That year Huayu

Chapter 984 Reba nominated? LeTV announcement

"Produced by LeTV Pictures, written and directed by director Guo Jingming, it brings together many big stars such as Fan Bingbing, Wu Yifan, Chen Xuedong, Chen Weiting, Lin Yun, Wang Yuan, etc.;

The large-scale CG fantasy, action, and adventure masterpiece "Jade Dynasty" released a release poster this morning. The film will compete in the Chinese film box office market during the National Day holiday."

"Director Guo Jingming updated his Weibo and announced that the film "Jade Dynasty 2: The Cold Blooded Banquet" has added a shooting memo, and the original cast will definitely participate in the performance..."

Since March, a number of films with a lot of topics and attention have been scheduled one after another.

And Lin Nan has almost considered the release date of "Operation Mekong"; this main theme commercial film adapted from a real major case is most suitable for the National Day holiday.

Because the main theme commercial film of drug control is very "realistic" when paired with the special day of the National Day holiday;

Didn't the nation almost fall on opium, and after the founding of New China, drug control has been done to the extreme!

Just kidding, if a thief breaks into a house and finds this thing, he will call the police immediately, even if it is just a suspicion.

"Lin Nan, my assistant called me and told me that the company received an invitation from Disney and sent a lot of tickets.

It seems that Disneyland will officially open in mid-June, and Disney has sent invitations to many domestic actors and celebrities, just during the Magic City International Film Festival."

Liu Yifei came back from outside and shared the news with Lin Nan as soon as she entered the door. Director Lin didn't need to think to know that Miss Liu was ready to go.

The last time the two of them went to Magic City Disneyland was in June of the year before last; at that time, some theme parks had not yet been capped, but they could accommodate a few celebrities with status.

"I know, I'll go with you."

"Hehe, you are smart. Here, I brought you a cake. Brother Xun is in a good mood and spent lavishly this morning."

Lin Nan smiled and took Liu Yifei's bag and the exquisite cake box she was carrying. She went to Zhou Xun's appointment by herself, and she didn't forget to bring a copy for her husband. Well, very considerate!

"I wanted to invite Xie Nan and the others to come, but Xie Nan was on a business trip, and Liu Yan flew to Bali, where..."

Miss Liu, who had unloaded her "burden", went straight upstairs. She was going to change her clothes and shoes. At home, she always liked to dress more comfortably and casually.

Lin Nan realized it later. It seemed that the self-proclaimed "big brother" of Guangguang was going to hold a wedding on the 30th of the month, and the location was Bali.

In the outside world, the Hundred Flowers Awards has entered the first round of screening; the nomination list will be determined within two months.

And Yue Jun, as he and Lin Nan proposed before, is doing "public relations" for the Hundred Flowers Awards; it can't be said to be public relations, but it should be making efforts.

"Director Yue, is this appropriate? Reba, isn't she convincing?"

"I don't expect her to win an award, but she can always strive for a nomination, right? It would look better to add this to her resume, wouldn't it?

We produced more than half of the high-grossing quality movies last year, and there may not be a second time in the next few years.

And Reba is a star, and this opportunity to take advantage of the general trend is one less chance if you miss it, it's hard to come by!"

Yue Jun said it very seriously, mainly because Jiang Xingrou called him and said something soft.

"Don't you want to talk to Director Lin?"

"Don't bother Director Lin, Director Lin has given me full authority to handle the Hundred Flowers Awards. It's settled, go ahead."

Yue Jun waved his hand and ordered casually. He was also doing it for the company, and star artists need "resumes" to bless them the most, the more glamorous the better!

"Okay, I understand."


Photos of many Japanese actors entering and leaving Shengkai Pictures appeared on the Internet.

Although the discussion in the mainland film and television industry is not loud, it is also not small;

After all, the films of domestic big directors are "destined" to use Japanese actors as one of the protagonists, which really makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

But on second thought, who let the producer have Japanese capital, and the original novel is still a novel from there.

I remember that Director Chen's last costume fantasy blockbuster "The Promise" seemed to use Japanese male actors and South Korean actors as the core starring actors;

It has been 12 years since the filming of "The Promise"!

"Huang Xuan brought by Chang Jihong is good, very bookish, and his eyes are not bad."

Chen Hong nodded and commented, and Wang Huiling beside him also echoed that this male actor really gave people a very friendly feeling, with a rare calmness of a young man.

"Well, it's not bad."

Chen Kaige recalled Huang Xuan and Chang Jihong who had just left in his mind, and agreed. He and the latter have been acquainted for many years.

"Did Jiang Wenli contact you? I remember that it was she who recommended Huang Xuan to Chang Jihong and then signed him?"

Suddenly, Chen Kaige looked at Chen Hong and asked a very direct question. Chen Hong smiled helplessly, "I did call her."

Wang Huiling was silent on the side and did not interrupt. Things in the entertainment industry are sometimes so funny, and the one in front of us is even more complicated:

Chen Kaige and Gu Changwei have a good relationship, and Zhang Yimou and Gu Changwei have a good relationship, but Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou have a sense of distance and are becoming more and more estranged after the latter won the first European three major gold awards in China.

Thinking back then, it was Chen Kaige and Zhang Yimou who brought them together, and Gu Changwei "met" Jiang Wenli;

But now, they don't interfere or talk to each other, but they don't get divorced and still maintain the family. Director Gu also takes care of his original wife, such as the latter's niece!

"Then let him."

Chen Kaige paused for a few seconds and nodded.

After all, there are not many young actors in China who meet his requirements for "The Legend of the Demon Cat". Huang Xuan already has good looks, temperament, and acting skills. He can be trained and trained.


"Now that it's like this, he doesn't bother to take care of it."

In the blink of an eye, another two or three days passed. March came to the 28th, and "Mermaid" was completely discontinued.

"The movie "Mermaid" directed by Zhou Xingchi has been in theaters for nearly 50 days, with a total box office of 3.39 billion, and the daily box office has dropped below 50,000. It has exhausted its potential and will be released soon."

"Xinghui, China Film, Shanghai Film, and Lin Nan Pictures jointly announced that a celebration dinner will be held in Beijing on the 31st of this month to celebrate "Mermaid" becoming the first Chinese-language commercial blockbuster with a box office of 3 billion..."

"It took 24 days for Disney's imported animated film "Zootopia" to rack up a box office of 1.5 billion, and the daily revenue is still more than 7 million..."

Lin Nan was speechless. She didn't know where the joke came from, saying that if "Detective Chinatown" didn't make it to the Spring Festival, "Mermaid" would definitely have a box office of 3.5 billion, or even higher.

In the morning, Yue Jun went to China Film Group for a meeting on behalf of the company to prepare for the celebration banquet. After Lin Nan sat in the company for more than an hour to deal with the accumulated documents, he went home directly.

For the film project "Marriage Story", he had to put a lot of effort into preparation and storyboarding.

As for "Second Generation Fairy", Lin Nan and Ning Hao have already discussed it. There is no need to draw the different shots. When shooting, it will look as good as it wants. It means "good-looking" and "beautiful" in the literal sense.

When filming Liu Yifei, the camera can even directly slap her in the face. Miss Liu can definitely withstand the test!

"There is only one month left before the release of "Love in Seattle 2". I really admire Yang Mi. She even dozed off when she was following me to promote!"

As soon as I got home, the pencils and drawing paper were not laid out, when Xue Xiaolu called.

Director Lin was quite helpless and could only go to the living room to sit for a while. Liu Yifei, with her bare feet, sat cross-legged on the sofa watching the excitement, muttering about what to eat for lunch from time to time.

"Then give her a good beating. She is a well-known 'Desperate Sannyasin' in the circle, haha..."

Lin Nan laughed and joked that Yang Mi did have this nickname, and it had become more and more popular in the past few years, especially after signing the bet. Although this is against the professional ethics of actors, it is nothing to celebrities, and this energy is indeed amazing.

"Hey, forget it. After all, Ms. Xue, who has called me for so long, is amazing for a girl to work so hard. But I probably won't use her again in my future movies.

I want to set the time for the premiere on the 26th of next month. I can’t get through Yue Jun’s phone, so I can only talk to you directly. "

"No problem on the 26th, Sister Xue. I'll tell Yue Jun later that he has gone to China Film and Television and is probably in a meeting."

Lin Nan didn't follow Xue Xiaolu's words. She was the first to advocate for the original cast; but Yang Mi's development trend will most likely be true in the future, and no big director will consider her anymore.

"Well, I won't disturb you then. We'll see you next month when I come to defend myself. I'm looking forward to your movie "Operation Mekong"."

Lin Nan hung up the phone, looked at Liu Yifei next to him who had a sighing expression and hesitated to speak, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"I heard from my assistants that Yang Mi's roles are scheduled for the year after next. There are more than a dozen films. She has to shoot 4 to 5 film and television works in a year, which sounds scary!"

"As much as you want, you have to pay more. She is soberer than most people in the industry."

After all, Lin Nan did not go upstairs to work, but chatted with Liu Yifei down below and ordered food by the way.

It was approaching noon, and while the two of them were waiting for lunch, all the eyes of the film and television industry were focused on LeTV.

Countless actors and entertainers in the industry, as well as celebrities and celebrities who had been invited by LeTV Pictures but declined due to worries, all regretted it so much that their intestines were probably almost full of regret.

Even Wang Changtian called and reminded Lin Nan to pay attention to LeTV’s announcements and big news, and even cursed: He really knows how to operate a horse!

"Now, now I finally know why before we went to Hollywood, Director Wang called and mentioned that there were rumors that LeTV Pictures would not go public, but Director Zhang said at the dinner table on the night of the Lantern Festival that LeTV Pictures would go public. ! Daqing, is this how it goes on the market? ”

Liu Yifei watched the news and said to Lin Nan with sudden realization.

"You're really good at playing." Lin Nan muttered as he watched LeTV's announcement intently.

“In the morning, the listed company LeTV released an announcement document:

After voting and approval by all members of LeTV's board of directors, the group's important decisions are now announced to the outside world and shareholders:

In consideration of the healthy development and continuous growth of LeTV, LeTV will acquire, merge, and integrate 100% of the equity of LeTV Pictures in the form of cash or shares from now on... From then on, LeTV Pictures and LeTV will be independent of each other... The former became part of the listed company LeTV...all shareholders of the original LeTV Pictures..."


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