Murong Jian immediately performed his duties strictly and gave a hard push to anyone who offended his boss.

It's a pity that no matter how high his magic power is, he can't use it in the human world. The kid is half a head taller than him, and he just hit Murong Jian against the radiator with just one force.

Immediately a big green bag bulged on his forehead.

The strong boy clasped Wang Tao's neck with his elbow and said with a smile: "Junior, let me borrow some money to spend."

Wang Tao pretended to be out of breath and said, "I'll pay for it for you."

Then he took the opportunity to turn around and quickly swung a pair of fists, hitting the boy's eyes.

I immediately brought him a pair of sunglasses, and some of the boys who came early in the class laughed and said, "National treasure, the giant panda!"

The strong boy said angrily: "Boy, just wait for me!"

A boy with eyes in the class whispered: "I heard from my cousin that he is the best around No. 3 Middle School. People call him Brother Qiang."

Another boy came over and said, "That's right, I've heard of him too, buddy, you're pretty good at it, but be careful he seeks revenge."

Murong Jian sneered and was about to utter arrogance when Wang Tao glared back. The two of them found an empty seat and sat down. At this time, a female teacher with glasses not much thinner than the bottom of a bottle came in.

Judging from her age, the teacher was about forty years old. Her little black suit was tied tightly to her body, as if she would be strangled in the next second.

Her face was covered with thick foundation but no makeup, which made people think of a female ghost wearing a mask.

She cleared her throat and said: "Hello, classmates, I am your class teacher and Chinese teacher. You can call me Teacher Guo."

There were few words from below: "Hello, Teacher Guo!"

Obviously, Teacher Guo was very dissatisfied. He raised his voice and said, "You need to have a good spirit for a new beginning. Hello, classmates!"

Now the people below became more orderly: "Hello, Teacher Guo!"

Then Teacher Guo pointed to the boys sitting in the first three rows and said: "Go and bring back the new books. The dormitory allocation list is posted on the wall. After everyone received their new books and bedding, they went to the dormitory to clean up the housekeeping."

"The whole school is under closed management from Monday to Friday. You can go home on Friday night. Late arrival is not allowed on Monday. Two points will be deducted for each late arrival."

Murong Jian couldn't hold it in any longer and asked in a low voice: "Boss, what is points?"

Wang Tao saw that Teacher Guo's eyes were looking over like a sharp old hunting dog, and whispered: "Teacher's life!"

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Next is the seating arrangements. The city's No. 3 Middle School is famous for its science subjects, which has led to serious consequences: there are more boys than girls.

Wang Tao and Murong Jian were relatively taller than these boys, so naturally they sat in the last row and were at the same table.

The melancholy girl was assigned to a seat by the window. Wang Tao took advantage of the Guo bottle to check the list and quickly took a look at her back with the return mirror.

What was shown in the mirror was indeed Lan'er's shy and pampered look.

Wang Tao raised the corner of his mouth and was about to put the mirror back when the girl by the window suddenly raised her hand and stood up: "Teacher, that classmate is reading comics in class!"

Murong Jian looked angrily at the girl who betrayed his boss. Guo Ping'er moved over at the speed of light and reached out to touch the seat.

The new book had not been distributed yet, and the seats were empty. She touched Wang Tao's clothes again, but found nothing except his ID.

Then he looked at Wang Tao's seatmate Murong Jian with a scrutinizing look. With a tigerish face, he stretched out his hand that had been stained with chalk dust all year round and said, "Bring it here!"

Murong Jian was just about to say arrogant, but Wang Tao stepped on his foot, so he had to squeeze out a smile that made him cry: "What?"

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