The 100 billion times training system instantly reaches full level

Chapter 100: Pretend to lose or win him openly

Should I pretend to lose this trouble, or win over that boy openly? This is a question.

It seems that Wei Yuhan is not a greedy woman. Wang Tao gritted his teeth and thought about the marriage he divorced.

The eldest lady of BenQ City tortured him from head to toe.

Fortunately, the women he met after he had the system were still sensible.

However, with his means, I think Wei Yuhan can also be taught to be a well-behaved and sensible little goblin.

Determined to win, Wang Tao looked at Zhang Zhengcheng, whose facial features were distorted by anger, and shook out a scroll.

He picked out five medicinal herbs from the scroll in public, pressed them under a square stone slab on the courtyard wall, and said loudly: "Boy, you can start. After you fix it, check it in public."

After that, he threw the incomplete scroll over.

"Ding, watch the recipe of the Eight-turn Soul-Soothing Pill, get the complete recipe, and you will get experience points * 1 trillion times! Your experience has exceeded the limit!"

"Ding, congratulations on your advancement to an alchemist. Auspicious signs will appear from heaven and you will be awarded an alchemist certificate later."

Oh my god, it's just in time.

Wang Tao took the scroll and filled it up directly. Just as he threw the scroll into Zhang Zhengcheng's arms, he suddenly heard the sound of hundreds of birds chirping in the sky.

The onlookers were confused and talked about it: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Zhang Zhengcheng felt that something bad was going to happen when he saw the auspicious sign from the sky. His mouth twitched, and he had to pick up the scroll and come to Fang Shi to take out the five medicines that had been removed. People who were curious quickly gathered around him and shouted: "It's exactly the same, Wang Tao made the right addition."

"Awesome, the awesome man is really awesome!"

As he was speaking, a solemn voice came from the sky: "Congratulations to Wang Tao for becoming an alchemist, and the whole world celebrates!"

A bright phoenix slowly flew down with a certificate inlaid with gems, and put the certificate on Wang Tao's neck, with its complicated phoenix tail gently bowed as if to salute.

The people watching the excitement couldn't help but cheer: "Awesome, our Tian clan has another alchemist!"

Even those who usually disliked Wang Tao were now filled with joy from the bottom of their hearts.

When the person in charge of the academy's ceremonial department saw the auspicious sign from the sky, he quickly took out all the firecrackers in the warehouse and set them off to celebrate together.

Regardless of the competition going on, he rushed over to congratulate: "Congratulations to Wang Tao for his double happiness."

Zhang Zhengcheng, who was so angry that he gritted his teeth, said bitterly: "It's your turn to ask questions. I haven't lost yet, so how can there be double happiness?"

Wei Yuhan took Wang Tao's hand intimately and said: "Husband, come on, let's go home and have a drink after we beat him."

Wang Tao looked at the girl who was leaning on him, and his mouth twitched. He didn't like being forced.

Wei Yuhan quickly understood Wang Tao's thoughts and said obediently: "I promise to listen to you in the future, not to make trouble at home, not to cause trouble for Que Erlan, and you are not allowed to deliberately tie with him."

Seeing that Wei Yuhan was still sensible, Wang Tao shook out a recipe for the Nine Heavens Soul-Snatching Pill, and also picked out five kinds of medicinal materials, pressed them under the square stone, and smiled at Zhang Zhengcheng's head full of sweat.

The crowd started to make a noise: "If you can't do it, don't waste your time. Don't waste a moment of someone's spring night. It's worth a thousand gold, okay?"

The head of the academy shouted loudly to people to put red on the front door and hang flowers on the second door as if he had advanced to the level of alchemy, and to celebrate Wang Tao's concubine.

This is the first student who has advanced to the level of alchemy in the academy, which is a supreme honor for the academy.

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No matter how noble Wei Yuhan is, it is obviously a bit low to match the alchemy. Fortunately, she proposed to be a concubine, which also made everyone in the academy have the urge to quickly promote this beautiful thing. After all, Wang Tao is a great god, and Fengyun Academy should still worship him well.

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