Chapter 61 - CHAPTER 61: SCRIPTS (1)

"Dragonroad? What kind of name is that? Where the hell did you see such a name?"

"Does it matter?"

Selene is surprised by the name I gave her.

Was she serious about me taking Ditorria as a name? Not that I didn't want to but… I don't feel like doing so. It would be like I depend on him…on them. I must not, not anymore. At least now, our relationship is not much like that. I translate the book and in exchange, he teaches me things I don't know.

"No, not really. I will go back tomorrow. So today, we will train harder. Excafol asked me to teach you physical Angas scripts. I don't know a lot of them so cope with it.."

"No!!! Of course not! Thank you very much!" I jump, overjoyed when I hear Selene talking about scripts. Finally, I will learn scripts. Excafol keeps saying I am not ready and I haven't focused on the book lately.

We go outside and Selene brings out her great axe from her bracelet. It seems old now that I take a good look at it, but also well maintained. There are few cracks here and there but that's about it. A black and green blade mounted on a handle made from brown wood.

"Because I am a warrior with no elemental attributes, I can only use about five scripts..." Selene starts her lecture while I was checking her weapon. "I can use five scripts. That may look like it is small but a good warrior, a real warrior can make the most of nothing. Never forget that."

"Is it still possible to use them with elemental?"

"Yes, It is. Though they are powerful enough with just the physical attribute. I have survived with only them up until now."

I also bring out my raizen and stick it on the ground. When I do, Selene looks at it for a good while, at least one minute, then she takes it, raises it, swings it around, pulls the small knife and chain, and finally passes it back to me.

"We will start with the script I used against you yesterday. Its name is TITANIC SLASH." That name she screamed was a script?

"It was a script?"

"Yes, you really think a human could strike from five directions at the same time?"

I did thought it was weird. So that was a script, SO AWESOME!

"Okay, Now watch closely. The script goes like this: Oh unyielding power that slumbers within me, awaken your wrath and show my enemy the greatness of this body: TITANIC SLASH!"

When Selene finishes, I see it again, foggy figures: five axes and ten hands, appearing from Selene's back and striking forward. As she was facing a tree, it gets cut in five places and fall loudly, making the nearby birds scatter. So, it is not an illusion, all those axes are real somehow. A good thing I parried them yesterday on I would have been badly hurt I am sure.

"Okay, now your turn." Selene goes and sits on the tree she just cuts. "I won't consider your attack a success until you can at least cut a tree with it." I stand in front of a tree and speak the same words as Selene.

"Oh unyielding power that slumbers within me, awaken your wrath, and show my enemy the greatness of this body: TITANIC SLASH!" But nothing. Also, my words sound a bit different from her, they don't sound powerful at all seem different.

I try again, I close my eyes and visualize how Selene was striking the tree then I call the script again. But nothing. Maybe I need to use physical aura? I deploy my physical aura. I make sure to release even more than usual. Then I call out the script again. And again, nothing.

"I think there is a problem."

"Yes, I can see that. Normally it would work immediately. It did when Excafol told me the script so I don't know why you can't use it. It should have worked but you would have only done two slashes at best."

I see, so I wouldn't have use five like her from the beginning. Maybe because my body is not built enough yet.

"If it is like this, I can't teach the other scripts. EXCAFOL!! Where has he gone? Never there when you need him." Excafol disappeared somewhere this morning before we even woke up. I wonder where he is.

", I swear. Since we can't continue with scripts. Let's spar then. I will use scripts so do your best to defend yourself." We start sparring like the incident just now was just a common thing. Selene hits hard and fast. Even though that great axe is big and seems heavy, she turns it around and spins with it like she is using a broom. And she has too much stamina. After more than one hour of sparring, she is still not even sweating a bit.

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