaped. I can feel him running towards the dome.

"Oh no!! You don't!!" I go after him and arrows run down on me. I dodge, evade, and hit them but right as I reach my target, the dome once again becomes clearer and I only see the back covered with Regas armor of the person, which is soon covered by dozen of Longinus coming out of it. 

"Tch! Fucking killjoy." 


What kind of co…Well, then again, this is another tactic. Like the assassin who trained me said once, there is no need to face an enemy directly even if you are stronger than him.

I kill the Longinus while going back to Keltia and the others but when I arrive, they are all looking at me with hatred. Well, they do so when they have the time at least. 

'You fucking bastard! How dare you let her down like that?!'

Hm…Apparently, Peter is angry that I went on while Keltia got hit. Well, if I didn't, we would still be fighting him right now, so I didn't make the wrong decision there, did I? Nah, even if I tell him that, he won't listen. I would probably not as well if it was gnoll number one or three that got hit. 




Let's just apologize later. For now, the most important thing to do is to take care of this big kirsurk that pops out just to be slain. And it seems K'nor and I have the same plan in mind.


As the night starts falling, the horn resounds once again. I feel like we fought for a longer period of time than the other day. Those drunkards actually have the nerve of appearing before me as we are waiting for reinforcements. Stephan even smiles like there is nothing wrong going on. 

"You guys are…" Sigh, let's just go back. 

I get past Willhem and the other soldiers who are covering us and, on our way, back, the mortars have advanced inside the forest. There are people cutting down trees to create a path for them as well. Why do they not use scripts to blow them up?

"I am sorry, Keltia." I apologize to Keltia when we reach the camp and she looks at me for a second before looking back at her hand. It seems the wound she receives still has some side effects.

"It's nothing. You made the right call anyway." See? You see that, Peter? I told you I made the right call. So stop with the angry look already. "But still, you could have look at me for even a second. What if I was dead." 

"He wasn't trying to kill you. He wanted to divert my attention." 

"How can you know that?" peter finally enters the conversation. You just couldn't help yourself, right?

"Because he had been aiming at me the whole time." 

"Miss Koersombre. We will take our leave now." The soldiers in Keltia's group break off our conversation and leaves the group. Leaving only us five with an awkward atmosphere. 

"As a vassal of the Koersombre family, your first duty is to protect her. Do not forget it." 

"It's okay, Pet. As I said, he made the right decision." 

"It doesn't change anything." 

And like that, they both leave, followed by Germinia. Sarah stays behind and looks at me with her 'I want to know what you are thinking' look.

"See you later?" I ask her to make sure whether she will stay here or go with them.

"Yeah." She turns around as well and leaves. Well, We are all alone, K'nor.


"Wait, you heard that?"

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