Ji Jilai coughed and said seriously: "Without rules, there will be no order. All students in the Royal Academy are divided into four classes, A, B, C, and D, according to their abilities."

"Students in Class A can challenge the Royal Family Qiankun List after passing the academy's assessments."

"Students who are on the Qiankun List do not need to attend classes every day. They only need to find a teacher to practice according to their own needs."

"As for how to divide the classes, it's very simple. If you can beat the students in Class A, report to Class A, and if you can beat the students in Class B, report to Class B. Of course, if you can't even beat the students in Class D, you will be eliminated immediately."

"Everyone has only one challenge opportunity, do it according to your ability!"

A sentence suddenly popped up among the freshmen: "What about directly defeating those on the Qiankun List?"

Following the voice, everyone saw a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, with fair skin and slender figure.

He has broad shoulders and a thin waist, and is a real beautiful boy.

Although he has a handsome face, his behavior is masculine.

Elder Ji saw that it was Wang Tao who was speaking, and he said calmly: "Most of the students on the Qiankun list are outside completing special tasks for the royal family. Only a few of them came today to cooperate with the assessment of Class A. If you defeat one of them, you can become the first freshman in the history of the Royal Academy to be on the Qiankun list today."

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd, and the booing was getting louder and louder.

"Hey, you are not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue off. The students on the Qiankun list are the most elite warriors of our Tian clan. Any one of them is a master of the universe. How can you do that?"

[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended me a book-chasing app! It's really fucking useful. I use it to read and listen to books to kill time while driving or before going to bed. You can download it here. ]

A middle-aged man in brocade robe came over and added: "It's good for young people to have dreams. The students on the Qiankun list have special sparring partners."

"You can let them suppress their internal strength to the same level as you. If you can hold on for fifty moves, you can directly enter the A class."

The middle-aged man in brocade robe said seriously: "Students in Class A directly enjoy the salary of a marquis. There are two conditions for entering Class A. One is to defeat the students in Class A temporarily, and the other is to challenge the seniors on the Qiankun list and hold on for fifty rounds."

"There are only seven students in Class A at present. I hope you can try to challenge them as much as possible."

Elder Ji asked loudly: "Any objections? If there are no objections, the assessment begins!"

A young man in a green royal robe stood up from the freshman team and said loudly: "I want to challenge the students on the Qiankun list. "

Oh my god!

Someone who knew him sighed softly: "This is Xu Hongyi, the prince of the Wood Clan. He is known as the youngest and most promising one on the Wood Clan continent. This time he was sent to the Heaven Clan to study just to increase his experience. It is said that the boy has become extremely evil."

A young man behind Elder Ji walked out with a smile and said: "I just came back and just went to greet the new classmates."

After that, he saluted Elder Ji and introduced himself: "I am Su Mingwei, ranked 52nd on the Qiankun List. I wonder if you are interested in me, little brother?"

Xu Hongyi said coldly: "Then I'll trouble you, senior. I'm lazy and don't want to go to class!"

Su Mingwei's originally cheerful face darkened, and he said with a slightly teasing tone: "Oh? This is without me restraining my sword energy. You have to think about it. This is the only challenge opportunity."

"Be humble. If I restrain my sword energy for more than 50 moves, you will directly enter Class A. Otherwise, you will be eliminated. "

Elder Ji said calmly: "You choose your own path, Mingwei doesn't need to say more."

Su Mingwei rushed to the center of the square like a shadow, made a gesture of invitation and said: "Come on!"

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