Wang Tao locked the position of the two dangerous elements almost instantly. He stood up quietly and sealed the door of his fried chicken shop.

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The Jia girls squeezed to the front and asked angrily: "Our event has been approved by the leaders, why interrupt us?"

The uniformed man standing at the front of the team was wrapped tightly. He said lightly: "Madam, please understand that the lives and property of the people are above everything else. After we eliminate the hidden dangers, you can continue your business activities."

The Jia girls said angrily: "I earn millions of dollars every minute. Can you afford to pay for the delay?"

It seems that the uniformed man is not good at speaking. The two uniformed personnel on the side stepped forward to control the Jia girls, stuffed them in front of an instrument to check that they were correct, and said lightly: "Please don't interfere with official business, sir."

The diners were evacuated first, and most of the merchants were reluctant to leave. They were reluctant to leave their stalls and watched the time to make money pass too quickly.

The uniformed man helplessly held up a loud speaker and shouted: "Please put down your bottles and cans and move in an orderly manner!"

The whole street was filled with: "Please put down your bottles and cans and move in an orderly manner!"

But this group of takeaway merchants are not afraid of anyone except the city management personnel. Anyway, these joint defenses will not do anything to them.

At this time, the loud speaker was snatched away by a man in thick protective clothing. He shouted anxiously: "Money is more important or life is more important? Look at us dressed like this. Are you kidding us?"

The voice is Zhao Haiyang. Zhao Haiyang is the second person in charge of their company. He led the team personally, and Wang Tao also felt that there should be no danger.

Several merchants were infected by Zhao Haiyang's anxious voice, but they also dawdled to clean up.

At this time, a sharp cry of a child suddenly came out. I don't know which merchant brought the child who was inexplicably caught outside the guardrail of the second floor.

Zhao Haiyang, who was carrying at least 30 kilograms, was still very flexible.

A team member immediately bent down to make a supporting posture. Zhao Haiyang stepped on his back and jumped directly to the second floor.

In his hand, a shiny black dagger stabbed directly into the void.

The merchants finally gave up their belongings and ran around the street like headless flies.

They were asked to evacuate in an orderly manner just now, but they refused to leave.

Now they blocked two exits like a swarm of bees, and a man was carrying a pot of hot soup.

It seemed that they would rather die than give up the soup.

The soup splashed everywhere, and many women and children were scalded.

Wang Tao personally guarded the seal at the door of the fried chicken shop and directed the chaotic crowd to enter the fried chicken shop one after another to avoid it.

The team members behind Zhao Haiyang saw Wang Tao as if they saw a savior, and also held a loudspeaker and said: "Everyone, don't make a mess, please don't push and shove the people behind you, the Buddha fried chicken shop is safe, and those who can't squeeze out for the time being, please let the fried chicken shop owner enter the shop to avoid it."

Brother Tom was alone against ten thousand men, he blocked a safe exit, and the hundreds of people behind him couldn't move an inch.

Wang Tao quickly set up a barrier for the western restaurant, opened the door and shouted to the outside: "Listen, people who don't have anything in their hands, the western restaurant is also safe. I will only receive people who don't have anything in their hands. People who carry various items, please go through security check."

Too many people in the fried chicken shop will affect the air quality, and the windows cannot be opened now. Wang Tao only realized now that he should install central air conditioning for the fried chicken shop, but unfortunately he didn't know anything when he was decorating it.

Fortunately, the western restaurant was decorated carefully by Erzi and his friends, and Wang Tao finally thanked the unlucky gang leader silently in his heart.

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