A lot of surprised shouts and yells reached Seya, coming from his surprised and somewhat dumbfounded students.

- No way… Impossible… How can we do it…

Seya grabbed two binoculars from the pile.

- Strange to hear everyone saying that. You said something similar when I explained here how to make a Magic Crystal and now, most of you are making them. Arys and Duncan, do you mind coming here and do a small demonstration?

Arys approached Duncan's hear and she whispered something. Duncan nodded while holding laughter and they rush to the middle of the Auditorium, near Seya. He went to the side to give them some space while Arys and Duncan began to gather their Magic. Arys started to make a two meters tall menhir made of rock while Duncan made a fifty-centimeter one, near it. They quickly shaped them. The tall one was starting to look like Arys, in a defiant pose, looking down to the other menhir with her rock hands on her waist. Duncan made one statue that looked like Seya, with his hands trying to reach Arys rocky dress, as if he was begging for something.

With that, everyone in the Auditorium starts to talk among them, blown away by such craftsmanship demonstration.

- No way… it's Teacher Seya… so many details…

They approached the binocular to one eye while pressing in quick succession the Crystals on it. With Arys Earth Magic and Duncan Earth Crystal, both statues quickly turned from the bottom to the top into Magic Crystal, under the surprised eyes of everyone else.

When they finished it, they placed the binoculars on the pile with the others and went to their place as if nothing had happened while holding their laughter.

After the initial shock passed, the students noticed the funny statues that were in front of them and they all burst into laughter. Seya approached the statues and while looking at the little one, he laughed.

- Ahahahah! This is so cool! Arys, do you mind if I keep this little guy? He will look so funny in my room! That RabbitKind girl statue you can keep it, I don't want something that ugly!

Arys stuck her tongue out while Duncan was grinning.

- Blargh! It doesn't matter if you don't like, I never said that one was for you!

Seya opened a Compressed Dimension to store his statue and he waited for everyone to calm down.

- Well, since everyone has already wiped their tears of so much laughter, do you understand how this can be done? I know it's difficult, but let's see who will be the first to achieve this, ok? With this, class dismissed. Don't forget to grab one binocular, on your way out.

There was a stamped of students, to get the binocular. The Principal was looking through it to the hair on his arm and Teacher Fitz was looking at Ryn's hair. A lot of shouts, laughter, and questions about how that binocular was made were surrounding Seya, making it impossible for him to leave. He spent a few moments, explaining what was the internal composition of the binocular and how the Magical Program in each Crystal was able to achieve that magnification.

With all the questioning and doubts, they all got late for lunch and eventually, to the afternoon class. Seya kissed Ryn and Lionelia when they left to Potions Class and he returned to Gaya, straight to his laboratory. He spent the rest of the day making some drawings of future things that he wanted to make, ideas, and improvements to things that already existed. Leaving his room only at dinner time and returning as soon as he finished, even with Ryn and Lionelia begging him to play with them in the Entertainment Room with the games inside the box of 'Heiji's Favourites'. But he couldn't relax, he had to prepare his thoughts and speech for when he was going to address the Kings of every Kingdom and representatives of the Human Conclave and of every Magic Race, as the Great Sage of that era. That speech was important because he wanted to describe what he wanted to do to the Demonoid Island and how their help will be important. When he finished the first draft of his speech and was revising it, Ryn's voice came from his Communication Crystal.

- 'Seya, are you there? Are you alone?'

- Yes, Ryn, I'm here and completely alone. I'm almost finishing writing some things. What's the matter?

- 'Gateway open!'

- Not answering, immediately open one… 'Gateway authorized!' Well, that's a first!

Ryn crossed the Gateway, with her naked body reflecting the sunlight that was coming from the Crystal on the ceiling, and she seated on the edge of Seya's bed. She slowly crossed her legs, rested her hands on the bed, and leaned back. She tilted her head sideways and smiled.

- Well, you still own me a Flow Connection, considering that you did it with Lionelia some years ago and never with me.

Seya gulped, that pose remembered of an old 'femme fatale' in an old movie back on Earth. He went near her while quickly getting rid of his clothes and seated at her side. He held her hand and closed his eyes.

- Close your eyes, gather you Magic and make your Magic Flow go to my hand while I do the same as we did in the making of Gaya. Let your Flow intertwine with mine, your thoughts will be my thoughts, my feelings will be your feelings. Like that, we will slowly become one being and I promise that this night will be amazing.

Ryn was following his guidance, and as soon as she felt her own hand in Seya's hand but as if she was he, she knew that they were connected. They started to breathe at the same time, their thoughts and sensations became one, and their feelings were stronger than ever. They spoke at the same time as if they were one person.

- This is an amazing sensation, but it will become even better and stronger as we immerse deeply into each other, becoming more and more like a single being. We will feel the same thing but increased by two because now we feel not only our separated bodies but also the other one, but as if it was the same body. The sensations, the sensibility, and the excitement increases, and of course, the pleasure…

- Special Note - Stopping the report for this evening!

In the morning, Ryn was soundly asleep, completely exhausted from what happened during the night. Seya slowly woke up, he too was dead tired.

- So tired… it's like I didn't sleep… well, we didn't, actually…

Ryn heard him mumble and she felt him moving, trying to get up. She grabbed Seya, to stop him from leaving. Ryn's voice came out a little hoarse.

- Not so fast… I need some Healing Magic, I can't move… I'm so sleepy… and tired…

- Yeah, me too. But I didn't hear you complain during the night!

- I'm not complaining… I just want Healing Magic… to do it again… and again… and again…

- That's a bit too much, no?

- You cannot do it… weakling… I need a new boyfriend… one that doesn't goes down so easily…

- Who said I couldn't do it? Let me just take care of me first… like this… now some Healing Magic for you… All done. Ready for the next round? And for the following ones? What about school?

- Shut up and concentrate on the Flow Connection, I'm going to school after lunch. We have all morning for ourselves. Or better yet, the entire morning is for me! Obey and don't you question my orders!

- Yes, Milady!

- This will be so much fun… Heheheheh!

- Special Note - Stopping the report for this morning!

In the Dining Room, Ryn and Seya were finishing having lunch. From time to time, Ryn was looking at him and smiling. After so much fun during the night and the entire morning, she was feeling so happy that she almost could not contain herself, she was caressing his right leg under the table with her feet, trying to make him change his mind about sending her to school instead of getting back to their room. But Seya always slapped her feet every time he caught it on time, he warned her that she had to go to school to learn and he had some work to finish. She was too much of a distraction and he still had some things to prepare for one very important meeting.

When they parted in the Meeting Room, Ryn made one last attempt to seduce him, by kissing him while hugging him very tight, only to get her lower lip bitten.

- No, you want to make me change my mind! Go away, you crazy woman! Let me work, I have many things to take care and I wasn't able to do anything so far!

He opened a Gateway into the School's cafeteria and he pushed her through it. She was trying to escape but even with her agility and strength, he still managed to make her cross.

When the Gateway started to disperse, a very angry Lionelia shouted.

- Come here, you! Explain very well to me what you did all morning! And if I don't like your explanation or you try to hide something from me, get ready for a beating!

Fortunately, Lionelia didn't have time to say anything to him, but judging by the tone of her voice and from the awkward look on Ryn's face, she was going to have a lot of trouble explaining what happened.

Seya quickly went to his laboratory again, to finish his speech after telling to his shadow, Myko, that he had work to do and didn't want any kind of interruptions. Myko went in the direction of the Entertainment Room, to see if everything was peaceful amongst the people that were playing in there. Eventually, he would play as well, while looking around.

Little Aria was in Seya's laboratory, seated on a chair and reading the paper with Seya's speech.

- Yeah, you more or less explain everything in here. You just didn't put what you do afterward if it works or if you fail.

Seya sits on the nearest chair and snorts.

- Always with the difficult questions… If it works, this world will be free of those dangerous things and it will prosper faster, without the endless killings amongst the LizardKind and the Mermaids. Even the Fairies and the Dragonoids will prosper because they will not need to be always on alert instead of using their time and efforts to learn or create new things.

- With too much free time, other problems might arise. They can breed more frequently, instead of only breeding to substitute their fallen comrades. Like that, there will be an increase in the number of individuals of the Magical Races, they will need more food and territory, and that can start some friction with the other Races.

- That could happen, but then phase two of my plan starts.

- Phase two? What are you scheming?

- Nothing much, just thinking about a solution for that scenario. But if I fail on achieving my plan for the Demonoids Island, I am preparing for someone to try again, in a few years. My friends and the students at my school are becoming stronger. If this time it doesn't work or if I die, in some years, they can try. If they fail again, you will need to continue protecting this world. Maybe the next Great Sage can do it.

- Seems that you thought about everything… except the part that I don't want for you to die. I will do what I always did for these past Millennia and like that, you can continue on living and create more things to help my people.

- Well, I told you before, I don't want that you die. Trust me, everything will work out just fine.

- I can't make you change up your mind, can I?

- No, not really. Now, go away, I still need to check if I am missing something on that speech. And I need to make some drawings, I remembered some things that the children at your school will love. A big playground with slides, swings, rope bridges, and shelters.

Aria clapped her hands while smiling.

- I know those! They are so fun! Ok, I will let you work on that, I want to check some things, I can't be so carefree like I'm being over these past days! I am becoming a lazy Goddess! Knnya… knnya… knnya…

When Aria disappeared, Seya returned to his speech to improve it and to fix some explanations.

While Seya was working, Gabryel, the Left Hand of the Gods, arrived at the Council of the Gods. He entered the blank infinite space that was accessible to him by dissipating from the Ariansyl World and reappearing there. As usual, there was only white surrounding him. It did not matter to where he looked, there was white everywhere. No walls, floor or ceiling, only white. He waited for his presence to be noted, even while he was still anxious and nervous because of what happened to him during his mission. Time passes without him realizing if it was either years, seconds, months or centuries, he could never find out how much time went by every time he went there because time, space or matter, didn't exist or at least, it didn't seem important among all that whiteness. Then, a choir of voices came from everywhere, like if all the Gods were speaking at the same time or if they were the same existence.

- So, Gabryel, what are your conclusions about that being that Goddess Aria brought to the Ariansyl world?

- Well, his actions and creations are like a tidal wave in that world. But everything is in my Report that I sent moments ago.

- Yes, we saw it and there were some surprising revelations. You told anyone about what you found out?

- No, no one.

- Not even to Goddess Aria? Because if she is as compromised as you say in your Report, she could intervene and create a dangerous situation.

- If I told her what I found out, I would not be here, because she would for sure erase me from existence to hide my findings and solve the problem all alone, despite the consequences that could arise from that.

- Yes, we also think that could happen. Examiner Tilia, we know that you are here for gathering as much information as you can to include in your daily Report about that being activities, but what we are discussing here cannot leave this place. Things must follow its course, and Goddess Aria must assume her responsibilities if anything goes wrong because she was the one to choose that being.

From behind Gabryel, came the voice of Examiner Tilia, but when he turned around, no one was there.

- I respect your decision but you are all wrong, as you were in my case, not warning me previously about the devouring Race in my world. I will not leak any information to Aria or Seya, but if anything goes wrong, I will intervene and help them. The other beings in the Ariansyl world do not deserve to pay for Seya or Aria's mistakes.

Surprisingly, Gabryel raised his right arm and supported that announcement.

- Yes, me too. I spent just a few days in that world but the beings living there, deserve any help that they can get. And that Seya, even if I never spoke with him, I admire him. Everything that he does in that world, it's only to help others. That crazy plan of his is mostly because of his love for Aria. I'm almost sure that if he just wanted to help the beings living in the Ariansyl world, he would devise another plan to deal with the Demonoids Race, but because he loves Aria so much, he wants to solve that problem permanently, so that she doesn't need to sacrifice her little girl form to contain the Demonoids on that Island. Despite the fact that he's doing wrongly, for these past years. Well, this is not the only reason, actually, I got a liking on Gaya, the Magical Mountain. A very interesting and funny Magical Being. I want to see what she becomes, with the passage of time.

For a moment, an hour or a century, complete silence. Gabryel waited, and waited, and waited… Then, the same choir of voices spoke.

- Very well, we will let you two decide what to do if things turn to the worst. With the obvious responsibilities and punishment that could come from your actions on that matter.

Examiner Tilia laughed.

- Ahahah! Yeah, right, like the punishment you gave to Examiner Araban that created those disgusting beings, abandoned his world, and concealed from the Council what he did. Seya gave him a better punishment than you!

The voice answered, and Gabryel could feel anger behind it.

- Mocking the Council is never a good decision. To be turned into an Examiner it's not the worst punishment that we can use.

- Yeah, right, considering the light punishment that you all gave to Araban, I wonder what would be the punishment for a small mockery. Maybe I get a time-out? Or no supper?

- Even after our warning, you continue on that line…

- Yeah, I am still mad with you because of what you did, or better yet, what you did not do, to warn me about my world and the way you punished such a stupid act from Araban. You could all learn with Seya, he is quite fair but he never leaves an evil being without a close watch or alive for long.

- And those actions can have dangerous repercussions in the future. Like Gabryel's Report shows.

- Maybe, but I'm sure that he will find out in time and as usual, he's going to solve it permanently. Can you all say the same thing, considering your past actions over all these last Millennia? Maybe being Gods for all this time made you too lenient and too forgiving over beings that do not deserve your kindness.

- That is what means to be a God, the kindness and forgiveness come with the job…

- I used to think that way until I saw my beautiful people being eaten in front of me. Aria is having the same problem, but in her case, it was Araban that created that mess. And she is sacrificing herself every 1.000 years to save her people. Without your help…

Silence. Complete and overwhelming silence. When Gabryel was starting to think that the meeting was over and he could leave, the choir of voices spoke.

- What do you suggest that we do on this matter, Examiner Tilia? You for sure know that we can't directly intervene in the world of another God. And we can't warn them too.

- Well, knowing Seya as I do, he will figure out a way to deal with those things, even without knowing what Investigator Gabryel found out. I think that when he wins or if he dies, you could grant him a request. Maybe he has a strange idea for the future of the Ariansyl world or he asks to come here, to beat you up. Probably he will choose that last part, he truly hates this Council for not helping Aria.

- Judging from your Reports, he will probably decide to come here to annoy us… It will be funny, actually. It has been a long time that a being came here, angry with us. Yes, we can grant him a request or a hearing in here if that will be his wish. Investigator Gabryel, your work is done. You may leave until we need you again.

Gabryel thought for a while and he decided to take his chances.

- Can I return to the Ariansyl world? I want to talk with Gaya again, that Magical Mountain is funny. And I still need to ask for forgiveness to Goddess Aria, she was mad with me, last time we met. I surprised her while she was having a bath and she hated that. By being there, I can also continue on watching up close what will be the next developments, I am rather curious.

- Very well, you may do as you see fit, as long as you let things follow their course.

- Thank you very much. Examiner Tilia, can I accompany you?

- No, I like to travel alone. Besides your character, I really hate your line of work. I don't want to be near you more than I was, up until now.

Gabryel pretended to be shocked.

- So cold…

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