That Time I Got Reincarnated As An Abyssal Phoenix

Chapter 22 - 18 The Arrival Of A Demon Lord

[Congratulations. You have earned your birth right. Because you have the title <ruler of the abyss> your skill Abyssal manipulation has evolved into the unique skill.....]

[Abyssal heart]

(A/N. Thank you to everyone that made a suggestion)

"What does it d-" before I could finish that sentence someone had tackled me to the ground.

"Ow, who?"

When I looked up to see who it was i saw Yin with literal stars in her eyes. I only had time to sigh before Yin excitedly opened her mouth to speak.

"Lady Suu, lady Suu how did you manage to do that? Is it a new skill? Or is it an old skill that you haven't used yet? Come on tell me"

(I should have known that she would end up getting like this, especially after seeing me use that skill) I mentally cursed myself.

I was about to start explaining the skill when Yin was suddenly pulled off of me with out any warning. I was thankful to be able to finally stand back up on my own two feet. However what I saw when I got up made a warm smile spread across my face.

"You can't just tackle lady Suu like that, you might end up hurting her"


"No butsssss"

"Come on, I was just a little excited that's all"

"It was pretty amazing though"

"Don't just agree with her Kur-"

"Hahahahaha" the four of them stopped their bickering as soon as they heard my laughter.

"Hehe, sorry but this scene is just to funny to me"

(Maybe.... just maybe this is what having a family truly feels like)

The four of them seem to be stunned for a minute or so. They had never seen me smile so brightly before since I met them. The moment lasted for a little bit more before it was interrupted.

<Bonds made>


"Ermmm lady Suu?"

"Huh? O-oh right, Yin to answer your question that was not a new skill. In fact it's one that I've been sitting on for a while now"

"Okay" thankfully she didn't ask anymore questions.

"Well, what now?" Kuro asked.

Kuro's question made me think for a second before coming to a decision. I told them that they could go and look around the area while I checked something out.

(So first, let's see if I can salvage anything from Abomination)

I sat down and began to concentrate. If Abomination had absorbed all my stuff and then I absorbed him, it should now all be inside of me right? It took sometime but I was finally able to find it all. However to my great annoyance most of it was destroyed, thankfully Blue ash as well as my mask were fine.

(Now I just need to find out why Shion's cooking came to life..... maybe that new skill I got could shed some light on all of this. Sigh. It would be so much easier if I could make it so only the skill pops up, not the hole status)

[Abyssal heart]

(..... i feel stupid)

[Listing all sub skills:

Gifted life. (Allows the user to turn different things into abyssal monsters. However if the user wishes to turn something like a skeleton or tree in to an abyssal monster, a soul must be provided. If no soul is given said being would go insane and start to rampage)

Black blood. (Gives the user full control over the black particles that make up the abyss)]

"....Well that explains why Abomination went crazy. Also those black particles or should I be calling them black blood, can do a lot more then just absorb magicules. I should be careful not to use them on anyone"


(I guess there's no point in just sitting here now) I thought.

"Hey guys, it's time to go. I will meet you all back at town" I shouted.

It didn't take long for them to shout back their agreements. Once I had everyone's confirmation I quickly opened up a gate. I let out a short sigh as I walked through it.

As soon as I stepped through the other side of the portal I suddenly felt a massive aura. From what I was sensing the aura was even stronger then both mine and Rimuru's auras combined.

"Huh?" This was all I could say before.....

============Rimuru Pov===========

I am currently in my human form standing in a massive crater. Behind me at the top of the crater Benimaru, Souei, Shion and Ranga stand watching. In front of me is a girl who is wearing some very revealing clothes.

The girl who is known as Demon Lord Milim Nava has pink hair that was tied into twintails. She was wearing a.... top that went to only below her ċhėst leaving the rest of her belly open. However it was her lower half that was the problem. She was wearing nothing but a black peace of undėrwėȧr that bȧrėly covered anything..... she also had a red pair of metal boots that went up to her knees.

What had happened was, she had shown up apparently because she wanted to say 'hello' to me. Soon after Benimaru and the rest showed up and attacked her. She then preceded to beat the crap out of all of them single handedly.

(Okay this attack should work)

[Notice. If you fail this attack you will be forced to become her subordinate] me and Milim had made a bet.

(Unless you have useful information please be quiet)

[...there is a very fast object heading this way]

"Wait what!?"

This was all I was able to say before several red lightning bolts came crashing down on top of Milim. However Milim didn't even seem to care as the attacks hit her.

"Hmmm?" Once the smoke cleared Milim looked up to see who had attacked her this time.

"Who might you be?" A familiar voice could be heard.

"I am Demon Lord Milim Nava and you are?"

"Names Suu Tempest but just call me Suu"

Suu introduced herself while floating in the air with her wings out, she was also wearing her mask. I was happy to see that she was back and was about to greet her.... however I stopped myself when I heard what she said next.

"Also there is no way in hell a Demon Lord would dress like that" This made Milim flinch slightly and made me and the others go slightly pale.

"Oh, and what exactly is wrong with what I'm wearing"

(Suu for the love of god don-)

"It makes you look like a sŀut"

I didn't even have time to blink before Milim was behind Suu. However when Milim tried to kick her in the back she found that her foot went right through her.

"That's a neat trick"

Suddenly Milim's fist started glowing as she punch Suu in the stomach towards the ground.

"To bad for you that it won't work again"

Before Suu hit the ground she opened up a gate and fell through it. A moment passed before several gates opened up around Milim and black flames poured out from them. As soon as the flames stopped another much bigger red lightning bolt came down on top of Milim.

"Is that the best you go-" Milim was cut off when Suu appeared underneath her with a black sphere in her hand.

As soon as Suu came in to view the sphere in her hands turned in to a massive black laser. The laser hit Milim but kept going up until it exploded causing the clouds to part. A moment passed until...

"Your pretty strong, that last attack actually hurt me a little. You could probably seriously injure or even kill one of the weaker demon lords with that attack" Milim said while suddenly appearing behind Suu.

"I will give you credit, you tried" before Suu could even react she was already crashing into the crater wall at high speed.

"But not hard enough. Also I'd recommend that you do not insult me again"

"Now, where were we" Milim looked over at me.

==========Suu pov==========



"Suu wake up"

I opened my eyes to see Rimuru standing over me while holding my mask. He was patting my face while looking a bit worried.

"Di-did I get hit by a truck?" I asked as I sat up.

Rimuru rolled his eyes at me before helping me to my feet. As soon as I was up, I looked around only to see Milim jumping up and down with a jar of honey.

"What happened?" I looked at Rimuru for an explanation.

Rimuru then went on to explain how he beat Milim as we started making our way closer to the town. Turns out he had beaten her by feeding her honey and then eating it in front of her. She eventually called the battle a draw and promised not to attack anyone from the town.

After walking to the towns entrance we sat down on a nearby wall. Rimuru turned back to his slime form and Milim went back to happily eating the honey.

"This is amazing, so yummy"

"Glad you like it"

"Dad, why is she still here?" I asked still a little annoyed about losing.

"That's none of your business, birdy" she said glaring at me, of course I glared right back.

"Would you two stop arguing already"

Both me and Milim looked away from each other. Rimuru seemed a bit surprised at me as I don't usually act like this. I didn't really know why i was feeling so annoyed myself. All I know is that it had something to do with her eyes, they just pissed me off for some reason.

"Anyway, have you ever thought of becoming a demon lord?" Milim asked Rimuru.

This question made me snap my attention back towards them. Shion and the others were also paying more attention now.

"Na, it honestly sounds like it would be a huge pain in the slime"

(Power is good and all but there has to be a price to becoming a demon lord, that kind of power doesn't come free after all) I thought to myself.

"Huh? Come on seriously but we're great, doesn't everyone want to be like us"

"Oh hell no"

Milim seemed genuinely surprised at what Rimuru said. I on the other hand had to stop myself from laughing at his response.

"Does something cool happen when you become a demon lord?"

(If all demon lords dress like her then no thanks)

"Yeah. Strong opponents come an challenge you to fights, it's really fun"

"Also if you keep insulting my clothes I will punch you into the ground again!" she said while sending me a glare.

"WAIT, you can read my mind"

Milim didn't answer me and just went back to talking with Rimuru. Rimuru let out a sigh at our antics before continuing the conversation.

"No thanks they do that enough already, so count me out"

"What! Then what kinds of things do you do?"

"Lots of stuff, my days are like crazy busy. Do demon lords do anything besides fighting other people?"

"No, not really. But we do get to boss margin around all day" she smiled as if that was an accomplishment.

"Doesn't that just mean, you're bored?" Me and Rimuru asked at the same time.

Milim let out a large audible gasp and flinched backwards a little in shock. Her face told us all we needed to know.

"Well we should be getting back, safe travels and all tha-" Rimuru was cut off when Milim suddenly picked him up.

"Hold on, your doing something way more fun then being a demon lord aren't you"


"No fair, I want to play to. Let meee"

"But I'm not playing"

Milim started shaking Rimuru up and down violently. I was watching this all in disbelief, I couldn't believe someone so childish could be a demon lord.

"Whatever you've been doing all day I want to do too, in fact I want to go to your village right now"

"That's enough" Rimuru shouted as he finally managed to get out of her grip.

"Okay fine but on two conditions. First you and Suu need to stop arguing, second you must always prefer to me as mister Rimuru"

"Screw that. I'm stronger then you, so you should respect me by calling me lady Milim and she was the one that decided to insult me" She angrily said with hands on her hɨps.

"Hey I was just trying to provoke you into attacking me..... and oh look it worked" I gestured to my stomach sarcastically.

"Let's compromise then shall we. First I will call you Milim and you can call me Rimuru, second both you and Suu apologise to each other" the latter part of this little deal made me roll my eyes in slight annoyance.

"Okay but only you, nobody else. Normally I would only allow other demon lords to speak to me in such a casual manner"

"And" Rimuru gestured her to continue.

"And..... I'm sorry that birdy can't take a punch" she glanced at me and I glanced back.

"And I'm sorry you can't dress right" I added.

"Sigh. That's the best we're going to get aren't we"

Rimuru shook his 'head' while looking at the two of us before continuing.

"I guess that means we're friends then?"

Milim looked at him for a second, she seemed a bit surprised by his statement. She finally answered after a couple more seconds.

"Yeah I guess"

"I will show you my village but you have to promise me that you will not cause any trouble, understand"

"Don't worry about me, I will be on my best behaviour"

(I wonder how long that will last)

=========five seconds later=========

"Oh who might this be. Hi there little runt"



///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Body manipulation

Poison manipulation

Corrosive poison

Poisonous mist

Magic compression cannon

Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

Bonded (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro)

Acid immunity

Poison immunity

Magic resistance

Pain resistance

Hunger resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

Abyssal heart.(Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)

///Ultimate skills: none


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