Chapter 63 - CHAPTER 63: THE FIRST SCRIPT (1)

"Of course I don't know."

As soon as I went to our space and ask two about what I heard when Selene used her script, he answers exactly what I didn't want to hear.

"Of course..."

"Yes, I told you times and again, I can't know or learn if you don't.".

"But sometimes you talk about things I don't know myself."

"Those are just my own conclusions based on what you know."


Shit. So even Two doesn't know what it was.

I can't really talk to Excafol about this because I will have to explain how I can read minds and I will have to repeat what I heard, which I can't. The only option left is the book. Ever since I started training with Excafol, I stopped reading that book because I thought Excafol would for sure teach me some scripts. But there is no other choice now I suppose.


'Because you have awakened your Angas without the goddess blessing, you won't be able to use scripts the same way others do.'

The first thing I see when I open the book where I left, it is already slapping me hard: 'The goddess's blessing in itself is a script, but it is too complex and therefore occupies so much place in your mind that you won't be able to properly learn things. That's why people receive only some attributes of Angas…'

So people will receive Angas depending on how their brains can handle the goddess's script. Wait, that means Selene….

"Fufufu." To think that Selene might have a bird brain, I would better keep it to myself. Though she compensated fully with her strength. I wonder what they are doing in that room. Ever since we stop training, they have been in there, were they that tired?

'What you need to do now will be the most important and difficult task, if you haven't trained your mind well enough, this might be impossible for you. You need to build your own language. A language that will allow you to use your Angas. I will not tell you how I did it because it would bias your judgment: the role of a teacher is to teach you how to answer, not the answer.'

Wow, that's deep. That's definitively something Excafol's would also say. It seems the author of this book and Excafol might have a lot in common.

'But I can tell you one thing: IMAGINE AND TRY. It might not work but try again, if it doesn't work again, change your way of thinking and try differently. Visualize what you want to achieve as best as you can and try. I haven't put any scripts in this book and the rest of my writings are mostly examples of different effects depending on the type of Angas you use as well as enhancement exercises for your aura and basic exercises to combine and increase your auras. You can read them or not. Good luck.'

"You heard that Two? We need to try."

"Try what?"

"I don't know."

The author of that book was not specific on what I should try. But since we are talking about scripts, it is only obvious that I should try to create them. But this might be too difficult like this. I should ask Excafol to give me a full lecture on scripts tomorrow. For now, let's try the script Selene used today.

"Two, I will try the script Selene was using."

"The titanic slash thing? You think you can?"

"I won't know if I don't try anyway."

I take the same stance as her, with my arms raised and holding my raizen. Since everything I want can materialize here, it should work fine right? I also think of a tree in front of me. A large tree. Then I scream titanic slash while hitting the tree but nothing.

"I think I know the problem." Two speaks after I fail to reproduce the script.

"You should try to visualize what will happen, not only what you want to do."


"You know, like right now. You want to cut this tree so you need to visualize how it will be cut, how your arms will strike, how you will hold your weapon. Everything."

"And you say you only know what I know."

"Hey, did you not train to visualize things and destructure them. Stop looking at me like that."

To think that my subconscious is smarter than me is unsettling, but we are both me so it is fine to say that I am smart, right? No, I am smart.


I sit down and start to do what Two said. I imagine the cut on the tree, how the raizen penetrates it in different places, how my arms rotate. The difficult part is that I must imagine not only two arms but ten. Wait, is there a rule which says that I need to imagine ten. Selene said that I wouldn't be able to do it like her anyway. So I should try my own variant. Maybe instead of five slashes, I can do three slashes and two stabs at the same- ouch, no, too complex, I can't see my body surviving that. Maybe two and three. Still too much….

I spend more than four hours just thinking about the good ratio I could pull off, and finally, I reach a ratio of two slashes and two stabs executed at the same time. I stand up and retake a stance, the tree appears in front of me, I use physical aura and call the script while thinking of the whole process I have put in place in my mind, and just like that, my body moves on its own, three additional pairs of arms appears out of nowhere, and I unleash two slashes from the left and right and as well as two stabs from the same directions on the tree. It doesn't cut very deep but at least now, I did it. That was an incredible and wonderful sensation.

"See that two, I did it. Who is the smarter one now ah?!!" I look at Two with a prideful look but he just sighs.

"You do know that I am you right?"

"Doesn't matter. I did it and that's that."

"Right… Anyways, since you did it, I should be able to use it now, so when you will think of that attack, I will help you. It might be hard to activate it by yourself in reality after all."

"Thanks. Anyway, I will go and sleep a bit. Tomorrow might be a long day."


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