In the Kingdom of Death

"Squeak (Where are we?)"

"Squeak (I don't know)"

The Zerg looked at each other, and after the ray of light, they arrived at the place they are now, a place full of gloom and weirdness.

The Zerg could not understand where they were now.

There were many delicious foods just now.

Why, all of a sudden, nothing can be seen?

Now, there are only a bunch of black walls and black pools.

Even the Zerg swarms are much smaller in number.

They are the Zerg awakened by Zurwen at the cost of his life.

Logically, the number of awakened this time should be around 300 million.

Why can only tens of millions be seen now?

And where are those"three, five, seven" enemies? Where did that extremely powerful elf go?

""Squeak, squeak, squeak (Youngsters, Zurwin is dead. As the most powerful Zerg, I will be your boss from now on!)"

A thunder beast stated his intention aggressively.

He wants to be the boss!

When Zurwin was alive, he suppressed him.

But now, Zurwin is dead, so as the strongest Zerg, he is the new boss.

The other Zerg are unwilling to do so, as they were all born at the same time.

Why do you have the right to be the boss? Just because of your strength?

It's not that they dislike this thunder beast, his strength is really rubbish.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (Get lost, who do you think you are?)"

"Zhizhizhizhi (Based on seniority, are you qualified to be the boss? Are you qualified to be the key?)"

"Squeak (Get out! Get out! Get out!)"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (You guys! I have the longest seniority, I am the first one out of the first swarm! If I am not the boss, who will be the boss!)"

That thunder beast still wanted to be the boss, but there was no other way.

He was born first, so he had the full right!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (Go, go, go, you are so shameless, you are obviously faster than us, 0.1 seconds, how can you be the boss?)"

If he was 0.1 second faster, he could be the boss?

Then, if the rest of the Zerg teamed up to beat this shameless guy to death, would he be the boss?

They despised him, madly despised him.

Just when the Zerg were arguing, the scene suddenly changed, and the Zerg came to another space.

"Welcome to the kingdom of death. Congratulations, you are the third batch. Then struggle as hard as you can."

After the voice disappeared, countless undeads around attacked the Zerg.

The explosion of the suicide insect was blocked by the armor of the undead army.

The armor was not damaged at all.

There was not even a trace of corrosion. The undead army killed a Zerg with one sword.

Several thunder beasts and queens saw this scene and re-established the command of the Zerg.

Under the command of the queen, more than a dozen hydralisks and hundreds of hydralisks attacked a skeleton.

After hundreds of explosions, huge smoke filled the eyes of the Zerg.

But! A hand suddenly appeared in the smoke! It killed the Zerg that was close to it!

"Squeak (What the hell is this?)"

"Why are our attacks ineffective?"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (The number is increasing, and the number is not much different from ours!)"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (Where are the rest of the Zerg army?)"

They have 300 million Zerg armies!

Even if they are trapped, it is impossible for them to have no reaction for such a long time!

Wait! The voice just now seemed to say that they were the third batch?

Could it be that! (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

A bad guess spread among the Zerg.

The Zerg has no fear, no fear.

It does not mean that the Zerg is a bunch of single-celled organisms that cannot think!

Isn't it good to be alive? Why die in vain? Only by living can they make more contributions to the Zerg.

So! What they need to do now is very simple, that is, to find a way to leave this place.

As long as they can survive, there is hope for the Zerg!

"Squeak Squeak (You lead a team and break out)"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (You guys, bring your men with you and find a way to leave here))"

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (I will find a way to lead the rest of the Zerg swarm to hold back the enemy. The future of the Zerg swarm is in your hands.)"

The Zerg Queen of the same era as Zurwen was not prepared to appear at first.

But now, he had no choice but to let this old antique contribute to the Zerg Swarm in his last moments.

He issued his final order.

The Zerg Swarm could fail, but it must not perish. He had to find a way to keep at least one Zerg alive.

"Squeak (Adult...Go well)"

The other Zerg leaders didn't know what to say.

There was nothing they could do. Their strength was not enough to change their current situation.

Leaving was the best option.

However, the price of survival was too high.

""Squeak, squeak, squeak" (Don't forget, the Zerg devours everything! I am the Zerg!)

Following that classic line, the Zerg launched a general attack.

One after another, the Zerg were easily killed by the swords of the Undead Army.

But they were fearless, and they would surely gain glory!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak (Stop looking, let's go, we have to survive)"

A cockroach looked at the hydralisks beside him. They were all Zerg that had broken out of the encirclement under cover.

"Squeak (I know, but I still want to take another look at our army)"

The hydralisk took one last look and then left.

He wanted to survive, he had to survive.

They were carrying the blood of other Zerg warriors!

The Zerg will devour everything!

The hydralisk expressed his greatest respect to those Zerg who died bravely.

The battle was very fierce, and under the one-sided situation, the remaining Zerg.

The number was less than a hundred.

The Zerg commander looked at the undead army surrounding them without any other emotions. He just looked at them quietly.

"Zhizhizhi (Can I take a look at your king?)"

He wanted to take a look at what kind of existence was blocking the path of their swarm of insects.

"Okay, you have seen me, go with peace of mind."

A gleam of light appeared in his eyes.

"Squeak Squeak (It's you...)"

(PS.Please give me flowers for my new book! Please give me comment votes! Please comment! Please give me a reward! Please subscribe! ).

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