That year Huayu

Chapter 963: Baihua arrives, is it feasible?

Just after drinking tea, when Lin Nan left in a low-key manner at 11 o'clock, he found that the Internet was scolding him again, and the scolding was very fierce, like a group fight.

The reason was that at around 7 o'clock in the morning, Wang Jing posted an additional reply on Weibo the day before yesterday to congratulate Zhou Xingchi and "Mermaid" for their box office success. It came from the fat lady:

"Director Wang, you are too fake, aren't you? You know that the box office is ridiculously fake. Well, I wish you out of Asia and out of the universe to reach the end! The 5 billion will break the record of "Avatar"! But all my big teeth will fall out."

Such a weird reply immediately aroused public outrage.

After all, when everyone is having fun, this eyesore comes out and makes people sick;

Coupled with the years of "negative" reputation and background of their family, it goes without saying that 80 to 90% of real netizens and passers-by on the Internet swarmed up and started to curse!

This scolding lasted for most of the morning, until her husband couldn't sit still and jumped out to defend her, and even posted a rare post on Weibo. It was really like one white face and one red face:

"Seeing that my woman has been wronged for me and my son. I have to tell everyone that the greatest happiness in my life is to have her! She is the best gift God has given me.

If you want to save my face, stop scolding her, because I will feel distressed! What if she was your wife? Or your mother? Would you do this to such a good woman? No way or no way! "

It's okay if this "Mr. Long Wu" doesn't say anything, but when he does, the Internet becomes even more chaotic.

To be honest, sometimes it is really difficult to deal with Fatty’s eccentric and clown-like provocative behavior;

You can just ignore her and lower the price yourself. Just ignore her. She's really disgusting and panicked, so she's helpless!

Lin Nan was driving the car and couldn't help but call Ren Zhonglun to ask how the two state-owned enterprises handled the situation. Anyway, he didn't want to get involved with that mess.

"Ignore the dog and bite you, why don't you go up and retaliate?"

"Isn't this like Dong Ren's style?"

Lin Nan was amused by Ren Zhonglun's words. If the latter really thought so, he would be damned!

"Haha, I definitely can't go up and deal with the dog, I will kill the dog directly.

Will their movie "Legend of the Gods" not be released this year? If it is released, will Shanghai Film, China Film and its theater chains with shares be just decoration? "

Understood, Lin Nan couldn't help but admire him. Speaking of those who play dirty tricks, it has to be these old foxes, they are so ruthless!

"Xinghui called us this morning and told us about this, and they still said they couldn't contact you?"

"My phone has just been turned on, why are they contacting me?" Lin Nan was curious.

"During the last audition for "Mermaid," didn't that woman get banned for three months?

At this moment, she is still fighting against tens of thousands of people online. Isn’t Weibo going to protect the ‘community environment’? "

"Haha, I understand, I understand; then I won't disturb Director Ren. See you later."

"Well, I'll see you at the celebration party. I know you're going to the Oscars."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh. Even Xinghui, who had never scolded him back in the past, actually knew that the "silence" method was effective and came to him? !

While waiting for the red light, Lin Nan dug out his address book;

Such trivial matters must not disturb Cao Guowei. There is a dedicated person on Weibo who is responsible for helping Lin Nan deal with small problems; after all, this is the film and television entertainment industry, so there are naturally many things.

In less than half an hour, there were new hot searches on the Internet:

"Due to continuous violations of the Weibo community convention, wanton abuse and attacks... multiple illegal accounts were punished... banned for ninety days, including Hong Kong celebrity Xiang Tai... It is reported that this is not the first time he has been banned..."

"According to Weibo's backend operations personnel: Due to the large number of complaints and reports received...the results of this processing are compliant and reasonable, and do not involve other reasons. Please do not spread rumors blindly..."

Near 12 noon, Bona’s dinner was served;

Yu Dong and Jin Qiaoqiao were hosting a banquet for some of the main creators of "Macau 3" such as Wang Jing, Andy Lau, and Lau Jialing, but Xiang Qiang, Zhou Runfa, Zhang Jiahui and others did not come.

"Don't think about it. Weibo won't care about this kind of thing if no one says hello. After all, the higher the topic and the more traffic, the more profitable the Internet platform will be."

Yu Dong picked up the red wine and raised his glass, smiling.

"Did Yu mean Director Lin's side?" Wang Jing is a smart man.

"Only Lin Nan has a direct interest and is able to do this; otherwise, with his lazy personality, he would not care about this, and would even watch the excitement from the side? Haha... "

Hearing this, everyone present immediately showed helpless looks, offending the mainland giant!

Especially Liu Dehua on the side lowered his head and remained silent, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I've told Mr. and Mrs. Xiangsheng a long time ago that things are different now! But that guy just can't control his mouth and doesn't look at what his reputation in the mainland has become?"

Wang Jing made a rare complaint. Now is indeed not the past. Hong Kong filmmakers who can get along in the mainland are the best in Hong Kong!

If you want to do well in the mainland, you must have a clear view of the industry situation in the mainland, see the mountains clearly, pay attention to reputation, and even more, you must make a break with the past as much as possible;

But this guy is good, and his behavior has not changed at all. He used to scold Zhou Xingchi, but this time he started looking for trouble from the beginning of the audition for the "Mermaid" project, which is really brainless.

Does she really not look at who the other producers are? Behind it are not only Lin Nan Pictures, but also state-owned enterprises ranked first and second in the industry, which are China Film and Film Film Corporation!

Hong Kong films want to enter the mainland. Although they enjoy the splitting treatment of domestic films, they are still imported films. If you offend China Film, you will not get any good results. If you offend Shanghai Film, you will not be able to kill you!

"By the way, will I be resented for this and affect the future?" Liu Jialing suddenly asked.

Hearing this, Yu Dong's face immediately turned bad. He thought of "Legend of the Gods" jointly produced by Bona and China Star.

"Probably not. Let's work harder and run the second round of promotions for "Macau Storm 3"..."

Wang Jing changed the topic perfunctorily, and the dinner immediately started to "laugh and laugh" again, but Yu Dong still felt a little uneasy and worried...

Nearly an hour later, the dinner ended.

The assistant hurriedly greeted Liu Dehua, "Brother Hua, Xiang Sheng just called and asked when you would be free. I would like to treat you to a meal."

When Liu Dehua heard this, a bitter smile instantly appeared on his face;

He knew very well that some favors cannot be sold, so he immediately shook his head: "Please call me back and tell me that I will not return to Hong Kong Island in the next two days and will fly directly to Hollywood with Director Zhang and the others."

"Oh, okay, Brother Hua."

One day later, the time came to the 20th.

The team of Hongxingwu finally completed the docking with the brand owners and determined the final outfit of Liu Yifei's Oscar trip.

All high-end, limited-edition items such as dresses, jewelry, and handbags will be packaged by the brands and delivered directly to the villa in Beverly Hills.

Taking advantage of the last day before departure, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei prepared to spend a beautiful day at home.

Early in the morning, at the movie market, the box office information of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2: Sword of the Dark", which was newly released yesterday, also came out;

Despite the strong reputation and honors of the first film, this one barely managed a first-day box office of 33 million, and received extremely poor reviews online.

In a large-scale meat grinding factory like the Spring Festival stall, the "money" path can be imagined, and it will definitely be gloomy! Some people's dream of using this movie to make a comeback was shattered.

"Oops, the leader has started posting on Weibo again. Isn't it because their film "A Smile Is Alluring" has been completed, right?"

Lin Nan lay on the sofa, tightened Xiao Hei's arms, and complained while reading the news.

In Hollywood, "Deadpool" has been in theaters for a week and has become the biggest hit in the North American market;

R-rated movies are very bloody and violent. As for how pornographic they are, it depends on the person. However, Ryan Reynolds has indeed completely completed his promotion to the top line.

"Lin Nan, senior brother Yue Jun's phone number. Come here, Dongdong."

Liu Yifei, with her bun hair and tender pink hair, looked like a female bully; when she handed the phone to Lin Nan, she picked up Xiao Hei.

"What's wrong?"

"Director Lin, the distribution of "The Secret of the Dragon" has arrived. In addition, someone from the Hundred Flowers Award is here.

Our films last year accounted for the top spot in the entire domestic film market, so if we don’t participate in any of them, this year’s Hundred Flowers Awards will really be impossible! hehe……"

Hearing this, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei were both happy.

Different from association awards such as the Golden Rooster, the Hundred Flowers Award is also called the Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award;

It selects hundreds of films from theaters, 100 preliminary judges vote to select 10 nominated films, and then the 100 final judges vote to determine the awards.

However, when movie theaters choose to send films, they must obtain the consent of the film producer, otherwise they cannot choose to send them.

As Yue Jun said, last year the entire film market was almost dominated by films exclusively produced and controlled by Lin Nan Pictures, which dominated the entire box office market;

If Lin Nan Pictures really doesn't agree to send its own movies, then this Hundred Flowers Awards will really be out of the question!

"Sissi, what do you think?"

"Me? I have no idea, whatever. But I remember that when you went to the Hundred Flowers Awards for the first time, you seemed to have won the award, right?"

Liu Yifei tilted her head and smiled sweetly.

"Well, that's right. The first time I went to Baihua, they gave me the Outstanding Feature Film Award. It was very sincere."

Lin Nan couldn't help but laugh and said, but with his current status, he is definitely not suitable to go to the Hundred Flowers Award;

Because as long as he goes, he will definitely get a prize, but there is really no need for him to snatch the opportunities of those "juniors".

"Director Lin, what are we going to decide now? You and Yifei are going to leave tomorrow morning, but you have to decide on Baihua in the next two days." Yue Jun urged.

"My movie is not necessary. For other movies, you can discuss it with the directors. If the theater selects the movie and the directors agree, then send it over. But I guess, as long as the theater selects the movie, Guo Fan None of them should object!" Lin Nan nodded.

"Director Lin, I have to remind you that Hundred Flowers can be manipulated a little. For a long time, for several years, it was nicknamed the 'Huayi Hundred Flowers Award'!"

Hearing this, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei glanced at each other subconsciously. Yue Jun's idea was a bit bold!

But what he said was right. In the past, the company rarely went to Baihua, so it naturally didn't care about it. But this time, since it has a big advantage... and Lin Nan also knows that Guo Fan and Lu Yang really want the prize.

"Since we have already signed up for Huabiao, we can't leave Baihua behind. Director Yue, I'll leave it to you. Do your best." Lin Nan's tone suddenly became more formal.

As an old man who has followed Lin Nan for so many years, Yue Jun certainly understood what he meant.

"I understand. I will take care of the follow-up matters and will definitely do my best!" Yue Jun laughed and hung up the phone.

Liu Yifei sat down next to Lin Nan, and she had not yet completely recovered from her "shock";

She looked at Lin Nan and confirmed: "So, on the basis of Huabiao, there is another Baihua?"

"Yes, you heard it too. Baihua came to invite us in person! If we don't go, what they put out will be a joke. If we go and don't give us a few awards, it will be even more of a joke.

The cinema chain as a whole must be on our side, because 20% of the box office last year was contributed by our movies!"

Lin Nan smiled and spread his hands, and saw Liu Yifei suddenly picked up her mobile phone and clicked on Xie Nan's video call.

"What are you doing?" Now it was Lin Nan's turn to be curious.

"Let Xie Nan inform Wu Jing, and then cooperate with Hongxingwu to compete for the Hundred Flowers Award. "Wolf Warrior" has a box office of more than 700 million yuan, and it is a theme, it will definitely be selected!"

Liu Yifei said confidently without even looking at Lin Nan.

At this moment, the person in front of Director Lin was not Liu Hanhan or Liu Qianqian, but Liu·Strong Woman·Producer·Yifei! IQ is absolutely online, and she is very smart!


The re-examinations of Beijing Film Academy and Central Academy of Drama officially started after 8 o'clock in the morning; yes, it was the same day.

As expected by the majority of netizens, all child stars successfully entered the re-examination stage, including Guan Xiaotong who was supposed to be eliminated due to mistakes in the initial examination stage.

In fact, the official statement given by the school makes sense, that is: Guan Xiaotong has acted in so many plays, and the most basic poetry recitation is definitely no problem, but she was too nervous at the time!

Although this is the truth, special care is special care.

As a result, the official Weibo of the 16th grade art exam of Beijing Film Academy and Guan Xiaotong's Weibo were "exploded" like this!

Lin Nan estimated that from today's art exam re-examination until the end of the art exam, the resentment of the Beijing Film Academy's Performance School will be very heavy;

Because the person in charge of "supporting" the Central Academy of Drama is Liu Haoran, who participated in "Detective Chinatown", which is extremely eye-catching.

After all, the movie has just been released for five days, and its total box office is only one step away from 3 billion, and it is still the highest box office record holder for domestic films...

"The Mermaid" will be the most likely to surpass it, and the possibility is getting bigger and bigger; because it has won 2.47 billion box office in 12 days of release, and the daily box office is still over 100 million!

“Mojin: The Lost Legend” has been off screen for nearly two months, but its popularity remains undiminished, especially in the film industry;

Because it is the fourth-highest commercial blockbuster on the domestic box office list, and Wu Ershan has indeed been promoted to a top commercial film director because of it.

In the studio, in the office.

In front of Wu Ershan is a thick leather notebook, but there is not much content on it; there are also a lot of draft papers on the side, which are simple characterizations of the characters.

According to the plan, the script of “Investiture of the Gods” was indeed started after the Spring Festival, and Wu Ershan will strive to complete it by the middle of the year or at the latest by the end of July; because only in this way can the next step be carried out as soon as possible…

“Boss, someone from Director Song is here, please go to the dinner.”

The assistant’s voice interrupted Wu Ershan who was writing furiously. He frowned, put down his pen, and closed the first draft of the script of “Investiture of the Gods” he was working on.

Looking up, I saw Song Ge's secretary had walked in with a smile on his face:

"Director Wu Ershan, our president Song asked me to pick you up. He said he would introduce you to some capital companies that might help with the investment in "The Investiture of the Gods"..."

Hearing this, Wu Ershan was immediately refreshed and smiled: "Now?"

"Yes, it's the lunch party at noon."

"Okay, I'll pack up and we'll leave now."

As he spoke, Wu Ershan had already stood up enthusiastically. After all, according to his idea, "The Investiture of the Gods" really needs big capital to support it!

And Song Ge's secretary was very satisfied with Wu Ershan's attitude.

A big director who is famous for magic and fantasy films is exactly what the group needs;

Because the blockbusters of this kind of director are really high-budget, and they spend money like water, and there is no need to save!

Aren't the two parties a perfect match? !


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