The 1.000 year Great Sage ---> COMPLETED STORY
Chapter 85:Report 68
Seya winked his eye towards Hina. She was smiling, remembering how much fun it was, the battles at the beach.
- Not really, but very soon it will be. This Inn despite being equal to the one in the Capital, it's cozier. Maybe it's the ocean breeze and smell or the scenery around.
Hina nodded.
- Strangely, all of us thought the same when we were here, early this morning. Maybe it's the ocean. But the flowers and the grass around the Inn also helps. And the scenery from the front door or the windows facing the ocean is unbelievable beautiful.
- Yeah, it really was a very good idea putting this Inn on this place. Later on, if the rooms are not enough, I can put one or two higher floors with more rooms. Or increasing the size of the lower floors. We'll see how this turns out.
The Innkeeper was smiling, he looked very happy.
- I hope it goes that way. More visitors for us! I don't even mind the extra work that comes along with more rooms and guests!
I can't thank enough Milord for this opportunity. I grew up behind the counter of my parent's Inn, and sometimes it was hard for them to make a living.
- Yeah, a lot of people have told me that, lately. I'm glad I could be of some assistance.
I must go now, I'll come back another day, to see the progress. I'm going to make an entrance for visits from the Empire.
The Innkeeper started to look worried.
- Would that be wise, Milord? They could try to attack from there!
Ryn placed her hands on her waist as a triumphant pose while smiling, feeling so proud.
- Only if they use stones and sticks. We took care of relieving some soldiers of their weapons and horses, early this morning!
- Really? Amazing!
- Well, we must go to my Baron's house and see if the new guards are already assembled. ||…Open Gateway…|| … let's go, everyone.
Seya crossed the Gateway, followed by Ryn and their friends.
While Seya and his friends were having fun in the pool, the news of his late incursion into the empire lands, have reached the Emperor and his Ministers.
- My Emperor, we have some strange news to report. Seems that the Sage that came here last time, traveled along the empire lands and he took all the weapons and horses from every Palace and Castle.
- Again? And no one could stop him, I suppose… And what about that Magic Border?
- My Emperor, seems that one Noble that has lands near it, sent two of his slaves into it, and they both disappeared, like the arrows and stones that were thrown against it. And the families of those slaves were taken from inside his castle. When the Noble returned, there was a hole going from his basement until a field in the back of the castle.
- That's strange… and that also means that we are confined into our lands with no way out? How is the trading or the robberies from overseas?
- My Emperor, the only boats allowed in the ocean by the mermaids or the Dragonoids, are fishing boats. We also tried using gliders to send some soldiers over the Magic Border, but every time that we send one glider, a Dragonoid appeared and destroyed it. And that's not the only problem. The people are restless, there's already a shortage of cereals. As my Emperor sure knows, most of the cereals of the Empire, used to come from the fertile lands near the river of the Eternal Forest. And those lands are now on the other side of that Border.
The Emperor stood silent, trying to figure out an exit for that predicament. If the people started to starve, it could lead to a rebellion. And with his soldiers without any kind of weapon, it would be hard to contain it.
When Seya and his friends crossed the Gateway near the new Inn, the Baron was waiting on the other side, smiling while accompanied by four men fully equipped with swords, bows, armors and four Magic Knights next to them.
- Welcome back, Milord. We were expecting your return. These are the guards assigned for the new entrance.
The Village Guards did a deep bow.
- At your service, Milord!
- Perfect. Let me just close this… and open a new one to the middle of the road that goes to the Empire lands… done, please follow me.
Seya crossed the Gateway, followed by his friends, the Baron, and the guards. Then the guards used the Control Box of each Magic Knight to make them cross and join the group. Seya closed the Gateway afterward.
- Well, this is where I thought it was the better location for the entrance. This road as the exact size and two carriages can be here, side by side.
I will make a transparent wall with two special Light Crystals in that Magic Barrier. To activate it, say the command 'Security Wall, Activate!'.
The command 'Security Wall, Open!' will open a passage through the Magic Barrier.
To close the entrance and complete the Magic Barrier in case of an emergency, you just need to shout from afar, the command 'Close, Entrance!'.
I will also place nearby, ten Security Obelisks, with ten Magic Knights inside of each one.
In there, I will make a tall house for the guards stationed here.
That house will work as a checkpoint. Anyone that crosses that entrance, will find himself inside a tunnel leading to the house, with one guard at a desk. The other guard will be near the visits, full alert.
Both guards will always have with them one Control Box and a Magic Knight nearby.
No one may enter with any kind of weapons. The tunnel leading to the house will have a continuous Dark Wall of Compressed Dimension Magic, running back and forth, retrieving any weapons.
One of the Village guards questioned Seya.
- Milord, why so much security?
- Easy, I don't want any of you getting killed by attackers disguised as simple merchants. You are the first line of defense. Together with all the security measures that I want to place in here, I'm counting on you to make sure that no danger comes from the Empire, through this new entrance.
Hearing that, the guards felt an enormous proud for having so much faith placed upon them by that amazing Marquess.
Seya turned around and he walked in the direction of the Magic Barrier while his friends were looking at him, expectantly. Touching the barrier and on the floor at each side of the road, he placed two Big Light Crystals.
He then placed his hand on top of one Light Crystal and when he said ''Security Wall, Activate!', two Light beams were shot up into the sky and they spread, touching each other and then that Light Wall reached the Dark Magic Barrier. It appeared a transparent arc in the Dark Magic Barrier, of 3 meters high, enough for a carriage to pass.
Seya stepped back and he shouted ''Security Wall, Open!'. The arc remained there, but it was now possible to walk through it and enter in the Empire lands on the other side.
Seya closed the entrance again by shouting 'Security Wall, Activate!' and the previous transparent wall appeared again. He then tested the last command, 'Close Entrance!', and the transparent wall disappeared, returning to the Light Crystals and the Dark Magic Barrier was complete again.
Seya placed on each side of the road and at a 1-meter distance from each other, eight of those Obelisks Crystals that he quickly activated. After he finished, on each side of the road stood a line of four Obelisks of three meters tall.
Seya took a drawing of a house from his Compressed Dimension and with a pencil, he made some quick changes. It was missing a tall corridor that could connect the house to the Magic Barrier. He smiled at his work and he then approached Hina and Ryn.
- Ryn, I'm going to do one weird thing that you never saw, so be prepared and see it till the end, without fainting, ok? Hina, this is only possible with a lot of training of Magic Flow. For this, you could use a Magic Crystal with Earth Magic and a lot of focus, to not make one single mistake that could ruin everything and make you start all over. This also serves for everyone else. What I'm going to do, I hope you also can, in a few months or years. It's up to you, if you continue on doing your training.
Everyone nodded, in complete silence. Even Princess Heiji was serious, she wondered what Seya was going to do with that drawing that he was holding while he was walking near the Magic Barrier.
Seya placed the drawing on the floor and after taking another look to it, gathered his Magic and he started making a construction, from the inside to the outer side, using Earth Magic to create wood and rock. Soon, a house was being made. From time to time, Seya looked at the drawing, making sure that he was doing it right.
He made the interior walls with a corridor that crossed the house from side to side, the rooms and the living room, the chairs, the table, the kitchen, the pantry, the seller underground for storage, the doors and the windows. With a bathroom in an outside room and a door connecting to the living room, it was almost complete. Melting some swords and metal spears from his Compressed Dimension, Seya made the metal parts, the knobs, bars, and the bolts needed.
He then made the outside walls and the ceiling, and he made a long and large tunnel from one side of the house, connecting to the Magic Barrier and containing inside, the Security Obelisks and the road. The ceiling of the house continued until the tunnel and it also ended at the Magic Barrier. On the other side of the house, a small tunnel was made, where he placed two Obelisk Crystals on the floor, at each side, that he quickly activated.
When the house was complete, he looked at the drawing and he nodded, satisfied with his work.
Seya called for everyone to follow him and he entered the house through the front door, stopping for a moment to place a Sun Light Crystal at the top of the door.
While the others were looking around, marveled at the house that was built in a matter of seconds, Seya crossed the living room and, right at the end of the corridor that connected to the Magic Barrier, he placed on the floor and at each side of it, two dark Big Crystals.
Seya seated on the floor and he placed a Magical Program on each Crystal that at the command 'Weapons Confiscation' that he said, a Dark Wall with his Compressed Dimension Magic appeared and it traveled across the corridor until the Magic Barrier, touched it, and returned all the way back, disappearing into the Crystals.
Seya made a gesture for them to wait for a little and he went to all the rooms, to the cellar, the kitchen, and the bathroom, placing Light Crystals on the ceilings.
When he returned, Seya looked around and he seated at a chair on the long table of the living room, smiling. He signaled the others to join him, there was enough space at the table and chairs to everyone.
- Well, it's finished. There are 4 rooms for each guard. The kitchen needs some Home Appliances, but the rest is complete. Now, let me explain what your work is going to be.
When you open the Magic Barrier using those Crystals on each side of the road, a merchant can come through that long tunnel, with a wagon and horses. The Security Obelisks inside the tunnel have on their inside, Magic Knights for your protection. There are two more Obelisk Crystals outside the house, at the end of that small tunnel. If you activate those Black Crystals at the end of the living room, a Dark Wall Magic will appear and it will travel along the big tunnel, confiscating swords, daggers, spears, and arrows. The things made of metal will be safe. Or else, the wagon could be destroyed. Activate that Dark Wall Magic as soon as someone enters the tunnel. If you forget and someone draws a weapon, the Obelisk will activate.
I hope that the Baron can teach you how to use the Security Obelisks if needed. If by any chance you suspect of any sort of danger, or you think that the person trying to enter will do anything criminal, tell them to go back to the Empire lands or call the Knights inside the Security Obelisks, to restrain them.
I can see that Ryn is almost fainting, Hina his biting her lips eager to speak, and the rest of you, are looking at me with your mouths open. Except for the Baron and the Guards, they already saw me doing this, so you guys, ask away, complain, cry or say something.
Hina was the first, she took a deep breath before speaking.
- Seya, this was truly amazing. Do you really mean it when you said that we could do this in a few months or years?
- Yes, I'm sure you all will, as long as you practice. Ryn, before fainting, remember that the first thing that you said to me after the Examinations at school, was that you wanted to learn how to be a better Mage. This is one good example of what you can accomplish.
Ryn looked around, she was stunned since the beginning, but Seya was right.
- It's better if I start with small objects right? But being able to do something like this in a few years, it would be wonderful.
Everyone nodded and they started to talk among them about all that. Seya waited for a while and he then called the Guards to teach them how to use the Crystals to open the Magic Barrier and the Crystals to activate the Dark Wall with Compressed Dimension. The Baron showed a few examples on how to use the Security Obelisks, but since the guards already saw some of them on the houses at the Capital, they got used to them very quickly.
- One last thing, the priority is to receive escaped Slaves.
Tell to anyone that tries to enter my lands that I'm buying Slaves, preferably, families, along with their children, for a good price. I think that will also attract some Slave Traders. Merchants that come to sell are allowed, but they can't buy anything. I don't want our products to go to the Empire. At least, not for now. I want to make the Emperor and those High Nobles nervous. Soldiers, Nobles or commoners are forbidden. Understood?
One of the Village Guards had some doubts.
- Milord, why can't we allow commoners? I think that some hunters or farmers could come, like people trying to escape the Empire.
- I need to talk about that with the King. It could bring some troubles in the future between the Empire and the Kingdom. If the news spread that we were accepting commoners from the Empire and that we have houses and fields for everyone, these lands could turn into a full-scale refugee's camp, and that would be troublesome. No, only Slaves, Slave Traders or Merchants that want to sell.
- But Milord, why Slave Traders?
- Easy, I want to save as many Slaves as I can from the Empire, even if I have to pay for them. I'm guessing that Slaves are a very important and free workforce on the Empire, and if a lot of Slaves got out, the Empire will be shaken till the core. Or not, I don't really care what happens in there.
If it was up to me, I would prefer to obliterate the Empire, along with all the land, animals and people living there, saving only the Slaves. But the Goddess forbade me of doing that. So, this is the next best thing.
Hearing that, as long with the serious look that Seya had, made the Baron and the Village Guards tremble. The Marquess could be amazing, but he was also terrifying. And on that moment, they could see the darkness on Seya's eyes that not many people have seen.
Seya shook his head strongly and he forced a smile.
- Well, it's better to leave you, so that you can start your work here. I bid you farewell.
Seya turned around and he called for his friends, it was time to go back to the Baron's house.
When they exited the house, along with the Baron, Seya noticed a disturbance on the Magic Flow of the world. He immediately looked to the two Security Obelisks, and the Magic Knights that should be inside of them, were out, in a defensive stance. Seya gathered his Magic, and suddenly, he shouted.
- 'Magic Knights, Stand Down!'. Princess Heiji, full battle mode! Everyone, go back to the house, now!
Ryn was looking around, trying to figure out what was it that made Seya so nervous. She only saw Princess Heiji quickly getting her armor and sword from her belt purse.
- Seya, what is happening...
She couldn't finish her sentence, Princess Heiji grabbed her and with an outstanding force, she pulled Ryn and threw her inside of the house, where she landed hard on the floor. The others quickly followed her, obeying Seya. They stood inside, with the door a little open, just watching. They could only see Seya with a strong white and dark glow and Princess Heiji standing next to him, glowing in red, surrounded by flames. Suddenly, Seya threw a small ball of light towards the door and a white transparent dome surrounded the house. It was the same transparent Magic that he placed on the Crystals near the Magic Barrier, the one that Seya was testing in his room and they had seen that it could sustain physical and Magical attacks.
Then, at about 5 meters in front of Seya, a strange dark spot appeared and it increased its size, becoming similar to Seya's Gateway, but with rough edges and completely dark. From there, emerged a man, wearing combat clothes and with a big sword. The man looked at Seya and at Princess Heiji and he started to laugh.
- Ahahahah! Seems you sensed my approach! Good, I can kill you both without resorting to schemes or surprise attacks!
Princess Heiji increased her Magic. Her hair became bright red and the flames around her looked alive.
- The last time that a Dragonoid tried to mess with us, he ended calling up for help. And you are weaker than that stupid lizard, the Elder Narn, protector of the Elfians.
The Dragonoid disguised as a human laughed at that remark.
- Ahahahah! I'm not like the Elder Narn, little girl. I'm much, much worst.
I think that you don't remember me, boy, the last time that we saw each other, was on the first time that the Elder Eridan took you to the Dragonoid Library and you put me inside that Dark Magic of yours. You let me go free after some days and the Elder Eridan made a fuss over that attack. I pretended to be sorry, but I never forgot the humiliation.
I've been studying, absorbing Magic from Magical beings and training a lot, to get my revenge. And today, you will die.
Seya remembered that, and he made a small smile. But before Seya could throw the disguised Dragonoid inside his Compressed Dimension again, a high pitched voice could be heard, from above them.
- This one is mine, my dear Seya. I have some old business with this Fairy murderer.
When Seya and the Princess looked up, they saw a small flying being surrounded by a bright light. That being stopped at some meters in front of them, facing the disguised Dragonoid. It then started to increase until the size of a grown-up woman and she landed with a loud bang. When the light faded, they could see the back of a woman in a white dress and four long and multicolored wings.
- I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier, my dear Seya. And I really shouldn't appear before you like this, but I'm hunting this bastard for some years. I'm Titania, the Queen of the Fairies.
- Yeah, it was about time for you to appear. I was getting tired of talking to you and you never answer me back.
Titania was still facing the Dragonoid, but she laughed, with her back still towards Seya and the Princess.
- Ahahahah! So, you noticed me. For how long?
- For that long? I always thought that you liked to speak aloud, for organizing your ideas!
- No, it was for you to know what I was doing. I hoped that you answered me, but you never did. I wanted to thank you for always being with me, protecting and watching over me.
- My dear Seya, it was my honor. But now, let me kill this Fairy murderer. For the last five years, he has been picking a fight or challenging for a duel every Fairy that he could find, so that he could eat them to absorb their Magic. In that way, the Goddess couldn't intervene, because it was only a fight between two Magical Beings.
I could never catch him until now. I didn't want to invade the Dragonoid's Island to kill him and risk a full out war with the Dragonoids. I didn't want to kill all of them, to catch this bastard.
The Dragonoid laughed, hearing that.
- Ahahahah! Do you really think that you can defeat me? Or kill all the Dragonoids? Who do you think you are, little Fairy? I will really like to eat you and absorb your Magic. If you are really the Queen of the Fairies, I will be the most powerful being in this world! You'll… Argh!!!
While the Dragonoid was still talking, Titania had already thrown a Light Slash against his left arm. So fast, because it traveled at the speed of light, that the Dragonoid couldn't even see it. While the arm was falling, Seya opened a Compressed Dimension to take it.
- Cool, a nice souvenir, full of Magic! Queen Titania, can you also take his right arm and his both legs? I want to absorb more of his Magic.
- Sure, my dear Seya.
More Light Slash, followed by more screams from the Dragonoid.
- Argh! You stupid Fairy! Do you think that you can stop me?
While Seya was opening more of his Compressed Dimension to take the other arm and the chopped off legs, he saw a strange thing. The Dragonoid was on the floor, without any arms and legs, but he was using Ancient Dragonoid Magic, and new arms and new legs were growing. Soon, he got up, with a crazy laugh.
- Ahahahahahahahah! You can't stop me, stupid Fairy, no one can! I'm invincible! I'm…
Plof! Plof! Plof!
Suddenly, he started to crumble, turned into small cubes of flesh and blood. Titania had her hand pointing at him, seems that she had thrown a net of Light Magic that cut the Dragonoid into small pieces.
- Try to grow that, Fairy murderer!
Seya opened a Compressed Dimension and he took every cube and every drop of blood of the Dragonoid that was on the floor. He then absorbed the Magic and placed it into some Magic Crystals that he had inside the Compressed Dimension. Seya smiled at the Fairy's back.
- Queen Titania, remember to never upset you! That Light Net was amazing! Do you mind if I copy that?
- No, my dear Seya, I don't mind. I always admired the way that you could learn every Magic that you saw.
Titania turned to face Seya for the first time. She did a small bow and introduced herself again.
- I'm the Queen of Fairies, Titania. I was granted the honor to be your bodyguard by the Goddess herself, even before you were born into this world.
Seya looked at her, very serious. She looked like someone that Seya already knew. He also did a small bow.
- Queen Titania, I humbly thank you for protecting me until now. I think that I can relieve you of that bodyguard job that the Goddess gave you, I can take care of myself, now.
If you don't mind me asking, are you related to Xenya, the Warrior Maiden? Because you two look alike and even your Magic Flow, is similar to hers.
- Ahahah! You have a good eye, my dear Seya. Amongst the Fairies, she's known as Xenya, the Warrior Fairy Princess. She's my daughter. I think that you are turning 16 in some days, so I guess you know what will happen, don't you?
- Yeah, that crazy woman will want to fight me again. But this time, I'll have to decline. In fact, I will never fight her again. She must think of something else to do on my birthday.
- Why is that? It's because of me?
- No, Queen Titania. It's because the people depending on me over these lands. I can't risk my life in a foolish fight anymore, just because she's a battle maniac.
- I see… I'll try to talk to her, but I don't know if I can. She has been traveling all over the world to get stronger so that she could face you again. She hated the last loss.
Seya looked very seriously at the Queen of Fairies. Despite she had protected him so far and he had so much gratitude towards her, Xenya was a problem that he had to deal with.
- Queen Titania, I'm very grateful for your protection so far. I know I wasn't an easy child. But if Xenya comes after me, I won't be gentle like I was two years ago. If she didn't learn her lesson, I'll make sure that she never bothers me again. Ever.
Titania had a sad look on her face. She nodded slowly.
- … I'll talk to her. Goodbye for now, dear Seya. I must go see the Goddess about what you said, that you don't need my protection anymore. We'll talk later, ok?
Saying that, Titania turned again into a small ball of light and she quickly went up to the sky, vanishing. Princess Heiji dispersed her Magic, she was still in full battle mode, even when Titania was talking with Seya.
- That Queen was very beautiful. And you knew that she was following you? Why you never told me?
- I didn't want to point out that I knew about her, I thought she might have some strong reason to keep on hiding.
- Not really, but very soon it will be. This Inn despite being equal to the one in the Capital, it's cozier. Maybe it's the ocean breeze and smell or the scenery around.
Hina nodded.
- Strangely, all of us thought the same when we were here, early this morning. Maybe it's the ocean. But the flowers and the grass around the Inn also helps. And the scenery from the front door or the windows facing the ocean is unbelievable beautiful.
- Yeah, it really was a very good idea putting this Inn on this place. Later on, if the rooms are not enough, I can put one or two higher floors with more rooms. Or increasing the size of the lower floors. We'll see how this turns out.
The Innkeeper was smiling, he looked very happy.
- I hope it goes that way. More visitors for us! I don't even mind the extra work that comes along with more rooms and guests!
I can't thank enough Milord for this opportunity. I grew up behind the counter of my parent's Inn, and sometimes it was hard for them to make a living.
- Yeah, a lot of people have told me that, lately. I'm glad I could be of some assistance.
I must go now, I'll come back another day, to see the progress. I'm going to make an entrance for visits from the Empire.
The Innkeeper started to look worried.
- Would that be wise, Milord? They could try to attack from there!
Ryn placed her hands on her waist as a triumphant pose while smiling, feeling so proud.
- Only if they use stones and sticks. We took care of relieving some soldiers of their weapons and horses, early this morning!
- Really? Amazing!
- Well, we must go to my Baron's house and see if the new guards are already assembled. ||…Open Gateway…|| … let's go, everyone.
Seya crossed the Gateway, followed by Ryn and their friends.
While Seya and his friends were having fun in the pool, the news of his late incursion into the empire lands, have reached the Emperor and his Ministers.
- My Emperor, we have some strange news to report. Seems that the Sage that came here last time, traveled along the empire lands and he took all the weapons and horses from every Palace and Castle.
- Again? And no one could stop him, I suppose… And what about that Magic Border?
- My Emperor, seems that one Noble that has lands near it, sent two of his slaves into it, and they both disappeared, like the arrows and stones that were thrown against it. And the families of those slaves were taken from inside his castle. When the Noble returned, there was a hole going from his basement until a field in the back of the castle.
- That's strange… and that also means that we are confined into our lands with no way out? How is the trading or the robberies from overseas?
- My Emperor, the only boats allowed in the ocean by the mermaids or the Dragonoids, are fishing boats. We also tried using gliders to send some soldiers over the Magic Border, but every time that we send one glider, a Dragonoid appeared and destroyed it. And that's not the only problem. The people are restless, there's already a shortage of cereals. As my Emperor sure knows, most of the cereals of the Empire, used to come from the fertile lands near the river of the Eternal Forest. And those lands are now on the other side of that Border.
The Emperor stood silent, trying to figure out an exit for that predicament. If the people started to starve, it could lead to a rebellion. And with his soldiers without any kind of weapon, it would be hard to contain it.
When Seya and his friends crossed the Gateway near the new Inn, the Baron was waiting on the other side, smiling while accompanied by four men fully equipped with swords, bows, armors and four Magic Knights next to them.
- Welcome back, Milord. We were expecting your return. These are the guards assigned for the new entrance.
The Village Guards did a deep bow.
- At your service, Milord!
- Perfect. Let me just close this… and open a new one to the middle of the road that goes to the Empire lands… done, please follow me.
Seya crossed the Gateway, followed by his friends, the Baron, and the guards. Then the guards used the Control Box of each Magic Knight to make them cross and join the group. Seya closed the Gateway afterward.
- Well, this is where I thought it was the better location for the entrance. This road as the exact size and two carriages can be here, side by side.
I will make a transparent wall with two special Light Crystals in that Magic Barrier. To activate it, say the command 'Security Wall, Activate!'.
The command 'Security Wall, Open!' will open a passage through the Magic Barrier.
To close the entrance and complete the Magic Barrier in case of an emergency, you just need to shout from afar, the command 'Close, Entrance!'.
I will also place nearby, ten Security Obelisks, with ten Magic Knights inside of each one.
In there, I will make a tall house for the guards stationed here.
That house will work as a checkpoint. Anyone that crosses that entrance, will find himself inside a tunnel leading to the house, with one guard at a desk. The other guard will be near the visits, full alert.
Both guards will always have with them one Control Box and a Magic Knight nearby.
No one may enter with any kind of weapons. The tunnel leading to the house will have a continuous Dark Wall of Compressed Dimension Magic, running back and forth, retrieving any weapons.
One of the Village guards questioned Seya.
- Milord, why so much security?
- Easy, I don't want any of you getting killed by attackers disguised as simple merchants. You are the first line of defense. Together with all the security measures that I want to place in here, I'm counting on you to make sure that no danger comes from the Empire, through this new entrance.
Hearing that, the guards felt an enormous proud for having so much faith placed upon them by that amazing Marquess.
Seya turned around and he walked in the direction of the Magic Barrier while his friends were looking at him, expectantly. Touching the barrier and on the floor at each side of the road, he placed two Big Light Crystals.
He then placed his hand on top of one Light Crystal and when he said ''Security Wall, Activate!', two Light beams were shot up into the sky and they spread, touching each other and then that Light Wall reached the Dark Magic Barrier. It appeared a transparent arc in the Dark Magic Barrier, of 3 meters high, enough for a carriage to pass.
Seya stepped back and he shouted ''Security Wall, Open!'. The arc remained there, but it was now possible to walk through it and enter in the Empire lands on the other side.
Seya closed the entrance again by shouting 'Security Wall, Activate!' and the previous transparent wall appeared again. He then tested the last command, 'Close Entrance!', and the transparent wall disappeared, returning to the Light Crystals and the Dark Magic Barrier was complete again.
Seya placed on each side of the road and at a 1-meter distance from each other, eight of those Obelisks Crystals that he quickly activated. After he finished, on each side of the road stood a line of four Obelisks of three meters tall.
Seya took a drawing of a house from his Compressed Dimension and with a pencil, he made some quick changes. It was missing a tall corridor that could connect the house to the Magic Barrier. He smiled at his work and he then approached Hina and Ryn.
- Ryn, I'm going to do one weird thing that you never saw, so be prepared and see it till the end, without fainting, ok? Hina, this is only possible with a lot of training of Magic Flow. For this, you could use a Magic Crystal with Earth Magic and a lot of focus, to not make one single mistake that could ruin everything and make you start all over. This also serves for everyone else. What I'm going to do, I hope you also can, in a few months or years. It's up to you, if you continue on doing your training.
Everyone nodded, in complete silence. Even Princess Heiji was serious, she wondered what Seya was going to do with that drawing that he was holding while he was walking near the Magic Barrier.
Seya placed the drawing on the floor and after taking another look to it, gathered his Magic and he started making a construction, from the inside to the outer side, using Earth Magic to create wood and rock. Soon, a house was being made. From time to time, Seya looked at the drawing, making sure that he was doing it right.
He made the interior walls with a corridor that crossed the house from side to side, the rooms and the living room, the chairs, the table, the kitchen, the pantry, the seller underground for storage, the doors and the windows. With a bathroom in an outside room and a door connecting to the living room, it was almost complete. Melting some swords and metal spears from his Compressed Dimension, Seya made the metal parts, the knobs, bars, and the bolts needed.
He then made the outside walls and the ceiling, and he made a long and large tunnel from one side of the house, connecting to the Magic Barrier and containing inside, the Security Obelisks and the road. The ceiling of the house continued until the tunnel and it also ended at the Magic Barrier. On the other side of the house, a small tunnel was made, where he placed two Obelisk Crystals on the floor, at each side, that he quickly activated.
When the house was complete, he looked at the drawing and he nodded, satisfied with his work.
Seya called for everyone to follow him and he entered the house through the front door, stopping for a moment to place a Sun Light Crystal at the top of the door.
While the others were looking around, marveled at the house that was built in a matter of seconds, Seya crossed the living room and, right at the end of the corridor that connected to the Magic Barrier, he placed on the floor and at each side of it, two dark Big Crystals.
Seya seated on the floor and he placed a Magical Program on each Crystal that at the command 'Weapons Confiscation' that he said, a Dark Wall with his Compressed Dimension Magic appeared and it traveled across the corridor until the Magic Barrier, touched it, and returned all the way back, disappearing into the Crystals.
Seya made a gesture for them to wait for a little and he went to all the rooms, to the cellar, the kitchen, and the bathroom, placing Light Crystals on the ceilings.
When he returned, Seya looked around and he seated at a chair on the long table of the living room, smiling. He signaled the others to join him, there was enough space at the table and chairs to everyone.
- Well, it's finished. There are 4 rooms for each guard. The kitchen needs some Home Appliances, but the rest is complete. Now, let me explain what your work is going to be.
When you open the Magic Barrier using those Crystals on each side of the road, a merchant can come through that long tunnel, with a wagon and horses. The Security Obelisks inside the tunnel have on their inside, Magic Knights for your protection. There are two more Obelisk Crystals outside the house, at the end of that small tunnel. If you activate those Black Crystals at the end of the living room, a Dark Wall Magic will appear and it will travel along the big tunnel, confiscating swords, daggers, spears, and arrows. The things made of metal will be safe. Or else, the wagon could be destroyed. Activate that Dark Wall Magic as soon as someone enters the tunnel. If you forget and someone draws a weapon, the Obelisk will activate.
I hope that the Baron can teach you how to use the Security Obelisks if needed. If by any chance you suspect of any sort of danger, or you think that the person trying to enter will do anything criminal, tell them to go back to the Empire lands or call the Knights inside the Security Obelisks, to restrain them.
I can see that Ryn is almost fainting, Hina his biting her lips eager to speak, and the rest of you, are looking at me with your mouths open. Except for the Baron and the Guards, they already saw me doing this, so you guys, ask away, complain, cry or say something.
Hina was the first, she took a deep breath before speaking.
- Seya, this was truly amazing. Do you really mean it when you said that we could do this in a few months or years?
- Yes, I'm sure you all will, as long as you practice. Ryn, before fainting, remember that the first thing that you said to me after the Examinations at school, was that you wanted to learn how to be a better Mage. This is one good example of what you can accomplish.
Ryn looked around, she was stunned since the beginning, but Seya was right.
- It's better if I start with small objects right? But being able to do something like this in a few years, it would be wonderful.
Everyone nodded and they started to talk among them about all that. Seya waited for a while and he then called the Guards to teach them how to use the Crystals to open the Magic Barrier and the Crystals to activate the Dark Wall with Compressed Dimension. The Baron showed a few examples on how to use the Security Obelisks, but since the guards already saw some of them on the houses at the Capital, they got used to them very quickly.
- One last thing, the priority is to receive escaped Slaves.
Tell to anyone that tries to enter my lands that I'm buying Slaves, preferably, families, along with their children, for a good price. I think that will also attract some Slave Traders. Merchants that come to sell are allowed, but they can't buy anything. I don't want our products to go to the Empire. At least, not for now. I want to make the Emperor and those High Nobles nervous. Soldiers, Nobles or commoners are forbidden. Understood?
One of the Village Guards had some doubts.
- Milord, why can't we allow commoners? I think that some hunters or farmers could come, like people trying to escape the Empire.
- I need to talk about that with the King. It could bring some troubles in the future between the Empire and the Kingdom. If the news spread that we were accepting commoners from the Empire and that we have houses and fields for everyone, these lands could turn into a full-scale refugee's camp, and that would be troublesome. No, only Slaves, Slave Traders or Merchants that want to sell.
- But Milord, why Slave Traders?
- Easy, I want to save as many Slaves as I can from the Empire, even if I have to pay for them. I'm guessing that Slaves are a very important and free workforce on the Empire, and if a lot of Slaves got out, the Empire will be shaken till the core. Or not, I don't really care what happens in there.
If it was up to me, I would prefer to obliterate the Empire, along with all the land, animals and people living there, saving only the Slaves. But the Goddess forbade me of doing that. So, this is the next best thing.
Hearing that, as long with the serious look that Seya had, made the Baron and the Village Guards tremble. The Marquess could be amazing, but he was also terrifying. And on that moment, they could see the darkness on Seya's eyes that not many people have seen.
Seya shook his head strongly and he forced a smile.
- Well, it's better to leave you, so that you can start your work here. I bid you farewell.
Seya turned around and he called for his friends, it was time to go back to the Baron's house.
When they exited the house, along with the Baron, Seya noticed a disturbance on the Magic Flow of the world. He immediately looked to the two Security Obelisks, and the Magic Knights that should be inside of them, were out, in a defensive stance. Seya gathered his Magic, and suddenly, he shouted.
- 'Magic Knights, Stand Down!'. Princess Heiji, full battle mode! Everyone, go back to the house, now!
Ryn was looking around, trying to figure out what was it that made Seya so nervous. She only saw Princess Heiji quickly getting her armor and sword from her belt purse.
- Seya, what is happening...
She couldn't finish her sentence, Princess Heiji grabbed her and with an outstanding force, she pulled Ryn and threw her inside of the house, where she landed hard on the floor. The others quickly followed her, obeying Seya. They stood inside, with the door a little open, just watching. They could only see Seya with a strong white and dark glow and Princess Heiji standing next to him, glowing in red, surrounded by flames. Suddenly, Seya threw a small ball of light towards the door and a white transparent dome surrounded the house. It was the same transparent Magic that he placed on the Crystals near the Magic Barrier, the one that Seya was testing in his room and they had seen that it could sustain physical and Magical attacks.
Then, at about 5 meters in front of Seya, a strange dark spot appeared and it increased its size, becoming similar to Seya's Gateway, but with rough edges and completely dark. From there, emerged a man, wearing combat clothes and with a big sword. The man looked at Seya and at Princess Heiji and he started to laugh.
- Ahahahah! Seems you sensed my approach! Good, I can kill you both without resorting to schemes or surprise attacks!
Princess Heiji increased her Magic. Her hair became bright red and the flames around her looked alive.
- The last time that a Dragonoid tried to mess with us, he ended calling up for help. And you are weaker than that stupid lizard, the Elder Narn, protector of the Elfians.
The Dragonoid disguised as a human laughed at that remark.
- Ahahahah! I'm not like the Elder Narn, little girl. I'm much, much worst.
I think that you don't remember me, boy, the last time that we saw each other, was on the first time that the Elder Eridan took you to the Dragonoid Library and you put me inside that Dark Magic of yours. You let me go free after some days and the Elder Eridan made a fuss over that attack. I pretended to be sorry, but I never forgot the humiliation.
I've been studying, absorbing Magic from Magical beings and training a lot, to get my revenge. And today, you will die.
Seya remembered that, and he made a small smile. But before Seya could throw the disguised Dragonoid inside his Compressed Dimension again, a high pitched voice could be heard, from above them.
- This one is mine, my dear Seya. I have some old business with this Fairy murderer.
When Seya and the Princess looked up, they saw a small flying being surrounded by a bright light. That being stopped at some meters in front of them, facing the disguised Dragonoid. It then started to increase until the size of a grown-up woman and she landed with a loud bang. When the light faded, they could see the back of a woman in a white dress and four long and multicolored wings.
- I'm sorry for not introducing myself earlier, my dear Seya. And I really shouldn't appear before you like this, but I'm hunting this bastard for some years. I'm Titania, the Queen of the Fairies.
- Yeah, it was about time for you to appear. I was getting tired of talking to you and you never answer me back.
Titania was still facing the Dragonoid, but she laughed, with her back still towards Seya and the Princess.
- Ahahahah! So, you noticed me. For how long?
- For that long? I always thought that you liked to speak aloud, for organizing your ideas!
- No, it was for you to know what I was doing. I hoped that you answered me, but you never did. I wanted to thank you for always being with me, protecting and watching over me.
- My dear Seya, it was my honor. But now, let me kill this Fairy murderer. For the last five years, he has been picking a fight or challenging for a duel every Fairy that he could find, so that he could eat them to absorb their Magic. In that way, the Goddess couldn't intervene, because it was only a fight between two Magical Beings.
I could never catch him until now. I didn't want to invade the Dragonoid's Island to kill him and risk a full out war with the Dragonoids. I didn't want to kill all of them, to catch this bastard.
The Dragonoid laughed, hearing that.
- Ahahahah! Do you really think that you can defeat me? Or kill all the Dragonoids? Who do you think you are, little Fairy? I will really like to eat you and absorb your Magic. If you are really the Queen of the Fairies, I will be the most powerful being in this world! You'll… Argh!!!
While the Dragonoid was still talking, Titania had already thrown a Light Slash against his left arm. So fast, because it traveled at the speed of light, that the Dragonoid couldn't even see it. While the arm was falling, Seya opened a Compressed Dimension to take it.
- Cool, a nice souvenir, full of Magic! Queen Titania, can you also take his right arm and his both legs? I want to absorb more of his Magic.
- Sure, my dear Seya.
More Light Slash, followed by more screams from the Dragonoid.
- Argh! You stupid Fairy! Do you think that you can stop me?
While Seya was opening more of his Compressed Dimension to take the other arm and the chopped off legs, he saw a strange thing. The Dragonoid was on the floor, without any arms and legs, but he was using Ancient Dragonoid Magic, and new arms and new legs were growing. Soon, he got up, with a crazy laugh.
- Ahahahahahahahah! You can't stop me, stupid Fairy, no one can! I'm invincible! I'm…
Plof! Plof! Plof!
Suddenly, he started to crumble, turned into small cubes of flesh and blood. Titania had her hand pointing at him, seems that she had thrown a net of Light Magic that cut the Dragonoid into small pieces.
- Try to grow that, Fairy murderer!
Seya opened a Compressed Dimension and he took every cube and every drop of blood of the Dragonoid that was on the floor. He then absorbed the Magic and placed it into some Magic Crystals that he had inside the Compressed Dimension. Seya smiled at the Fairy's back.
- Queen Titania, remember to never upset you! That Light Net was amazing! Do you mind if I copy that?
- No, my dear Seya, I don't mind. I always admired the way that you could learn every Magic that you saw.
Titania turned to face Seya for the first time. She did a small bow and introduced herself again.
- I'm the Queen of Fairies, Titania. I was granted the honor to be your bodyguard by the Goddess herself, even before you were born into this world.
Seya looked at her, very serious. She looked like someone that Seya already knew. He also did a small bow.
- Queen Titania, I humbly thank you for protecting me until now. I think that I can relieve you of that bodyguard job that the Goddess gave you, I can take care of myself, now.
If you don't mind me asking, are you related to Xenya, the Warrior Maiden? Because you two look alike and even your Magic Flow, is similar to hers.
- Ahahah! You have a good eye, my dear Seya. Amongst the Fairies, she's known as Xenya, the Warrior Fairy Princess. She's my daughter. I think that you are turning 16 in some days, so I guess you know what will happen, don't you?
- Yeah, that crazy woman will want to fight me again. But this time, I'll have to decline. In fact, I will never fight her again. She must think of something else to do on my birthday.
- Why is that? It's because of me?
- No, Queen Titania. It's because the people depending on me over these lands. I can't risk my life in a foolish fight anymore, just because she's a battle maniac.
- I see… I'll try to talk to her, but I don't know if I can. She has been traveling all over the world to get stronger so that she could face you again. She hated the last loss.
Seya looked very seriously at the Queen of Fairies. Despite she had protected him so far and he had so much gratitude towards her, Xenya was a problem that he had to deal with.
- Queen Titania, I'm very grateful for your protection so far. I know I wasn't an easy child. But if Xenya comes after me, I won't be gentle like I was two years ago. If she didn't learn her lesson, I'll make sure that she never bothers me again. Ever.
Titania had a sad look on her face. She nodded slowly.
- … I'll talk to her. Goodbye for now, dear Seya. I must go see the Goddess about what you said, that you don't need my protection anymore. We'll talk later, ok?
Saying that, Titania turned again into a small ball of light and she quickly went up to the sky, vanishing. Princess Heiji dispersed her Magic, she was still in full battle mode, even when Titania was talking with Seya.
- That Queen was very beautiful. And you knew that she was following you? Why you never told me?
- I didn't want to point out that I knew about her, I thought she might have some strong reason to keep on hiding.
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