That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime
Chapter 299:Visit to the Unknown - 18 Rescue Part 2
Thank you for the explanation that explained nothing.
Ramiris looked frantic, but I could hear the details about it later.
But it was true. Veldora wasn't at fault, and if anything, seemed to have worked hard.
I regretted what I did just a little. But then again, it was because Veldora had worked so much mischief in the past that caused the misunderstanding.
So he brought it upon himself.
I would very much like for Veldora to look at what he had done in the past and feel remorse.
However, the Mobius System?
A blackhole as a power reactor? Was this some kind of joke?
I didn't understand it.
Were they that advanced in terms of science in this world…?
And how did they…
[[In other words, it's a type of phase shift power reactor…]]
Please make it simple, easy to understand and brief.
[[…To put it simply, when something falls into the Collapser, the matter is converted into energy. It makes use of this phenomenon. By using two toruses, they affect each other and theoretically, would create infinite energy. That's what they must have thought. But it's far from perfect and incredibly dangerous.]]
Master Ciel's explanation was hard to follow.
In other words, it was not simple at all. Still, I barely managed to understand.
Basically, it was an incomplete product.
The imperfect engine was out of control, leading to the current situation—that was all that I needed to understand.
If this continued to spread, it might swallow up the entire universe.
If that happened, would it also affect the other dimensions?
[[No. It will not affect the other dimensions. Only this universe will lose its progress and be returned to 0.]]
Oh. If it didn't affect the other worlds, then I could just leave it and return home…
But Veldora was trying to save this world.
In that case, I would like to answer to his show of spirit.
But, was it even possible?
[[It's simple. In a way, this is similar to Beelzebuth. The problem isn't the release of positive energy, it's the disappearance negative energy. However, the way of dealing with it is the same. As energy has a direction, you just need to control that…]]
I see.
Growthspeed = the movement of time. So when the world loses its power to expand, then it loses the concept of time as well.
If the expansion of the universe was positive energy, then the phenomenon in front of us now could be considered negative energy. Negative energy was special and was not something you could easily guard against.
Veldora was unaffected by almost every kind of interference wave.
That was how good his 'Probability Manipulation' was.
So even if the world was destroyed, Veldora would be returned to his dimension without feeling any effects from it.
Even in a world without energy—in other words, where time had stopped—Veldora would be able to move without any problem.
However, with this phenomenon that robbed everything of energy that was in front of him, even Veldora could do nothing but try to use his immense energy in order to neutralize the effect.
In a way, it was a matter of compatibility.
But it had nothing to do with me.
As an example, if Beelzebuth, which had been my skill, had become uncontrollable, it would have been much like this.
And so even I knew how to deal with it.
Regardless of being expansion or annihilation, there was a direction to power. Energy had a flow and you just needed to stop it.
In other words, you needed to stop time.
If you stopped time, the expanding negative energy would stop.
So Veldora would not be able to deal with the phenomenon.
After all, Veldora could not control time.
There was something called 'Space Time Control' in his ultimate skill, Nyarlathotep, but Veldora had never stopped time by his own will. Perhaps he just needed some practice, but it was too much trouble for him, and he never tried to make use of that skill.
He was powerful from the beginning, and he was never interested in anything that he didn't like. It was a bad habit that Veldora had.
As he could still move while time had been stopped, he did not think that it was necessary to learn to stop it himself.
While that did make sense, it was highly inconvenient in situations such as this one.
But then again, situations like this weren't common. But I did hope that he would start practicing after this… It was annoying that he only relied on me for help when he was in trouble.
…Well, he was always like that, so I had become accustomed to it.
I understood what was happening now. So it was time to put a quick end to it.
Just as I thought this, people started to gather around.
First, there was a group of fully armored soldiers who came out of a building.
It seemed like they meant to help those who were trying to neutralize the gravity waves, but it was completely pointless.
I could see the despair on the face of their commander, so they must have sensed the futility of what they were doing as well.
Furthermore, an aircraft-well, it was a warship—appeared in the sky.
It seemed like the result of incredible technology, to be sure, but no warship was going to save them now.
I wasn't sure if they had beam weapons, but shooting the black hole with it would not do anything.
As I thought this, someone came jumping out.
"Michelle! Stay awake! I will reboot you this instant!"
A voice said as they came running.
It was a woman who had lost the lower half of her body, and she was being carried by a rough looking older man.
She was calling to the woman named Michelle in an attempt to have her stop the destruction.
She didn't seem like she was in the best condition herself, but I suppose she was still more worried about this Michelle.
However, it would be better if they did not get close.
The man was wearing some terribly cool looking armor, and had enough energy for two people. So while he may be able to bear it, the gravitational field here had already been formed.
If they got close, it was possible that they would go passed the event horizon and be stretched into a line towards a singularity?
Perhaps he sensed this, because the man stopped in his tracks. Then he and the woman began to argue.
From what I could hear, words like 'closer' and 'no' were being thrown around.
But the man maintained his calm and tried to persuade her.
Well, I should move while I could.
There would be more casualties if I waited.
And so I quickly stopped time.
And then I quickly walked over to the singularity.
There was a rainbow-colored bridge that hovered in the darkness. And on the other side of the boundary surface, there were two rings in the air.
The Mobius System?
[[It's a black hole engine. The final destination of a technique they call science. The ultimate energy generating device.]]
I see…
Well, I understood that it was amazing.
An ultimate power that exceeded nuclear energy. However, there was no point if you couldn't control it.
[[In the first place, this technology is clearly out of place for this age. Compared to your old world, master, this place is about two centuries more advanced… But that is not enough to use this technology. They haven't even invented metal that can tolerate the heat, much less repress it. So it's no wonder that it went out of control.]]
Apparently, those cyborg-like people had miniaturized nuclear power reactors and particle acceleration devices through space compression installed within them.
That was clearly the result of a different civilization, but it did suggest that they had developed quite a bit as well.
However, an engine that could control a micro black hole… It was hard to imagine where that technology had come from.
It was too foreign and did not match their level.
So that meant the person who made this had probably been from another world. If I was able to meet them, I would consider making them honorary members of my research team.
I thought as I looked at the Mobius System, while the world stood still.
Well, it would be dangerous to leave it here. So I might as well take it.
[[In that case, I will manage it responsibly!]]
Master Ciel was obsessed with skills. Had she just found a new hobby…?
She sounded pretty happy. So the possibility was strong.
Oh, well.
Currently, the energy thing isn't a problem, and since Master Ciel is so happy, it would feel barbaric to ruin the fun for her.
And so I put the Mobius System into my 'Stomach.'
"So, Rimuru. What are you going to do with it?"
Veldora seemed a lot more confident now that time had been stopped.
He didn't miss the fact that I had quietly taken the Mobius System.
I had let my guard down and forgotten that Veldora was able to move.
"I'm thinking about studying it, since it looks amusing."
"What! That's not fair! And both Ramiris and I were not able to analyze it, you know? And so we worked so hard towards acquiring it!!"
"Who cares! I thought you were working hard to save the world? It's because of that that I was going to ignore the other things you did!"
"Oh, uh… No, that is right… Kahahaha… Phew. It's just that Ramiris wanted to install it in Beretta…"
Veldora must have understood his position, because he suddenly became quiet.
It would be several hundred years before he could beat me in an argument.
However, install it in Beretta?
That was a surprisingly amusing idea, wasn't it?
[[…It is possible, but please wait for me to finish studying it. I would like to offer something that has been perfected.]]
Oh, that's amazing, Master Ciel!
A true perfectionist as always.
And now she had given her permission.
So it was all but settled. It would go in Beretta.
"Yes, we will adopt that idea!"
"Beretta seems to have suffered a lot, so we will give it to him as a reward!"
"Kaaa-hahaha! That's it, Rimuru my old friend. You understand me. Ramiris will be so pleased!"
Veldora was in a good mood now.
I was also interested, and it was important to make good use of your resources.
Beretta had the earth element, and with a perfect Mobius System created by Master Ciel, he should be able to control it safely.
So the matter of dealing with the dangerous object was resolved.
Now I just needed to get a replacement heart—power reactor- for this Michelle person.
That was easy enough.
Master Ciel had already analyzed the nearby cyborgs and was working out a solution.
[[Nuclear Fusion Core Reactor—what they call it the Star System. But it seems like a waste to give it to a single person. Oh, well.]]
Master Ciel did not want to compromise when it came to her creations, but it also seemed like too much power for one person. It was quite the dilemma.
After all, it was an engine with higher output than even the Mobius System, which they had failed to control. So I could understand how she felt.
She tried too hard sometimes, Master Ciel.
It seemed like she hadn't spent much time or effort, but the result was far superior to what the other cyborgs had.
But then again, we were taking their Mobius System, so perhaps it was a fair trade.
While that was being done, I interrogated Veldora.
He had thrown caution aside and did as he pleased in this world. And he seemed to have enjoyed it a lot.
That's why I couldn't let him go places alone.
Veldora and Ramiris needed a guardian.
Veldora finished his story and then smiled happily as if I had no reason to be upset.
Oh? But your punishment hasn't even begun yet?
There was some saying about it 'not hurting after it passes your throat', and now that we had dealt with the Mobius System, he thought that the world was saved…
And so I decided to give Veldora a taste of reality by making him settle matters in this world until the end.
Ramiris looked frantic, but I could hear the details about it later.
But it was true. Veldora wasn't at fault, and if anything, seemed to have worked hard.
I regretted what I did just a little. But then again, it was because Veldora had worked so much mischief in the past that caused the misunderstanding.
So he brought it upon himself.
I would very much like for Veldora to look at what he had done in the past and feel remorse.
However, the Mobius System?
A blackhole as a power reactor? Was this some kind of joke?
I didn't understand it.
Were they that advanced in terms of science in this world…?
And how did they…
[[In other words, it's a type of phase shift power reactor…]]
Please make it simple, easy to understand and brief.
[[…To put it simply, when something falls into the Collapser, the matter is converted into energy. It makes use of this phenomenon. By using two toruses, they affect each other and theoretically, would create infinite energy. That's what they must have thought. But it's far from perfect and incredibly dangerous.]]
Master Ciel's explanation was hard to follow.
In other words, it was not simple at all. Still, I barely managed to understand.
Basically, it was an incomplete product.
The imperfect engine was out of control, leading to the current situation—that was all that I needed to understand.
If this continued to spread, it might swallow up the entire universe.
If that happened, would it also affect the other dimensions?
[[No. It will not affect the other dimensions. Only this universe will lose its progress and be returned to 0.]]
Oh. If it didn't affect the other worlds, then I could just leave it and return home…
But Veldora was trying to save this world.
In that case, I would like to answer to his show of spirit.
But, was it even possible?
[[It's simple. In a way, this is similar to Beelzebuth. The problem isn't the release of positive energy, it's the disappearance negative energy. However, the way of dealing with it is the same. As energy has a direction, you just need to control that…]]
I see.
Growthspeed = the movement of time. So when the world loses its power to expand, then it loses the concept of time as well.
If the expansion of the universe was positive energy, then the phenomenon in front of us now could be considered negative energy. Negative energy was special and was not something you could easily guard against.
Veldora was unaffected by almost every kind of interference wave.
That was how good his 'Probability Manipulation' was.
So even if the world was destroyed, Veldora would be returned to his dimension without feeling any effects from it.
Even in a world without energy—in other words, where time had stopped—Veldora would be able to move without any problem.
However, with this phenomenon that robbed everything of energy that was in front of him, even Veldora could do nothing but try to use his immense energy in order to neutralize the effect.
In a way, it was a matter of compatibility.
But it had nothing to do with me.
As an example, if Beelzebuth, which had been my skill, had become uncontrollable, it would have been much like this.
And so even I knew how to deal with it.
Regardless of being expansion or annihilation, there was a direction to power. Energy had a flow and you just needed to stop it.
In other words, you needed to stop time.
If you stopped time, the expanding negative energy would stop.
So Veldora would not be able to deal with the phenomenon.
After all, Veldora could not control time.
There was something called 'Space Time Control' in his ultimate skill, Nyarlathotep, but Veldora had never stopped time by his own will. Perhaps he just needed some practice, but it was too much trouble for him, and he never tried to make use of that skill.
He was powerful from the beginning, and he was never interested in anything that he didn't like. It was a bad habit that Veldora had.
As he could still move while time had been stopped, he did not think that it was necessary to learn to stop it himself.
While that did make sense, it was highly inconvenient in situations such as this one.
But then again, situations like this weren't common. But I did hope that he would start practicing after this… It was annoying that he only relied on me for help when he was in trouble.
…Well, he was always like that, so I had become accustomed to it.
I understood what was happening now. So it was time to put a quick end to it.
Just as I thought this, people started to gather around.
First, there was a group of fully armored soldiers who came out of a building.
It seemed like they meant to help those who were trying to neutralize the gravity waves, but it was completely pointless.
I could see the despair on the face of their commander, so they must have sensed the futility of what they were doing as well.
Furthermore, an aircraft-well, it was a warship—appeared in the sky.
It seemed like the result of incredible technology, to be sure, but no warship was going to save them now.
I wasn't sure if they had beam weapons, but shooting the black hole with it would not do anything.
As I thought this, someone came jumping out.
"Michelle! Stay awake! I will reboot you this instant!"
A voice said as they came running.
It was a woman who had lost the lower half of her body, and she was being carried by a rough looking older man.
She was calling to the woman named Michelle in an attempt to have her stop the destruction.
She didn't seem like she was in the best condition herself, but I suppose she was still more worried about this Michelle.
However, it would be better if they did not get close.
The man was wearing some terribly cool looking armor, and had enough energy for two people. So while he may be able to bear it, the gravitational field here had already been formed.
If they got close, it was possible that they would go passed the event horizon and be stretched into a line towards a singularity?
Perhaps he sensed this, because the man stopped in his tracks. Then he and the woman began to argue.
From what I could hear, words like 'closer' and 'no' were being thrown around.
But the man maintained his calm and tried to persuade her.
Well, I should move while I could.
There would be more casualties if I waited.
And so I quickly stopped time.
And then I quickly walked over to the singularity.
There was a rainbow-colored bridge that hovered in the darkness. And on the other side of the boundary surface, there were two rings in the air.
The Mobius System?
[[It's a black hole engine. The final destination of a technique they call science. The ultimate energy generating device.]]
I see…
Well, I understood that it was amazing.
An ultimate power that exceeded nuclear energy. However, there was no point if you couldn't control it.
[[In the first place, this technology is clearly out of place for this age. Compared to your old world, master, this place is about two centuries more advanced… But that is not enough to use this technology. They haven't even invented metal that can tolerate the heat, much less repress it. So it's no wonder that it went out of control.]]
Apparently, those cyborg-like people had miniaturized nuclear power reactors and particle acceleration devices through space compression installed within them.
That was clearly the result of a different civilization, but it did suggest that they had developed quite a bit as well.
However, an engine that could control a micro black hole… It was hard to imagine where that technology had come from.
It was too foreign and did not match their level.
So that meant the person who made this had probably been from another world. If I was able to meet them, I would consider making them honorary members of my research team.
I thought as I looked at the Mobius System, while the world stood still.
Well, it would be dangerous to leave it here. So I might as well take it.
[[In that case, I will manage it responsibly!]]
Master Ciel was obsessed with skills. Had she just found a new hobby…?
She sounded pretty happy. So the possibility was strong.
Oh, well.
Currently, the energy thing isn't a problem, and since Master Ciel is so happy, it would feel barbaric to ruin the fun for her.
And so I put the Mobius System into my 'Stomach.'
"So, Rimuru. What are you going to do with it?"
Veldora seemed a lot more confident now that time had been stopped.
He didn't miss the fact that I had quietly taken the Mobius System.
I had let my guard down and forgotten that Veldora was able to move.
"I'm thinking about studying it, since it looks amusing."
"What! That's not fair! And both Ramiris and I were not able to analyze it, you know? And so we worked so hard towards acquiring it!!"
"Who cares! I thought you were working hard to save the world? It's because of that that I was going to ignore the other things you did!"
"Oh, uh… No, that is right… Kahahaha… Phew. It's just that Ramiris wanted to install it in Beretta…"
Veldora must have understood his position, because he suddenly became quiet.
It would be several hundred years before he could beat me in an argument.
However, install it in Beretta?
That was a surprisingly amusing idea, wasn't it?
[[…It is possible, but please wait for me to finish studying it. I would like to offer something that has been perfected.]]
Oh, that's amazing, Master Ciel!
A true perfectionist as always.
And now she had given her permission.
So it was all but settled. It would go in Beretta.
"Yes, we will adopt that idea!"
"Beretta seems to have suffered a lot, so we will give it to him as a reward!"
"Kaaa-hahaha! That's it, Rimuru my old friend. You understand me. Ramiris will be so pleased!"
Veldora was in a good mood now.
I was also interested, and it was important to make good use of your resources.
Beretta had the earth element, and with a perfect Mobius System created by Master Ciel, he should be able to control it safely.
So the matter of dealing with the dangerous object was resolved.
Now I just needed to get a replacement heart—power reactor- for this Michelle person.
That was easy enough.
Master Ciel had already analyzed the nearby cyborgs and was working out a solution.
[[Nuclear Fusion Core Reactor—what they call it the Star System. But it seems like a waste to give it to a single person. Oh, well.]]
Master Ciel did not want to compromise when it came to her creations, but it also seemed like too much power for one person. It was quite the dilemma.
After all, it was an engine with higher output than even the Mobius System, which they had failed to control. So I could understand how she felt.
She tried too hard sometimes, Master Ciel.
It seemed like she hadn't spent much time or effort, but the result was far superior to what the other cyborgs had.
But then again, we were taking their Mobius System, so perhaps it was a fair trade.
While that was being done, I interrogated Veldora.
He had thrown caution aside and did as he pleased in this world. And he seemed to have enjoyed it a lot.
That's why I couldn't let him go places alone.
Veldora and Ramiris needed a guardian.
Veldora finished his story and then smiled happily as if I had no reason to be upset.
Oh? But your punishment hasn't even begun yet?
There was some saying about it 'not hurting after it passes your throat', and now that we had dealt with the Mobius System, he thought that the world was saved…
And so I decided to give Veldora a taste of reality by making him settle matters in this world until the end.
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