Finally! Finally! Finally! I am flying!! The sensation is so weird and good. Not feeling the ground under your feet and yet to not be in danger. Is that perhaps how Excafol fel-


Suddenly, something passes near my head. I am completely destabilized and fall again to the ground, that monster doesn't let me rest at all.

"GWAOHH!" His scream is getting louder and louder. Is he enraged or something?

I stand up fast and start running between the trees to avoid him from targeting me with precision. I can see K'nor doing the same, making sure not to approach that monster at all and launching wind balls here and there on him. Must be his beast's instinct.

From my previous failure with Tremor, I can easily guess that this monster doesn't fear physical damage. Or, if it does, it must be dealt either massively or with precision.. Ah, right, the Weakness eyes!

I use the Weakness eyes, and no, I don't see anything that I could use as a weak point on that thing. It doesn't seem to have any apparent weaknesses. What can I do? What must I do? Run? No matter where I go, it will find us, I am sure. Wait for Excafol and Selene? Maybe if we all fight together, we can defeat it, but the chances aren't that great. And one of us could die.


Out of nowhere, while I am thinking and not paying enough attention, the monster had started running to me. When I realize it's already too late, it is right in front of me, and K'nor a bit behind him, jumping on his neck, most likely to prevent it from killing me. But too late.

The monster smashes me again, and this time I didn't block it in time. My vision blurries immediately. I can hear every tree I touch completely breaks and falls on my path. I crash heavily somewhere far away.

"Sh-Shit!" I have let my guard down. I can barely open my mouth. When I do, blood spurts out. All I can taste is blood. I can't see clearly. I tried to reduce the damage as best as I could by using Sphere and physical aura, but even so, I am in a really bad state right now. Sphere broke almost as soon as I used it. As for my aura, maybe it did something, but I can't tell. I can't hear anything at all, and as my vision comes back, both of my eyes are seeing red. I have blood on my eyes.

Looking at my body, it is a wreck. There is a branch piercing my stomach and blood pouring out of it. My right leg is bent in a weird way that absolutely cannot be normal. My left one is also slightly bent, but it looks more normal. Undoubtedly, I can't walk anymore. This is bad. My arms are okay; I try to move them, and they both respond. Thankfully I can't feel pain or I am sure I would have fainted already.

A few seconds later, K'nor appears in front of me, he keeps barking, but I can't hear anything, he tries to push me to help me stand up, but with great difficulty, just when he manages to, I fall again, my legs are definitively destroyed.

"Fuck!!" Should I have run? Was I too cheeky thinking that I could defeat such a thing? Because I was able to spar with Excafol and Selene, did my stupid self taught I was a real warrior? Even though I am garbage, worse than shit. Even though I… No, I swore to change, to become stronger no matter what, never to run away again, what am I doing now mopping the floor pathetically like that!!! Move, me!!! Just fucking move!!

I push with my arm and hold on K'nor's fur, when I raise my head, I see a figure coming, relatively far, and slowly approaching. I see, it is not going to leave at that. Good, I wouldn't want it any other way. If I must die, then that is that. I was simply too weak, and it will be all.

"K'nor, cough, cough... Distract him for a bit. I will finish him." I can't even hear what I am saying, nor do I know if it comes out as I want, but since my mouth is moving, I suppose I can still talk.

K'nor leaves my side and starts running forward, so he did hear me, good. I start floating a bit and goes above the forest. Looking down, I can see K'nor firing wind balls at that monster while it counterattacks with crazy fast earth balls, how can they be so fast?!! Also, my blood is spurting out from everywhere, especially my legs. I must act quickly, or I won't be able to continue.

I remember this situation, against Kalok. He instantly fell when I stabbed the rear of his knee with a fork.

"It is time to cook your FAT ASS!" I lick my bloody mouth and use lightning aura together with the areal acceleration script. I fall down and go right. K'nor is keeping the monster busy from the other side. I use as much fire, wind, and earth Angas as I can on my raizen and increase my flying speed while zigzagging between the trees. There, his right rear knee is exposed. I stab it with great force, putting all my strength into my raizen. The weapon penetrates the monster's knee, though with difficulty, pierces and slices it entirely.

"Yes!!" I continue flying, leaving the monster behind me, screaming surely. The trees around me are vibrating so much, his scream must be really powerful, but I can't hear shit, so it doesn't matter. I go above the forest again, to examine the situation. When I turn to look down, another projectile, bigger and faster than all the other.

"Shit!" I evade it just in time. And below, the monster is looking at me, enraged, he doesn't even mind K'nor, who keeps shooting wind balls at him, anymore. He is locked on me now, its torn leg is right there, blood is pouring out from its tight, and it is somehow standing up now, maintaining its balance by holding a tree.

"Let's finish this!" Placing myself right above it, I free-fall on the monster, it launches another earthball but I evade and holding my raizen with both hands, I deploy everything to the fullest possible: light, fire, earth, physical… Everything. This is DO or DIE!

"ARGH!!!" The monster places both his hands and blocks my weapon, but I push, I push and push and push, its mouth is also wide open, but it doesn't shoot anymore. K'nor jumps on him and bites its left rear knee, but it bulges only slightly. I can feel it, it is faint, but I can feel it more and more. It is pushing me back.


So, this is the end, after all. This is how and where I will die then. At least I fought to the end, nothing to be ashamed of.

"You can do it." I suddenly feel a surge of power within me. A bolt of red lightning appears around me and my raizen. I was already seeing red before because I had blood on my eyes, but this red is different, It's a bright red, like a sunset.


The monster: it is piercing his hands, destroying them. I don't know what this is, but it is helping me.

"Just fucking die already!!" I push harder, destroying both hands of the monster, it tries to evade at the last moment but too late, the tip touches the left side of its neck and like I am penetrating butter, its body is diagonally severed in two. The ground also is split open when my weapon touches it. I don't know what kind of power I just use but it is really, really powerful.

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