Que Erlan bit her lip and was extremely entangled. She was not from the Celestial Clan at all.

As the little princess of the Water Clan, coming to the Celestial Clan with her brother to learn magic was a cover. Her real purpose was to visit Sang Jianmu, the only alchemist in the Celestial Realm, to seek a cure for her strange disease.

The advice given by Sang Jianmu was similar to what the boy muttered, but it was not as certain and specific as he said.

Should I believe him, and the condition is myself? Sacrifice my appearance and marry such a rogue in exchange for the opportunity to cure the disease and then divorce him?

Que Erlan became more and more angry as she thought about it, and stomped her feet and said, "I am a princess of the Water Clan. It is impossible for me to marry a commoner of the Celestial Clan casually."

Wang Tao shrugged and smiled and said, "Girl, you think too much. I just need a maid to make the bed, wash my feet and pour tea."

This time, Que Erlan was furious and kicked Wang Tao.

Wang Tao drifted and caught the foot wearing light blue embroidered shoes. With a light pull, Que Erlan lost her balance and was pulled up by Wang Tao when she almost fell to the ground.

He advised again: "If you agree to be my maid, you can get my protection. You only have this chance."

The people eating in the restaurant ate a big melon.

**, the princess of the water tribe is a maid for a boy of the sky tribe who doesn't even have a position? How dare you think!

Even if he is a wife, he is not worthy of Que Erlan, okay?

The spectators stared with their eyes wide open, looking at the flushed Que Erlan, she looked very entangled.

The spectators quickly interpreted that this was the little princess of the Que family who was entangled in how to cut this ignorant guy into pieces.

Looking at the huge pot of holly at the entrance of the stairs, Que Erlan compromised.

She whispered: "I agree."

After that, she stood one step behind Wang Tao, her hands drooped naturally, her eyes lowered, and her whole body showed the respectful demeanor of a maid.

It is better to block your freedom for a lifetime than to be like a pot of plants and struggle to survive with only a little water.

Wang Tao sat back in his seat with a satisfied smile, and his new maid Que Erlan hurriedly served him the dishes.

The crowd was excited, such a noble little princess actually became his maid.

This is definitely the biggest explosive news in the entire heaven today, okay?

There are young men who bring maids back to the academy, and it is very common in the dormitory area of ​​the ridge class.

But the maid turned out to be Que Erlan, which attracted countless students to watch.

Everyone didn't believe that what they saw was true.

But Que Erlan followed Wang Tao with her head down and followed him into the bedroom.

The gossipers were very happy. The Heaven Clan is monogamous, but they can have multiple concubines and maids.

Such a maid can naturally be in the hall, and the taste of warming the bed behind the back is not something that these people who claim to be the pride of heaven can taste.

[To be honest, I have been using Reading to keep up with the latest updates recently. It can switch sources and has many voices for reading aloud. It is available for Android and Apple. ]

Everyone in the Rib Class was completely impressed by this big shot.

As soon as he entered the Qingliu Class, he kicked Li Gang's younger brother Li Sha away in the alchemy class.

Then he threw away the genius boy Que Qibai as garbage.

Now Que Qibai's sister, Que Erlan, who ranks fifth on the Fengyun Master List, is willing to sell herself as a maid. Everyone no longer knows whether they are suitable to eat melons or worship him.

Wang Tao threw his boots aside, and when he saw Que Erlan following in, he quickly stopped his hand that was about to take off his outer pants.

Que Erlan calmly helped him take off his outer clothes and pants and hung them in the cabinet, and then spread out the quilt to cover him.

Hearing her go out, Wang Tao was about to fall asleep when he felt a warm little hand reaching into his quilt. He was so panicked that he grabbed the hand and yelled, "Just find a room to live in. I didn't tell you not to come!"

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