At first, Zhang Zhengping didn't expect someone to suddenly beat him up, and he didn't react in time and suffered a great loss.

These six old men all looked similar, and they were ruthless, as if they were used to fighting for people's lives for many years, and their moves went straight to the vital points.

After Zhang Zhengping's eye socket was cracked, a rib was broken, and an arm was dislocated, he quickly adjusted his state.

Of course, it was not that he was slow to react, but that these six old men were well-trained and their moves were too fast.

A master is a master, and how could a master who was suddenly attacked and made so embarrassed give up?

With a loud "bang", Zhang the master mobilized all his internal strength at the fastest speed and shook off four of the old men.

The remaining two took his blow, and they punched together with the intention of dying together.

"Tong!" Zhang Zhengping didn't retain any internal strength for defense in the previous attack, and he vomited blood after the two attacks.

The four old men saw their brother lying unconscious with serious injuries, and screamed: "You bastard, we will fight you!"

The seriously injured Zhang Zhengping directly removed the table leg in front of him, waved it to resist the attack of the four old guys, and shouted: "Thunder Blade!"

The four old men grabbed plates and cups from time to time and threw them at Zhang Zhengping.

Fortunately, King Zhe was warm and considerate in his hospitality, and the four old men had eight hands and still had enough ammunition after throwing for a long time.

Another sound: "Bang, bang, bang!"

A weighing column was broken by Zhang Zhengping's hit, and some broken bricks and tiles fell from the roof.

It was only a moment from the time the six old men entered the house to the time the house collapsed. Wang Tao stood up calmly and helped Que Erlan pull up her long skirt.

He also pretended to be polite and said to King Zhe: "Your Majesty, let's invite the guests to the courtyard to enjoy the cool air."

King Zhe was already confused.

Nearly a hundred people in the hall were sitting in their seats like clay sculptures and wooden sculptures, but the tables in front of them were already in pieces.

At this moment, Zhang Zhengping had half a pork elbow on his head, a banana peel hanging on his left shoulder, vegetable juice all over his face, a delicate pink and white radish flower on the tip of his nose, and he was screaming.

Some of the four old men had dislocated arms, and some had broken legs, but they were still strong and braver.

Wang Tao reminded him again: "Your Majesty, please ask the guests to go out and enjoy the cool air!"

The Zhe King was awakened from his dream, trying to remain elegant and decent, grinning and extending his hand to greet: "Dear guests, please come to the garden to enjoy tea and flowers. I am sorry for the hospitality, I am sorry for the hospitality."

After saying that, he led the way in a rage.

But he forgot that there was a step under his feet, and he almost fell down when he missed a step.

Wang Tao reached out and grabbed him, and blocked him outside to protect him.

The Zhe King was full of gratitude and bowed repeatedly.

The guests followed the King of Zhe out of the hall. Wang Tao and Que Erlan walked at the end and took the opportunity to flirt with each other.

Just as Wang Tao led Que Erlan out of the hall, he saw the boy Gongye on the courtyard wall, hugging his shoulders and grinning.

[To be honest, I have been using the book to keep up with the latest updates recently. It switches sources and has many reading voices. It is available for Android and Apple. ]

The guards of the palace have been secretly lurking under the command of the King of Zhe, forming a circle behind the boy, and countless arrows are pointing at him.

The King of Zhe was winking at Wang Tao at the Moon Gate, asking him to hurry outside the Moon Gate. It was obvious that he was about to order the shooting of the boy Gongye and the uninvited guests in the hall.

But after the boy Gongye and Wang Tao looked at each other, the boy suddenly shouted: "You are here, who is my uncle in the room?"

He shouted anxiously: "You hit the wrong guy, Wang Tao is here!"

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