For the first time, Yun Xiaolan lost her temper with Wang Tao: "Husband, I'm not talking about you. You have been married four or five times now, so you should know how to show love and cherish the beauty, right? Look at this girl, she is so pitiful."

Zhu Yue kicked Wang Tao on the crook of his leg: "Hurry up and carry her upstairs so that she can be well taken care of. After she is taken care of, I will let you play with her. Tell me why you are so light and heavy. Who is the person whose head falls in your hand?" It looks like it’s been dismantled.”

When Murong Jian looked at it, he raised his hands and said, "Two mistresses, calm down, I'll hold you, I'll hold you!"

Zhu Yue said angrily: "Fart, let him do this by himself! Did you just hug him?"

In front of his apprentice and classmates, Wang Tao was so insulted by the two.

He pointed at Murong Jian angrily and said, "Why do you always fail to do what I ask you to do? Why is it always me who wipes the butt!"

Zhu Yue glanced at Murong Jian meaningfully for a moment, and said gloatingly: "No wonder he was beaten like that. Was it because he was tickled by your sexy little tutor?"

Wang Tao dumped the mobile phones and tempered films on the coffee table, and said angrily to Zhuyue and Yun Xiaolan: "Paper them all. If you can't do it well, come to me tonight to apologize."

Then he pointed at the back of Murong Jian carrying Hu Baihan upstairs and said, "That look is all to your advantage."

After saying that, he angrily went back to the house to lie down and rest.

It seemed that Xiao Jianren had used some extraordinary tactics on Hu Baihan. He changed her clothes and let her have a good sleep.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving or before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here]

Apparently Murong Jian's room on the first floor has been requisitioned by Zhu Yue and Yun Xiaolan. These two guys are like novice gamers, taking turns going to Wang Tao's room to gain experience.

The fun-loving Zhuyue has even renovated her study room. In Yun Xiaolan's words, this guy won't learn much about serious things in the next semester, and he will already know how to deal with those who are not serious.

When Murong Jian opened the door and entered his former bedroom, he was so frightened that he backed out when he saw the huge bed.

Zhu Yue said angrily: "All your clothes have been thrown into the second bedroom on the second floor. Don't go downstairs to disturb us if you have nothing to do."

Murong Jian could only apologize and said: "I'll get out of here."

He stood tangledly outside the master's door, fearing that Master Lan would be embarrassed in the room.

He could only say weakly: "Master, my disciple is guilty."

Wang Tao also wanted to know what was going on, so he snorted: "Come in!"

The little swordsman was dejected: "Send Hu Baihan's front foot back that day, and she will send a message asking for help on the back foot."

"But I was with Xiaotong at the time, and she insisted on saying that I had second thoughts and was not allowed to look at my phone."

"By the time I saw the news, it was too late. Later, when I followed the scent to the back house on that street, I happened to encounter the deer committing murder."

"Zhao Haiyang and the others are fighting with that deer, but those idiots are obviously no match."

"I originally wanted to send Hu Baihan back first, but her pursuit of death and survival was too much."

Wang Tao was so angry that he cursed: "A girl is going through this? Do you blame her for being sad?"

Jian asked in surprise: "How old is she and she hasn't had a room yet? As for Xiaotong, I bet she has slept with at least six or seven of them before me. How can a girl in the world be sad about such a thing? She has such a face that if she wants to get into anyone’s bed, she’ll have to be very embarrassed.”

Wang Tao was so angry that he pointed at Murong Jian and cursed: "Don't talk about mortals, do you still look like a fairy?"

Murong Jian said speechlessly: "The money has been given to me, and I also said that I am married. From now on, I will just sleep with her. Master, don't be angry about this trivial matter!"

Xiaolong slammed the bathroom door and got into the bathtub. The screams coming from his father's room were terrifying.

Poor little sword man...

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