The magical offensive led by Admiral Graozam has not stopped, and the Kingdom has all but four cities, including the capital.

I was attacked and taken down.

On the other hand, the Duke of Abyss decided it would take too long to leave it to Graozam alone, and the other marshals

I decided to move it.

"Send troops to the Empire.He who brings the god of war, Bartolomeus, and his neck, is the best. "

said Abyss.

The forces of the demon realm will investigate them, grasp the existence of Imperial Yagami and Bartolomeus, and put their strength into it.

It is.

Marshal Laob will remain under the direct command of Abyss, with Marshal Marsley and his immediate army dispatched.

They use the Transfer Gate to push across the Empire at once.

"Ah, that's an army of monsters!The army is attacking!

The highly alchemical and morale Imperial Soldier immediately noticed the shifting [army of the magic world] and informed his allies with a loud voice and magic instrument.

"Huh? That's a pretty good response."

"It's not the same as the Empire you talk about, it's different from the elephant."

Marshal Marsley laughs hard.

That's what makes it worthwhile to drop it, and you can do it first.

"Come on, kill it! All the people on earth are dead!

The armies under his command will give him a mighty boost.

Marshal Marsley led an army of about 400,000 men who invaded the Empire.

Below the Marshal are four generals and twelve commanders.

Marsley transferred about 300,000 troops, led by three generals, into three regions to attack in pieces.

It is difficult to conclude that you have committed a foolish diversion of forces.

Individual abilities outweigh average humans.

Marsley herself, I didn't mean to be particularly slow.

Aware of the existence of Gepardu, he put a general and 100,000 troops at hand.

First of all, it's protruding.The greatest power the Empire has. "

And Marsley snapped.

The first move was made by General Fleuring, who attacked a division in the nearby town of Lar.

They are not particularly of the type to destroy enemy elites.

Rather, it is a shameful type that wants to kill non-combatants.

"Let the women and children go!Hurry up and call the castle!Men, take your weapons and fight!

The mayor of the town that was attacked suddenly made a quick decision, and the instructions were not mistaken.

But it still hurt to be the first to take the lead.

"We can fight too!They're conscripted and trained!

The women said so, but the mayor disagrees with them.

"This town dies.To buy a little more time until the regular army, the Knights and Yagami arrive. "

The women lose their voices in the words of the mayor, who spoke sternly and without expression.

He was prepared when the monsters ambushed him.

"What, you're not just throwing away stones?"

He once again encourages the women to escape to the castle with a smile.

An enemy vanguard came to town before they could escape.

"Come on, run! If we're worried, try to convince them to bring the Knights or Yagami."

I see.

The women endure crying, pull the hands of the little children and the old, and leave the town behind.

Young men crossing monsters and weapons on the front lines shouted loudly in order not to be distracted.

"Come on, you monsters!The people of the Empire are all warriors!It's not easy to lose!

Only men who have been conscripted and trained in combat are not complete liars.

But about half of them were false.

At the end of several hours of fighting, the city of Raal fell.

"... there are no women.There are no toddlers. You let him go, little man. "

General Fleuring, who came to see what was going on in town after receiving reports from his men, murmured.

Killing women and children will not destroy the people of the earth.

Well, that's fine. Shizen is one town.Our true purpose is the Empire's metropolis.Kill 10,000 units of soldiers and people, and despair the people on earth.

That way, Yagami and Shining will come out. "

General Fleuring commands his men to move forward.

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