Chapter 42 - CHAPTER 41: A NEW POWER (2)

"Is it not simple? ROAR. YOU ARE A DRAGON, NO? Then ROAR! A roar so loud all creations shall know of your name!! ROAR so high even she who is responsible for your fate will know that you exist and you are coming!! ROAR AND LET THEM ALL FEAR YOUR NAME: DRAGONROAD!!"

"ARGHH!!!!!!!" I scream as hard and loud as I can. I don't see anything. I don't hear anything, not even the sound of my own scream. But I still scream with all my energy. When I stop, I hear the voice again:

"this your ultimate spear, the one that can even pierce the sky should they not pay attention: THE WORLD'S ROAR." Why would you give it such a stupid na… I fainted while trying to answer the voice.


At that moment, from Syldavie, Nivaneilm, and Floras, people saw a red light going towards the sky and piercing the clouds. In all of Shcamerin, the ground shook like crazy. Even there, where light could no longer survive, in the darkness cast by their presence. He opened his eyes for the second time since he came here, those eyes that shine like stars, proof of all the heroes that have been defeated until now, looking in the direction of the red light.. He smiled. Some thought that light was a bad omen, others thought about a very powerful mage was trying a new technique, but nobody truly knew what it was nor what it meant at that time. But all felt the power coming from that light.


I must survive! I must live! I wake up while those words are screaming in my head.

"What just happen here?" I am in is a crater. Everything around me has been devastated.

Who did that? It can't be me, right? I stand up and look around. The crater has a radius of at least a hundred meters. And I am right in the middle. Also, it is deep, I am at least 10 meters underground. Did I really… suddenly, images flash in my head: the World's Roar, DRAGONROAD.

Why did that voice call me Dragonroad? Anyway, I don't have time for that now, I must get out of here. Whatever happened here must have been big so maybe other people saw it too. And that can be good for me. I grabbed the claw and the rope and launch it. When I start climbing, I remember I was hurt by the giant worm acid. I also remember how I felt pain when I applied that weird fluid on it. I touch my back and there is no wound, my shirt is destroyed though so it was not a dream.

When I reach the surface, I look at the bracelet again and start walking. But something is really weird, no birds are singing. The forest is like it is dead. I hope those wolfiders won't come back. I walk until the sun starts to set. Unlike yesterday, I don't feel like walking at night. I am a bit lucky because the night in the forest is not that cold. Since I don't have anything to make a fire and I don't even know how to make one, it would have terrible if the temperature got down at night. I climb on a tree's branch and lie down.

In the middle of the night, I wake up because of a mosquito bite. Fucking little!! I smash him well. When I look in the direction of the Grandcross mansion, I can't see the mansion anymore. But, looking closely, I see lights in the forest. Shit! Shit! Shit! Can't I rest a bit?!! That must be a patrol. As I thought, what I did there didn't go unnoticed.

I climb down and start walking. I must hurry now or they might find me. As I walk, I look back from time to time and there is still no light. They must still quite behind. But suddenly, I see the lights in front of me. What? How did they get there? What do I do? I should try to go around them. But the more I try to, the more the lights also come closer. I crouch and wait.

"Look over there, he can't have gone far. We are near the frontier so we must capture him at all cost."

There is a guy talking with a rough and irritated voice. And I hear a lot of footsteps. I am screwed! Dammit, and so close to the frontier. Should I use that World's Roar again? But I don't know how I did it. The footsteps are coming closer and closer. I will be captured again. And then I will be beheaded. Maybe all the Grandcross will be too. Maybe even Demether.

No, I can't be captured or everything they did will have been for nothing. It is better to fight and die here. I must at least bring one of them down with me. When I rise, holding the claw and rope, ready to die, I am pinned down, and a hand is placed in front of my mouth.

"Hmmm!" You think I will go down so easily? TAKE THIS!! I smack behind me with the claw and it hits. Is it not enough? Here is another one! When I try to smack again, I hear a voice.

"Calm down kid! They will find us at this rate." THAT VOICE... OLD MAN EXCAFOL!!

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