That year Huayu

Chapter 468 The secret key to postponement, a joke from the Tang Dynasty

As soon as the seventy-year-old Mr. Lu opened his mouth, there were still many old men and ladies who supported him.

It's a pity that Lin Nan is not familiar with them and is not in any association, so there is no need to talk to them at all.

Facts have proved that these people's thinking is completely out of touch with the public.

As soon as he came out, he was preaching in various ways, relying on his seniority to give guidance.

In the eyes of most netizens, this is simply a joke.

Lu Chuan is forty years old and can't do anything to others, so he still wants his seventy-year-old father to come out to support him. This is even more ridiculous.

No one paid any attention to Lu Chuan and his son, so they slowly turned off the flames.

In the joking words of Jiang Wen and Lin Nan: "Don't let the old man touch you, otherwise he will lie down on the hospital bed and say that you and Feng Xiaogang are angry, and you two will become irrational, haha."

The movie market is still in full swing, but this does not include "The King's Feast."

""1942" was released for five days, and the box office revenue was 152 million. The daily box office dropped by 30 million. It is expected to continue to decline..."

""囧" has been in theaters for 3 days and has grossed 130 million yuan at the box office. The daily box office has soared to more than 40 million yuan. It is full of comedy effects! It is very likely to become the biggest dark horse in this year's Lunar New Year festival!"

"The box office of "Life of Pi" has reached 550 million, and its potential has been exhausted. The daily revenue is less than 2 million..."

The eyes of the film industry are all on "Lost in Thailand" and "A Feast for the King". The two movies form a sharp contrast.

The former invested 30 million, and now it has soared into the sky;

The latter invested 140 million, was released for 5 days, and the box office reached 39.4 million. The decline is obvious, and it seems that it will die at any time.

"According to this box office trend, we can apply for an extension key for one month in the middle or late half of the year."

Yue Jun said to Lin Nan confidently.

Unlike "The Genius", domestic films had just experienced being trampled on by imported films in the first half of the year. The film bureau had to take care of all domestic films, so it only gave a one-week extension.

But the Lunar New Year period is different. This is the time to sprint.

According to the industry report before the Lunar New Year, the film bureau will definitely hope that the box office data will be as high as possible.

In addition, "1942" and "The King's Feast" are destined to have difficulty at the box office, and the probability of "囧" getting the one-month extension key is very high.

"Well, I'm also thinking about the extension key, so I'll leave it to you. Remember to go to the film bureau and apply for one month's extension."

Lin Nan nodded and agreed with Yue Jun's idea.

"How are they doing lately?"

"Ever since "囧囧" was released at the box office on the first day, socializing and socializing have not stopped, especially Xu Zheng, who never fails."

Yue Jun chuckled and said, he could see that he was a man full of ambition and unwilling to accept the status quo.

Lin Nan understood the meaning of Yue Jun's words.

He recalled that when Xu Zhengguang directed "囧囧", he took the initiative to sign the same contract as when he directed "囧囧".

The content of this contract was also proposed by Xu Zheng himself, that is, the actors will only receive 30% off the salary, and the director will not receive a penny.

He just hopes to use this in exchange for the opportunity to direct a movie. He is really a decisive and decisive person.

Lin Nan thought about it now and felt that it was not necessary.

"I asked someone to contact Xu Zheng and make up for his actor's salary and director's salary."

"But, this was proposed by Xu Zheng himself, and there is a contract." Yue Jun was puzzled.

"The box office of "囧囧" will not be low. We will make up for it so that it won't spread out and gossip about us."

Lin Nan said calmly.

"But how to determine the director's remuneration?" Yue Jun was a little embarrassed.

"According to Lu Yang's specifications, except for the box office share. In addition, prepare 'red envelopes' for the other two people."

Yue Jun was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I understand."


In the next few days, there were huge differences in the box office of the three domestic movies.

The daily box office of "1942" showed no increase, falling from 30 million to 20 million. At the end of the first week, it received 200 million box office in seven days.

The daily box office of "囧囧" even exceeded 80 million on Saturday and Sunday, and it earned 310 million in 5 days.

The charm of comedy fully exploded during the Lunar New Year season. This achievement attracted the attention of the entire film industry.

The worst one is "The King's Feast" by Lu Chuan. After one week, it was hanging at 43.4 million.

"Five Days, 310 million, its cost is only 30 to 40 million. It is another successful series."

The film and television industry has begun to settle accounts for Lin Nan Pictures this year, and the more they do, the more bitter they become.

There is another great commercial film director in the circle, who came out of the movies of Lin Nan Pictures.

Wang Changtian even made a special call and joked that he had lost money.

Frankly speaking, the promotion expenses and distribution expenses should have been separated from the beginning. The latter requires 1 point of divisible box office expenses.

"You have to think carefully about future releases. It's especially easy to get noticed here!"

"Then how about just a 1-point divisible box office?"

"Huh? If it were your movie, I would do this. The key is that I can't win over China Film Group Corporation. Alas."


How lively the Lunar New Year festival is is just by looking at the many movies.

Three movies, "Zodiac", "Blood Drops" and "Big Shanghai", were released on two consecutive days.

Especially Jackie Chan's "Zodiac", the world premiere was held in the capital a week in advance, and invitations were sent out a week in advance.

Lin Nan's phone was turned off and couldn't be reached, so Jackie Chan called Liu Yifei directly.

"Yifei, bring Lin Nan to my premiere."

"No problem, brother, I will tell him."

"That's good."

Lin Nan's cell phone ran out of battery after making an overseas call, and it was being charged at the moment.

"The investment in "Zodiac" is 300 million, and Jackie Chan's salary is also counted as investment, so he is so interested in it."

Lin Nan explained to Liu Yifei that he only heard about this later.

"Is that also a competitor of "囧囧"?" Liu Yifei asked.

"It won't affect it."

There is really a lot of gossip in the industry.

Lin Nan didn't expect that he would suddenly see the Tang Dynasty's joke.

Cai Yinong's "foolish" signing method really went wrong.

Lin Gengxin proposed to Tangren to terminate the contract, but Cai Yinong disagreed and demanded a high amount of liquidated damages.

Therefore, the former decisively sued the Tang people.

It has spread throughout the film and television circles. When the contract was signed, it was because Cai Yinong promised Lin Gengxin that he would be given the leading male role in at least one or two TV series a year, as well as the supporting actor in the movie, so Lin Gengxin would Signed with Tangren.

But in the past two years, Cai Yinong has only given him supporting roles, and he even had to play supporting roles for latecomers like Jiang Jinfu in "Xuanyuan Sword".

Tang Ren has offended many people in the circle over the years. Now something happened, and everyone gathered around to watch the excitement.

Yang Mi was non-stop and even posted on Weibo.

"Over there, there is always only one brother, and there is only one sister. Although the latter is a bit unable to hold on to the wall. But others, don't dream, if you want to get ahead, find a home as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will regret it sooner or later... …”

Although Yang Mi did not mention her name or surname in her Weibo post.

But anyone in the circle can understand it, and Yang Mi is talking about people from the Tang Dynasty.

Cai Yinong's call went directly to Yue Jun. The meaning is very clear, he wants Yue Jun to control Yang Mi and delete Weibo.

Lin Nan was listening to Yue Jun's reply:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cai, our company's system is very loose. It's really hard to force others to delete their Weibo without naming or swearing, and it doesn't violate laws and regulations. If you feel it's really inappropriate, You can contact her directly..."

Lin Nan couldn't help but want to laugh, asking Cai Yinong to contact Yang Mi? I'm afraid Yang Mi will have to say something.

Something unexpected happened, that's all

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