One month. It's has been one month now, and there is still no sign of Excafol or Selene. I wait every morning in front of the house. I must look like a little abandoned puppy waiting for its owner. Where are they? Why are they taking so long? All those questions just come every morning, I try to hide as best as I can, but the bitter and most plausible truth that is seeping from a corner of my mind: I was abandoned again. I try to suppress that thought as best as I can every day, but the next day, it reappears even stronger. And now, I am starting to lose faith. Was I really discarded again?

"No use thinking about it. Let's go!"

I stand up and go to the training field. Training will remove those useless thoughts. I start running and reach the field. For the last two weeks, I have been training on flying and using Crescent apocalypse while moving around. I can now use it while running around and even flying, as long as I don't fly too fast.. It will be a considerable advantage, especially if I ever encountered another monster like the one from before. I also try to use the WORLD'S ROAR but to no avail. I don't feel anything and Two is useless.


Two days later, when I wake up, I feel restless, even though I slept without any problems, my body seems on edge somehow. After my morning run, I go back to the house and cook a little snack. While eating, I hear throttles. horses are coming. They are back! They are finally back!

"Took them long en-" When I use Angas with my ears, I can hear a lot of heartbeats. One, two, three… thirty. More than thirty people are coming. This cannot be good.

"K'nor, go and hide, quickly!"

"Woof!" K'nor runs into the forest.

I jump on a tree and wait for the visitors. After three minutes or so, I see five people arriving on horses. The others are also hiding like me on trees. Moving furtively and almost without any sound. The five on the carriage are wearing metal armors, four men and a woman. I cannot say for the rest who are hiding in the trees.

"The fire is still burning; he can't be far. Start searching." The five people enter the house. After a minute or two, the four men come back outside. One of them starts walking on our field, stepping on the rest of the vegetables I tried so hard to put back in place.

"You bastards will all die here." I use Crescent apocalypse and launch one bullet on the three that were inspecting the fire. The explosion is so powerful even the last one who was stepping on the field stumble and fall to the ground.

"He is in that tree!"

"Fire!! Fire!"

One of those who were hiding in the trees starts screaming, but I jump down and pounce on the guy who was stepping on our field. He is still on the ground, stunned. I cut his neck clean and his head rolls with spurts of blood everywhere.

"Fire!! First squad intercepts him. The others provide support!!" Ten men jump down from the trees and encircle me, all of them are wearing black clothes, and their faces are covered, just like the assassin who trained me. That can only mean one thing: the FLOLERL. They finally found me.

"None of you will go back alive!!" I whistle to call K'nor and jump in the fray. While I fight the ten men who came down, bolts and arrows start raining down on me. I evade them with ease, but I don't have any armor on so I should be careful, I don't want to use Sphere yet.

Some guy tries to stab me from behind, but I counter him, breaking his guard, then I stab his eye with the knife of my raizen. Following his scream of pain, I kick his head and send him towards another one who was coming to my right. When they collide, I jump on them, but an arrow comes from behind me, I evade, and it hits the guy instead, right on the chest.

"All of you, use Physical Angas! You can dismember him but do not kill!! Support squad, paralysing arrows!!" The same guy from earlier starts giving instructions again. He must be the captain of those guys or something. I must keep him alive; he surely knows where are Selene and Excafol.

Since they use Angas, I might as well, right? I use physical and lighting aura while I infuse earth, fire, and wind into my raizen. I also use Sphere.

"Let's enjoy this!"

"What the!" I use Disperse and reappear in front of one guy. It seems they are used to Disperse because he manages to block my attack, though it was too powerful for his daggers, they break, and I still strike his head. My raizen enters deep, cutting down to the nose. That's one down. Spurts of blood lightly obstructs my vision as an arrow comes and bounces on my Sphere.

Another guy comes behind me, but I jump above him and send the chain on him, it goes and holds his wrist, he tries to shake my chain off, but I fall on him before, and break his neck. That's two. Arrows keep hitting against my Sphere, but it still holds, they just bounce off, leaving a stream of a whitish liquid every time.

"Reorganize the formation! Strike in pairs only! Support squad, you-"

"Gyaa!!" One guy in the trees screams and falls to the ground head first; his arm got blown off. Ah, K'nor has also started.

"Fucking kid!!" Two guys pounce on me, one holding daggers with a purple liquid on them, it must be poison. I counter them, but when I want to strike, two others appear now. Their attacks are much more coordinated. That captain must be good. He is giving orders with precision, but that also means if he is not here…

"Let's see if you guys can still fight like that after he is gone."

I jump back and runs to the forest and they try to follow me. I use a bullet of Crescent apocalypse, it strikes a guy and explodes, killing four of them in the process The explosion is followed by a huge shockwave and a smokescreen.

I take advantage of that and start flying at high speed to go above the forest. I can hear some of them screaming, must be because of K'nor. I create two more bullets and launch them while falling myself. The bullets explode after touching the ground, they didn't touch any of them, but the explosion managed to hurt and kill two more.

Two guys jump and use Titanic Slash; I see three ghost-like forms appearing from each of them. They can only do three strikes, huh…Pathetic.

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