Who knew that a weak voice at the door said: "Dad, although the world is not worth it, chicken popcorn, octopus balls, double-skinned milk, and strawberry-flavored ice cream are worth it."

As soon as he heard the sound, Pan got goosebumps all over his body.

It was a doll she had seen before. It could talk and could fly on its own.

Wang Tao stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Long in, who smelled of cumin, and then pulled in Zhu Yue, who was squatting at the base of the wall and eavesdropping.

Then he said to the pan: "Let Zhuyue accompany you tonight. If you want to ask anything, just ask Zhuyue. I came from that world just to find her and Lan'er. They are both my wives."

Wang Tao returned to his room and saw Gao Shan crying on the pillow.

He patted her quickly and asked, "What's wrong? Is there anyone else looking for trouble for you outside the window?"

Gao Shan cried: "I thought I was lovelorn!"

Wang Tao could only comfort her and said: "If you want to fall in love, then fall in love. I will be your boyfriend from now on and protect you from being bullied by bad people."

"Just telling the truth, I still have two girlfriends here. If you can't accept it, you can fall in love with someone else. If you need me to compensate you, just tell me."

Gao Shan stretched out her fingers and pressed Wang Tao's lips, and said coquettishly: "I don't want to know so much. Can you take me to school with you on your bike? Just tomorrow morning."

Wang Tao looked at her in confusion and asked, "Don't you feel any pain? You won't be recuperating at home tomorrow and you have to go to school?"

Gao Shan said stubbornly: "I want you to take me to school and buy me a cup of milk tea and dessert. I promise that if you don't like me in the future, I will never pester you."

Touched by this girl's stubbornness, Wang Tao held her in his arms and comforted her gently: "Go to sleep. Please advise Lan'er to have the same consciousness of loving school as you do. From now on, as long as I am still here, I will buy you breakfast." ”

The pan in the guest room was not asleep at all. She kept mumbling: "Lao Gao, I dreamed a few days ago that you told me to be optimistic about Shanshan, but something happened to Shanshan. Fortunately, that person was the one she had always had a crush on. Wang Tao, not a strange ghost, otherwise she will have a psychological shadow for the rest of her life, don’t blame me!”

Pan Pan, who was usually serious, now cried weakly: "I didn't take care of our daughter."

Zhuyue came back from bathing and threw her clothes aside carelessly.

He sat down next to the pan and said impatiently: "Aunt Guo, don't blame Zhu Gong if you have cabbage at home. Wang Tao is a responsible man. Even if he breaks up with Gao Shan in the future, he will not treat her badly."

Pan shouted hysterically: "Why can't he spend the rest of his life with my daughter? Doesn't he know that my daughter has always liked him?"

Zhuyue grinned and said, "Let's do this. You marry my dad. You two will have companionship when you get old. I will be responsible for persuading Wang Tao to take your daughter as a concubine."

Panpan said angrily: "You have perished so early in the morning, and you still want to be a concubine?"

Zhuyue said with a smile: "We are not from this world. Yun Xiaolan was once a princess of a country. When she married Wang Tao, she was just a maid. As the saying goes, the girl who married the same wife."

"You won't tell it anyway, and no one will believe it if you tell me. I'll simply tell you that I was once a sword and followed him through life and death, so he gave me more face."

"We also have an amazing Mrs. Wei in our family. She is Wang Tao's teacher. Wang Tao is the only disciple who married his own teacher as a concubine. Mrs. Wei is not even aggrieved!"

Zhuyue continued to say in a bewitching tone: "As long as you agree to marry my dad, I guarantee that Gao Shan can marry Wang Tao."

Panpan said aggrievedly: "He has so many wives, how can he treat us Shanshan well?"

Zhuyue continued to persuade her: "As long as you marry my father, I guarantee that Shanshan will not suffer any loss. After all, we are half-sisters with different fathers, right?"

"As long as Shanshan marries Wang Tao, the benefits will be extraordinary. At least she won't be entangled in evil ways anymore, right?"

"Others don't know what happened in No. 3 Middle School, so don't I know? How did Uncle Guo get away? The way that girl died back then..."

Pan Pan was so frightened that he covered his eyes and waved his hand: "Xiaoyue, stop talking, Auntie can't live without Shanshan!"

Zhuyue said proudly: "So, we are a family. From now on, you and I will call you stepmother, and Shanshan is my sister. My father is in your hands, will I be bad to my sister?"

"Don't worry about how many wives Wang Tao has. Even if a rich man is monogamous, he won't hesitate to eat outside. It's even more disgusting!"

"Shanshan will definitely not suffer any loss by marrying her. Although Wang Tao has not married a real wife, no one would dare to make a mistake by marrying her."

"Wang Tao loves Lan'er the most. You should be able to tell that Lan'er has a virtuous and virtuous temperament."

Panpan was so frightened by Zhuyue that her face turned red and white for a while, and all she could think about was her daughter looking like a zombie.

She no longer worried about whether the little cabbage was being pushed around by the pig repeatedly. Anyway, with Wang Tao, her daughter was at least willing to do so.

The next morning, Gao Shan wrapped up one of Wang Tao's shirts and tidied up the bedroom. Yun Xiaolan took a set of her own clothes and placed them at the door.

Wang Tao brought Gao Shan's clothes in and motioned for her to change into them.

Yun Xiaolan immediately acted coquettishly: "Who can help Murong Jian and I ask for leave? Today I will take Xiao Jianren to have facial treatment, so I won't go to school."

Seeing that Yun Xiaolan didn't make things difficult for Gao Shan, Panpan said calmly: "I'll help you two and the second class teacher take leave."

Yun Xiaolan said happily: "Thank you, Teacher Guo!"

Then he grabbed the little sword man and ran away.

Zhu Yue brought Xiao Long, who was waiting outside the oven to bake chicken wings, over, pointed at the pan and said, "Call me grandma!"

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Xiaolong grinned, and Ping Pan took two steps back in fear and asked: "Who did Wang Tao have this little thing with? It looks so weird!"

Thinking that it was not appropriate to say so, Ping Pan tried to say calmly: "It's a cute baby."

Xiaolong was happy when he heard it, and flew around Ping Pan, saying happily: "Grandma is still good at seeing. The father hatched it from the eggshell, and my parents died thousands of years ago."

Ping Pan was even more scared and said awkwardly: "Be good, I will buy you delicious food later."

Zhu Yue waved her hand quickly: "This guy can eat you to bankruptcy, so forget it!"

In order to satisfy Gao Shan's little thoughts, Wang Tao really rode a small electric donkey to take her all the way to school.

On the way, he bought her milk tea and desserts, and the little girl actually ate and drank heartlessly and laughed heartlessly.

Ping Pan drove along all the way and bought her medicine for the aftermath at the pharmacy.

She didn't want her daughter to have a future with Wang Tao. As long as she was safe and happy now and didn't get hurt in the future, she would end the relationship.

A proud guy came to the principal's office of No. 3 Middle School. This school director didn't come easily. He sat on the sofa of Principal Zhang and asked coldly: "What is Wang Tao's background?"

Principal Zhang said tremblingly: "He is a rich second-generation. His parents died in a car accident and left a few small shops that are very popular."

The school director wearing sunglasses sneered: "He is an eyesore to me. I hope you know what to do."

Principal Zhang can become the vice principal of No. 3 Middle School because of the support of several school directors.

Originally, No. 3 Middle School was an ordinary middle school for children, and he was nothing more than a teacher who got promoted by backdoor.

After several mergers, No. 3 Middle School actually became a secondary key school in the city. He, a teacher who is used to changing his mind, sat firmly in the position of vice principal under the influence of the school directors.

This awesome school director patted Principal Zhang on the shoulder and said, "Principal Zhang is a wise man. If you can handle this matter for me, you will be the principal of No. 3 Middle School in the future."

Principal Zhang was excited and respectfully sent his God of Wealth away. After thinking for a while, he asked Ping Pan to come to the office.

First, he pretended to be concerned and asked, "Teacher Guo, I heard that thing went to your class last night and made trouble. This morning, people said that the doors and windows of your class were damaged. Did you comfort the students' parents?"

He didn't know that Gao Shan, Ping Pan's daughter, was in trouble yesterday.

Ping Pan said lightly, "Thank God that Wang Tao didn't go far and came back in time, so no students were hurt. Thank God."

Principal Zhang's brows flashed a gloomy look, and he asked faintly, "Isn't this Wang Tao an orphan? How can he exorcise evil spirits?"

Ping Pan didn't think so much, and the scene at that time still made her feel scared.

Ding Dingshen said, "Orphans are said to have strong lives if their parents bring bad luck to them. Plus, the child knows some martial arts, so he is safe."

Principal Zhang said dimly, "No. 3 Middle School is an old school, and there are many such things."

"They didn't succeed this time, but they may do it again in the future. Anyway, there will always be something wrong every few years. Wang Tao, this classmate, did something bad with good intentions."

Flat Pot was immediately unhappy, thinking that if it weren't for Wang Tao, his daughter might not even be able to save her life.

The girls who got into trouble were all girls who had never had a boyfriend. They thought that the death was strange and that part was obviously damaged. For the sake of reputation and threats, the family members could only not speak out.

The joint defense asked them to wait for the results, but what results can such a false thing have?

At the beginning, Flat Pot's husband was a young and energetic member of the joint defense team. He squatted in No. 3 Middle School and insisted on finding the thing that hurt people.

In the end, he only saved the life of the girl seven years ago, but unfortunately the girl has been crazy since then.

Her husband died inexplicably outside the school wall.

Ping Di Guo insisted on staying in No. 3 Middle School to teach, with the determination to find out the cause of her husband's death.

Hearing that Principal Zhang didn't take the loss of life seriously, Ping Guo said calmly: "Principal Zhang, if it's okay, I'll go to class. I want to apply to cancel the evening self-study class in the first year of high school."

Principal Zhang waved his hand: "Won't it be suspicious if you suddenly cancel the evening self-study class? Anyway, no one knows about these things. It will have a bad impact on the school if it gets out. You have to do some ideological work on Wang Tao and the victimized girl. Don't let them tell anyone, otherwise it will cause trouble!"

Principal Zhang didn't even want to know who the victim was. He was so angry that Ping Guo smiled faintly and said: "I will."

Principal Zhang continued: "Wang Tao is too evil. I plan to arrange for him to count the teaching aids in the old warehouse. The time is set during the evening self-study time this week. You can notify him."

Ping Guo raised his eyebrows: "Principal Zhang, Wang Tao is a top student in our school. Isn't it inappropriate for you to do this?"

Teaching aids in the old warehouse? The old warehouse is said to be the most evil place in No. 3 High School. It is usually locked. Ping Guo thought to himself that Wang Tao is now my mother's son-in-law. What do you want to do?

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