That year Huayu

Chapter 480 Gossip

Tom sent Liu Yifei directly to the crew.

"I haven't seen you for three days. Did you miss me?"

Miss Liu spoke in Mandarin, sat next to Lin Nan, and asked directly.

Most of the people around him didn't understand, and a very few were amused.

"I wonder, are you satisfied with this answer?" Lin Nan smiled.

"Well, it's okay."

For the whole afternoon, Liu Yifei stayed beside Lin Nan, watching a group of people filming.

The male protagonist played by Leonardo is asked new things every time.

Those things that he had no choice but to conceal and things that were for everyone's benefit were "forced to be questioned" one by one.

Every new lie requires another lie to justify and support it.

The police searched for the missing young boy in a radius of more than ten kilometers.

On the roadside eight kilometers away from home, traces of a collision between two cars were found, but there was no record of the incident being reported to the police.

On the same day, the boy's father helped a female driver who "hit an elk" nearby. She was highly suspicious.

But the tire marks at the scene showed that there was definitely another car, not an elk.

The police found the male protagonist through the license plate number, but the car was "voluntarily scrapped" by them immediately.

And immediately after returning, the actor called the police and claimed that his car was stolen in the parking lot that day.

The evidence of alibi was well prepared in advance, but without providing parking credentials, the suspicion could not be completely eliminated.

After a few more days of shooting, the movie reached its climax in the second half.

The male protagonist played by Leonardo DiCaprio seems to be impeccable in his statements time and time again, but "flaws" are picked out every time, so he continues to justify himself.


Liu Yifei has already handled all foreign brand announcements.

But she thought about returning to China with Lin Nan, so she immediately asked her two assistants to go back first and take annual leave in advance.

Liu Yifei followed Lin Nan and went to the set or the film's public relations reception every day. The fun was very fulfilling.

It's just that maybe the time spent with Lin Nan on the set was so fulfilling that I didn't even think of calling my biological mother for more than half a month.

The final result was that at this moment, Miss Liu was answering Liu Xiaoli's call and was scolded.

A leaky cotton-padded jacket also caused trouble for Lin Nan.

Lin Nan sat on the sofa, listening to the voiceover on Liu Yifei's mobile phone, with a helpless smile on her face.

When Liu Xiaoli attacked her own daughter, she did it one by one without any mercy.

"I know you have been independent since you were a child and have strong wings, but this is not an excuse for you not to make a phone call for more than half a month..."

"He is filming, are you filming too?"

Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue at Lin Nan and spoke softly:

"Mom, I was wrong. Lin Nan and I are on the set every day and we don't run around. You know how much of a nerd I am..."

After another period of criticism, Liu Xiaoli let her daughter go.

Finally, he told Lin Nan to finish the movie and return home early.

"Now I make a call or send a text message every one week to ten days, haha..."

Lin Nan looked at Liu Yifei and joked with a smile.

"You also said it was just this time. If you laugh again, don't come into my room tonight."

Liu Yifei rolled her eyes and launched her ultimate move. Then, with Lin Nan's "submission" expression, he went up to the second floor humming a song.

"Am I being manipulated by Miss Liu?"

Looking at Liu Yifei's graceful back, Lin Nan smiled and recited something with tenderness in her eyes.


The public relations for the Oscars has entered the final step, and all the shortlisted films are just one step away.

Hollywood at this time can be described as having fun and singing every night, with constant drinking parties and parties.

Invitations are sent to the crew of "The Invisible Guest" every day, and the creative team are all invited.

The two actresses would attend public relations receptions for their movies from time to time, but this would not affect the filming here at all.

The crew filmed what happened two and a half months ago in the male protagonist's mouth.

The lover Laura, played by Jessica Chastain, originally stole the dead boy's work permit.

Because she discovered that this boy worked in the same bank as her banker husband.

In order to cover up the boy's death more thoroughly, she secretly used her husband's computer, logged into the boy's account, and transferred a large amount of money from the bank to the boy's private account.

Therefore, the boy who disappeared three months ago turned from missing to absconding with money in only half a month. The boy's mother could not afford to be ill.

But the boy's father firmly believed that his son would not abscond with money. He thought of many things:

At the scene of the accident were the skid marks of an SUV, Laura's model was also an SUV, a men's lighter was seen during repairs, and Laura adjusted the seat of the car while driving away.

From these details, he determined that before the car broke down, someone else was driving the car, a man.

And Laura's words, actions, and demeanor in their home were also very suspicious.

He suspected that the other car at the accident scene was his son's car;

He suspected that the male protagonist and his lover Laura knew everything, including where his son was, and even that something had happened to his son. It was them who did it...

"That's why as a father, he used the license plate number to identify the male protagonist played by Leon and went to confront him, but the other party was already prepared..."

On the set, Lin Nan explained the script to Liu Yifei.

The plot of this movie is indeed very convoluted, with infinite twists and turns, and 90% of the plot is a flashback that happened one to three months ago.


Things happening in the domestic film industry have spread to Hollywood.

Led by director Xie Fei, a large number of well-known directors such as Jia Zhangke, Lou Ye, Li Shaohong, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Jiang Wen, and He Ping jointly submitted applications to the General Administration.

There is only one application content, hoping to replace the film censorship system with a film rating system.

They sent an open letter to the industry, calling on all directors and filmmakers to join the joint team.

In the open letter, he bluntly stated that censorship is a legacy of the planned economy, a bad habit that restricts market prosperity, stifles ideological exploration, and wastes administrative resources.

The news was indeed quite big, and even Lin Nan, who was far away in Hollywood, was affected.

A large number of mainland netizens left messages to Lin Nan, hoping that he would join in and apply to the Film Bureau together.

In addition, Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Chen Kaige and others were also called out.

Many people in the industry also contacted Aitlinan, but he did not respond.

"You mean, all the appeal letters have been sent to the company?"

"Yes, it was delivered directly to me." Yue Jun confirmed on the phone.

"If you don't get involved, it won't happen." Lin Nan also gave an affirmative reply.

"Why? There are so many directors and filmmakers!"

"Look at the directors who jointly applied to the General Administration. What do they have in common?"

Before Yue Jun could answer, Lin Nan had already asked and answered his own question:

"Either they have suffered from the censorship system, or they are unable to make commercial films, or they are directors who have been wandering around the red line of censorship all year round. Even Ning Hao didn't get involved!"

Lin Nan knew that there would be no film rating system in China, so don't even think about it.

Due to national conditions, everything must be under control. Some things just cannot be photographed and there is no room for negotiation.

Otherwise, are Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaogang all fools? None of them spoke.

"Then I will reject them?"

"Just don't get involved. If you ask, just say that I'm very busy here and rarely answer emails."



Domestic entertainment news about big flowers is also varied and interesting.

Fan Bingbing participated in the investment to film "The Legend of Wu Mei Niang". This will be the first time for an actress born in the 1980s to play Wu Zetian.

For a while, Liu Xiaoqing's version of Wu Zetian was mentioned again, but as he spoke, it went off the rails.

The topic turned directly to the popular "Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", in which Grandma Liu plays the role of a shy girl and daughter-in-law, and she has a lot of scenes!

Netizens were shouting that they couldn't bear to look at it, it stained their eyes, and they even vomited out their last night's meal.

The crew of "The Invisible Guest" continues filming in full swing.

Liu Yifei was browsing the news with her mobile phone in hand, frowning and sighing from time to time.

"What's wrong? The filming can be completed in ten days at most, and we can go back then." Lin Nan said softly.

"Look, you really won't change your mind."

On the mobile phone handed over by Liu Yifei, there was another gossip about Jiang Yiyan.

It had only been a few months since he was arrested last time, and he was arrested again?

Lin Nan didn't even know what to say. Is it easy to change a country? !

The media has used the term "connected people" to describe Jiang Yiyan and Deng Chao.

This time Sun Li did not kill the crew, but directly took the child back to her parents' home, which was very decisive.

The media's coverage of the third part of "Four Famous Catchers" is very interesting.

"Due to some reasons, the crew of "Four Famous 3" has suspended team visits and all members will take a break for a few days..."

The light here became the focus, and they hurriedly issued an announcement, saying that they were taking a holiday because they were about to finish filming, so there was no need to rush.

Netizens don’t believe any announcements. There are already photos online, how can such intimacy be fake?

Wang Changtian was extremely benevolent and righteous to Deng Chao, and he probably owed a lot of favors to the latter!

"The group is more lively." Liu Yifei said unexpectedly.

"They won't just gossip about this in the group, right? Jiang Yiyan is here too!"

Liu Yifei nodded, then shook her head, "She has quit the group since last time. She was asking for help from everyone in the group and quit after Xiao Zhu said a few words."

Hearing Liu Yifei's words, Lin Nan couldn't help but want to laugh.

what is this? Do you still have some self-awareness, or do you still know how to show off?

"Occasionally, Lao Zhu is really outspoken and even a little unobtrusive."

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with us, don't pay attention to this nonsense."

Lin Nan knew that Zhu Yawen was really annoyed by Jiang Yiyan.

Because Jiang Yiyan has always been an artist under Wang Jing's belt, Zhu Yawen's studio is very close.

So Zhu Yawen knew more about what bad things she had done than other classmates, so he looked down upon her even more.

"The third story is ready.

Leon, the second half is your performance time, the transition from pretending to be an innocent victim to a truly sinister and vicious murderer. "

"No problem, Lin. Come on."

Leonardo waved his hand calmly and calmly, seeming confident.


To be honest, I don’t know how well the protagonist should be described in a foreign language film. Some readers have said before that they wish they could write it in more detail and treat it as if they had just watched a movie, but this may be a bit misleading. But most people have not seen many foreign language films, and when the protagonist is filming, they cannot simply pass it by, so the concept of the film is very vague, and any achievements later will appear very abrupt. Dilemma...

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