Her cousin's family was in financial difficulty, and her face was full of grievance and sadness. She could only bite her lip, take a step forward, and plan to endure the humiliation and apologize.

At this time, Wang Tao raised his hand to hold her shoulders and said gently: "Beauty, is this kind of junk shop worthy of your humiliation and compromise?"

"My family also runs a small business. When it comes to changing jobs, it's better to choose the right time than to hit it. Why don't you come with me?"

When you feel wronged, even a word of comfort is good.

At this time, cousin Xia Yaxin just regarded these words as a kind words of comfort.

Xia Yaxin took her little hand that was trembling with anger and humiliation and said gently: "Thank you, Mr. Wang. How can a store as big as sesame seeds and mung beans be comparable to Mr. Wang's smallest business?"

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The greasy fat woman said disdainfully: "Is the big business of a little kid selling spicy strips? Fifty cents, not a dollar?"

Her husband, who was slightly bald, laughed wildly and said to Xia Yaxin: "My company is short of a secretary. If you go, you will be treated favorably. I will give you a salary of 10,000 yuan a month, and all travel expenses for traveling with the boss will be reimbursed." of."

Xia Yaxin said disdainfully: "I now have 30,000 yuan a month, and I don't have to travel on business. When I go out to do things, my boss carries my bags. Will I take a fancy to your small business?"

Wang Tao glanced at the two large bags of information he placed at the door of the store and thought about Xia Yaxin's bragging.

The greasy woman sneered: "Do you think the boss is your husband?"

Xia Yaxin retorted: "At least my boss won't take advantage of me after work. It's serious to be optimistic about your husband, and you have a Hulunbuir on your head."

Wang Tao happily sat on a chair in the store, gave Xia Yaxin a thumbs up and said, "Yes, I should give you a promotion and a salary increase. I thought you could only negotiate elegantly, but it turns out you can also negotiate with a shrew." Damn it, such an all-around talent is what I need.”

The greasy woman, the bald man, and the self-righteous store manager all said disdainfully to Wang Tao: "A pretense, a spicy stick seller can pretend to be a big businessman, a poor guy who is not worth 10,000 yuan. "

The self-righteous store manager said angrily: "You are so poor, why do you come to our store and yell at us? You must know that our store is a chain store of Dai Laisi, and our treatment is the best in the city. ”

She glared at her cousin with disdain and said, "You'd better apologize to the customer quickly, otherwise, you won't get any salary, bonus or performance commission. If you dare to mess around again, I will fire you immediately, and you will be on our permanent blacklist, Delise."

Xia Yaxin said encouragingly: "I quit, let's go!"

At this time, a car came to the door, and three people got out one after another.

The man with glasses who got out of the car first yelled: "If you don't shut up, who else do you want to fire? I'll fire you right now!"

The self-righteous store manager said angrily: "Who is coming to make trouble in our store? Get out!"

A little girl who accompanied the store manager had been waiting at the door. At this time, she carefully identified the angry man with glasses, rushed over, opened the door and made a sign of please, winked at the store manager, and then walked closer unintentionally. Just as he was about to speak, the store manager pushed him away.

The store manager's world-weary face became colder and colder as he said, "Are the cats and dogs taking care of our store's business? Who are you?"

The bespectacled man took out his work permit and slapped it on the table. The store manager looked at his work permit and subconsciously read out: "Gu, Gu Cheng, Gu Chengxu, Director of Operations Department of Dailes Group Corporation..."

"Gu, Mr. Gu..." The store manager was covered in sweat and completely stuttered.

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