Earlier, when I tried to smash it, it explodes, so maybe I should try something else, I will try to deviate the trajectory. I raise my raizen and oriented slightly the same as the direction of the shot. But when it touches my raizen, it explodes again.

"Shit!" I projected again, and the next shot comes like it was waiting for this. This time I can't move away fast enough and the explosion occurs near me. I am sent flying above the forest's trees. I can't continue like this. I must reach the house at all costs. What am I doing wrong? Think! THINK! Those red shots explode on impact. So they must be made of fire. Or maybe fire and wind? I am injecting my lightning aura to my raizen but I can't deviate them with it. So I might need to change the type of aura. I will inject elemental attribute of fire and see what happens..

When I reach the ground, I use silent steps and restarts running like nothing. I don't know if I am hurt somewhere and my body is healing faster now anyway so It is not important. I inject a great deal of fire aura to my raizen. So much so the blade's color even changes a little. Another shot incoming, this time, I evade it first and then I smash it with my raizen, even if it explodes, it won't send me flying the same way. But the shot doesn't explode when I strike it, it follows the new path I have given to it and explodes on a tree. So I was right, those things are made of fire. Let's do this then! I smash all the next incoming shots and even manage to send one back to where it came from.


Just when I was about to reach the house, another shot comes. It looks slightly brighter than the previous ones. I smash it again with my raizen and it explodes, an even more powerful explosion than the others. The force of the explosion was so great I was sent ten meters away. When I try to stand up, my hands are trembling. That explosion was really too powerful. Did the assassin try to finish me off before I could reach the house? There are no more shots coming, I don't hear them anymore. I wait a bit but there really are no more shots coming. I run in panic to the house. Maybe they have killed Excafol already. Was he their objective all along? I see the house. There is smoke coming from it. You bastards!!

"You will pay for this!!!" I jump and land in front of the house while screaming. Where are they?! "Come out you bastards, I will avenge-"

"Avenge who?" Behind me, I hear Excafol's voice, when I turn, he is sitting, with a staff near him. He is sweating a bit. Did he manage to kill all the assassins? But there is no traces of a fight, only a hole on the house front wall and the smoke.

"Are you alright? Where are they?"

"Where is who?" "The assassins!! They were attacking me in the forest! Did you kill them all by yourself?!"

"Puhahaha!!" Excafol starts laughing. He laughs so hard he even starts rolling in the grass. What is the meaning of this?

"Why are you laughing?"

"Ahahaha. Damn, this kid is too much. So funny. Don't worry, there are no assassins. I was the one who attacked you."

"What!!!" It was Excafol all along?!!! Why?


"It's training. Remember? T.R.A.I.N.I.N.G."

"You could have killed me!!"

"I was giving you more than enough time to evade or counter them. The proof is that you did. And if you die then that is that. You were simply too weak, right, mister warrior against the world?"

I am about to explode right now. I am red with anger. This gramps is way too- No, he is right, if I die then that is that. I don't have time to whine. If they really were assassins, I would certainly be dead right now. I was too careless and I didn't managed to stay calm. I must change.

"The last explosion was stronger than the others."

"Ah, you noticed? I tried to mix a fire script with a wind and lightning script. The result seems satisfying to me."

"It was really powerful indeed, but what are those,z gramps?"

"Ah, it's the result of my personal researches during all those years: THE CRESCENT APOCALYPSE." Well, at least, he doesn't have the same naming sense as Two.

"I want to learn that gramps. And also physical Angas scripts."

"No need to hurry, I will teach all I know. I promised and I will keep my promise. But first, you must get used to your Angas. Maintaining your aura will help a lot in that aspect. We will continue like this for a while, until you can switch between different elemental auras like it is second nature. It will be tough for me too because I just learn that I can use all elemental Angas also. That book was really a treasure. Anyways, you go and cut some woods now, we need to repair the hole you made." Ah, that hole was from when I send the shot back. Shit. Even more work.

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