Chapter 395 - CHAPTER 395: THE HARDEST CHOICE (5)

"Those seem like they were your kids." 

"I really wished they were." 

"Hm…oh well, it doesn't matter much. All of them will die when our queen comes." 

"She is coming already?" 

"No, I was told she would come soon. When, however, isn't for the likes of me to know."

"Is that so." 

"She will probably absorb the soul of the hero you killed first. Ah, how delicious that one must be." Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Don't you fucking think about it now!

"So, when will you remove those chains?" 

"Eh? I can't do that. Only the heroes and the saintess can remove them."

"I thought somebody working with the Longinus would be able to do something so simple." 

"Sadly, even us have our limits. I don't think even our queen has the power to do that." 

Oh, trust me. She certainly has the power to do so. That is if that fucking little… Don't think about it. It is of no use anymore.

"Anyway, I will let you rest for now." Nicky removes the skewers that were on my skin and stitch it back rapidly around the flesh then leaves the room. 

"Cissa, is there a way that I could save them?" 

"You can break those chains for starters." 

"No, I don't think it would be the most appropriate time now." Though, I think I can break them indeed.

"There is little chance for you to do something if don't leave this cell." 

Is there really nothing I can do?


I have wrecked my brain until the place turns completely dark. There is not even a torch to enlighten the place. But then, I feel the power of someone entering the dungeon. This amount of strength…It can only belong to one person.

"Alphonse…" It seems I have found a way to save Lanuvel and everyone.

"My friend…So it was true." 

Alphonse stands before me but he is wearing a mask. I guess he entered here unseen. 

"It has been a while." He doesn't seem to be affected by the goddess.

"Why? What happened? All of sudden, people started talking about you like some kind of demon even though you saved so many people. Even your lovers were crazy with hatred about you." 

"So, I was mistaken, then." 


"I thought Lanuvel wasn't affected? By the way, how come you aren't as well." 

"While I reach the peak, I noticed that there was something that was entrapping me, preventing me from going further. It fee like a wall in my mind that was blocking the path ahead so I destroyed it. I think that's why I was able to see beyond what is happening. I think the goddess has something to do with this. Thankfully, Lanuvel was able to recover her spirit by seeing your children but for the others…" 

While Alphonse is talking, I feel a crystal also entering the dungeon. Nicky is back? Why? Could it be…

"I will free you and we will-"

"I am not going anywhere." 


"And you guys either. Because she is coming. And when she will be there, I will watch as you all burn and scream in agony." 

"What are you even talking about." 

"So, you have revealed your true intentions, huh." Nicky comes from the darkness. I wonder if Alphonse felt her coming as well. Whether he has or not, I hope he will understand the meaning behind what I just said. 

"Who are you?"

"I am Nicky. I am in charge of his interrogation. And thanks to you, I have got a nice confession. I am sure the heroes will be delighted when they come back." 

"Is that so." Alphonse looks at me with disdain and hatred. So, you didn't understand then. That's a pity. 

Then he leaves with quiet steps, just like he came. Nicky stays behind and smiles. She shows me a grand smile as if to celebrate something. 

"This requires a celebration. I didn't really think you were on our side but now, I am convinced. Did you see that poor face as he left? He must have really felt betrayed."

"How come he remembered me? I thought you said people didn't." 

"How would I know? Maybe it is because he is a Diz'kar. In any case, I am very proud of you. Now, I can finally tell mistress that you are ready." 

"Tell Veronica I will kill her as soon as I see her." 

"Oh…If only you could. Seeing how you were beaten up by only one hero, I doubt you could stand your ground before her." 

"You think she is stronger than a hero?" 

"You will see soon enough." 

She will die nonetheless. That I can promise you.

Nicky leaves as well and I can tell Cissa wants to say something.

"I am listening, Cissa." 

"There is nothing much to say. But if you had that resolve from the beginning, being ready to do anything, then perhaps things could have been different." 

"You are still about our fight with the goddess." 

"What do you think?" 

"I think we should rest." 

"By the way, the time is almost upon us."

"I know." I know damn well that I don't have a lot of time left.


One month and two weeks have passed just like that. Nicky would sometimes make me sit instead of letting me hung on the hook like a piece of meat. As for Roxcia, I suppose the Longinus must be keeping her very busy because she only came once and it was two weeks ago. Nicky has stopped torturing me somehow and just keeps talking about her mistress and her queen. Is she trying to brainwash me or something? She would speak so greatly of them you would think they surpass gods themselves. 

"I am really grateful that Cissa is here." If she wasn't, I would be discussing with this fanatic woman every day. I am sure I would have been converted as well. 


"No, nothing, Nicky. By the way, I heard a huge noise yesterday. Was there a ceremony going on?"

"Ah, I forgot to tell you since it has no meaning for us. They were finally celebrating the hero's death." 

"I see." Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

"It's impressive how long they thought they could delay the truth. But since she was the most popular among them, of course, the people would know that there was a problem." 

"Oh well, it doesn't matter much now, I guess." 

"Indeed. But you will be executed tomorrow." 

"Yeah, you said so when you came." 

"Which means that now is the time." Nicky brings out a bottle from her chest. I say bottle but it is actually a small vial containing their blood. The dark blood of the Longinus. "Mistress said to administrate it to you just in case you need a boost." 

"And how will it boost me?" 

"Since you are on our side, it will obviously make you stronger." 

"What if I wasn't?" 

"Then it will turn into a poison that will rot away your body and kill you in such agony you would wish you were dead." 

"Is that so." 

'Don't take this thing.'

'Does it look like I have the choice, Cissa? If I don't then she will know that I am not working with them. And I want Veronica to come here so that I can kill her.' 

'This is very dangerous. I will have warned you.' 

'I am already one foot in the grave anyway.' Putting the second one is not a problem.

Nicky pierces my skin and lets a few droplets of the liquid enters through. Weird enough, there isn't the same reaction as when Romas did this. 

"And now, you are all prep. The rest is on you." 


"Is there a problem?" 


"Are you finished?!!" Roxcia enters the dungeon-like a bad omen and sprints herself to us. "What are you doing?" 

"Your grace, I was…" Nicky barely had the time to hide the bottle back where she brought it from. Since you have done your part, I don't need you anymore, right?

"She is another servant of the Longinus. She was planning on killing you by poisoning you." 



They both look at me with surprise. You didn't really think I would let you go so easily, did you?

"What is the meaning  of this, Nicky?" 

"Your grace, he is obviously lying. I would never…" Nicky tries to grab her knife on the table behind her while talking but she made the mistake of putting me on a chair close to it. I kick it and everything that was on it falls to the ground. 

"You!!!-" Roxcia has already pointed her staff at Nicky's head by the time he could move. 

The next thing I see, thunder resounds in the dungeon as Nicky's head is obliterated. This technique Roxcia just used is close to what N'donkeu was doing with the goddess. Could it be related? Then it would be dangerous to be hit by that. She almost destroyed my shoulder last time she did it as well.

"There really are betrayers everywhere." 

"That's because you guys trust people too easily." 

"Just like she trusted you, you mean."

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