The 1.000 year Great Sage ---> COMPLETED STORY

Chapter 90:Side Story: Social, Economics and Politics


• Beastkind • LizardKind • Mermaids • Dwarfs • Fairies


Borders the Eternal Forest at the South, the Dwarf Kingdom at the East and the sea at North and West.

Influenced by the strong believes of the Knight Sage of 2.000 years ago, the Empire started from a small Royal country to conquer the nearby human kingdoms, annexing them. Soon, a peaceful faction that preferred to trade with the other races, rises. A civil war started, and the peaceful faction lost, and it had to flee.

The Empire is the only country were slavery of other races is common, instead of only criminals sentenced to that. Because of that, there are groups of bandits specialized into incursions in other countries to capture and kidnap new slaves.

Royal Kingdom of Rohan:

Bordering the sea in the West, The Eternal Forest in the North, the Rabbit Kind Kingdom in the East and the BeastKind in the South.

The lands nowadays occupied by the Royal Kingdom, were a part of the RabbitKind Kingdom, almost 1.500 years ago. Those lands were given by the Rabbit Kind to their allies and trading partners, humans that fled from the lands of the Empire.

The Capital City is located in the west near the ocean, it's a big city filled with history. From a small refugee settlement, it grew to a full-fledged city, the center of the Royal Kingdom.

In the City Square, there's a permanent Market, with stands selling various products from the Kingdom as also, imports from the allied countries. There are also shops around the Market, that sells potions, hunting equipment, weapons, and armors.

Close to the sea, there's a huge harbor, from where sets sail fishing and trading ships. It's also there that arrives imported goods. There's also a lot of workshops that repairs, builds and sells ships, of any kind and size.

The Royal Kingdom of the Rabbit Kind:

The Kingdom borders the Kingdom of Rohan at the West, the Kingdom of the Dwarfs at the East, the Eternal Forest at the North and the BeastKind Kingdom at the South.

The RabbitKind are members of the BeastKind, but because of their bellicose nature, they created a separated country, Millennia ago.

They are strict followers of the Bushido code, the way of life of a true Samurai. Because of that, they were able to improve themselves, since they adopted that way of life, 2.000 years ago, influenced by the Elfian Great Sage. Before that, they were always fighting the BeastKind, the Dwarfs, the Elfians, and the humans from the Empire.

They are expert fighters, either unarmed or with weapons. Because of their agility and speed, never a human was able to defeat a RabbitKind Warrior. At least, until Seya was born.

After the civil war in the Empire, that losing faction, more peaceful, had to flee to the Rabbit Kind Kingdom, with whom they had been allies and trading partners. The RabbitKind didn't intervene in that civil war since it doesn't concern them and it wasn't accepted by the Bushido code. The humans received some lands from the RabbitKind King, and they settled near the ocean.

Elfian Kingdom:

Located in the Eternal Forest, a huge forest that extends for more than 300 km wide between the Empire, the Rohan Kingdom, and the Rabbit Kind Kingdom, and crosses the main continent from the sea until the Dwarfs Mountains.

The Elfians are an ancient and proud race, with a very long life. Because of that, they don't get annoyed easily, they know that a being that upsets them, will die first.

Masters in hunting and blending in the forest, they take care of all the trees, plants and animals that live there.

They are curious, peaceful and most of them worries more about self-improving than with fights or stresses with other races.

There are also some small Elfian settlements where there's a forest big enough.

Over the last 2.000 years, following the advice of the Elfian Sage, some Elfians chose to live among other races, except the Dwarfs and the humans of the Empire.

The Dragonoids:

The Dragonoid Island is located at the West of the main continent.

Powerful and Magical beings, the Dragonoids rule the skies and were amongst the first races to be created by the Goddess, to balance the World with their Magic.

The first four, the Elders, were given the task to protect the 4 major races, the Elfians, Humans, Dwarfs, and BeastKind.

They are also in charge of recording the World History, and they have been doing that, for the past 10.000 years, placing those texts, books, and records in the Dragonoid Library, located at the center of their island.

They are also responsible to stop and destroy any medium or big Demonoid that could escape from the Demonoid Island.

The Demonoids:

Nightmarish beings created by accident from the shame and the resentful of the Old God that created the World.

Demonoids receive all the small Dark Magic from the World and they create more Dark Magic and send it back to the World, poisoning it.

They are devourers of flesh and Magic. Imprisoned in the Demonoid Island by the Goddess, they eat the Dark Magic created by the world and by them, and they hunt and devour each other.

They are always trying to escape their Island, and because of their continuous attacks, sometimes small gaps emerge on the Goddess Barriers and some small or very small Demonoids escape.

The Fairies:

The first race to be created by the Goddess, to populate the forests and to balance the World with their Magic.

They took upon them the responsibility to closely watch the other races interactions, preventing wars and killings.

They always protect the children in the forests or near them. That's the major reason for the death toll caused by animals, never includes children amongst their numbers.

They all use Light Magic, making them the perfect defense against incursions of Demonoids that could escape the Mermaids, the LizardKind or the Dragonoids.

They live hidden from the other races and normally they don't show themselves, except in extreme cases.

The Royal Kingdom of the Dwarfs:

The Kingdom borders the RabbitKind Kingdom and the BeastKind Kingdom at the West and the LizardKind clans at the East and it's located in the High Mountains, a range of Mountains that crosses the entire main continent from the North to the South.

There are many volcanoes in that area, that provides the Dwarfs with many rare minerals for their creations. Masters in blacksmith, they forge and create the best weaponry and armors.

The Magic Crystals are not a major selling resource for the dwarfs, it's difficult to find a good source. They dig most of it by accident, when they are mining for rare materials for their blacksmithing.

They love to fight and bicker with everyone, even between them, for any and all reasons. It's even worse when they drink. When they drink more than they should, they become amazing jokers, doing pranks and teasing everyone.

Ancient grudges with the Elfians, that go back to their previous world, makes them always looking for a fight with the Elfian Kingdom. Mostly, because they use a lot of wood for their forges, wood that comes from the trees of the forests where the Elfians live and care about.

The Royal Kingdom of the BeastKind:

They rule supreme at the South part of the main continent. The Kingdom of the BeastKind borders the Kingdom of the RabbitKind and the Kingdom of Rohan at North, the Dwarfs Kingdom at the East, and at West and South, the ocean.

The Kingdom is a mix of races and Half-Breeds, composed mainly of DogKind, CatKind, WolfKind, and LionKind. There are also BirdKind and SnakeKind in lesser numbers.

They are master sailors and hunters and their expertise in combat focus on defense. With the RabbitKind working as attackers, they could easily conquer the world. But the general consensus of the entire population is a life of peace and self-improvement.

Because of their extensive history as traders, they have good relations with the other races.

LizardKind Clans:

The LizardKind occupy the lands at the East of the Dwarfs Mountains and borders with the sea in the East, North, and South.

They live in a system made of clans and casts, with the higher casts representing the chiefs families and the middle and lower casts, representing the rest of the population. They are truly ancient Samurais, their culture, and way of life hasn't changed for 10.000 years. There are 10 clans, and while many of them prefer to settle in villages and cities, there are also some nomads amongst them that prefer a living of traveling continuously.

Because they don't tolerate the cold, they can't cross the Dwarfs Mountains and interact with the other races.

Their vocal cords don't allow them to speak the Elfian, Human or Dwarf language.

They are extremely strong and amazing fighters, Masters in the Three-Wielding-Sword Technique, using their prehensile tail to hold the third sword.

They use Magic in a different way, focusing mainly on the power of the mind. Their powers of Telekinesis, Psychokinetic, Telepathy and Memory Bending are unique to their kind.

The Elfian Sage taught them the Bushido Code that they follow until today, very strictly.

Seya as gifted them with Magic Crystals with a special Ancient Dragonoid Magic that he learned during his studies in the Dragonoid Library. Those Magic Crystals are able to translate the thoughts of the LizardKind mind to the human mind and vice-versa. Using that, he was able to teach them the new plantation system and he also gifted them with his equipment for harvesting and planting.

The Clan Conclave of the 10 Major Clans agreed to use the new system and the equipment provided by Seya, nationwide.

They are experiencing an enormous increase in products that they began to trade with the merchants of the BeastKind that arrive by ship. Because the LizardKind can now be understood by using the Translation Crystals, they began contacts and trading with the BeastKind, ending their millenarian solitude.

With the consequent trading with the BeastKind, they started to receive visitors and competitors on their Fighting Tournaments. On those Tournaments, are chosen the new fighters for the Demonoids Border.

The LizardKind are the last line of defense against the Demonoids and they train and live according to that task. They are responsible to stop and destroy any small or medium size Demonoid that escapes through the small gaps of the Barriers in the Demonoid Island.

The Mermaids:

They were amongst the first races to be created by the Goddess, to balance the World with their Magic.

Mermaids rule over the seas and are the first line of defense against the Demonoids. They are responsible to stop and destroy any very small or small Demonoid that escapes through the small gaps of the Barriers in the Demonoid Island.

They all use Wind and Water Magic but some can also use a small amount of Mind Magic like the LizardKind, making them ancient allies and friends.

They can also assume a human form like the Dragonoids and with that, they usually interact with the LizardKind on land or enter the LizardKind Fighting Tournament.

With their human forms they can also infiltrate in the other races countries, including the Empire, and by doing that they gather information about the world development and the races that they share with the LizardKind that are always curious about the other races that they can't meet or interact.

Commerce and Social:

Because of the good relations and common history with the Kingdom of Rohan, the RabbitKind Kingdom, and the BeastKind Kingdom, the borders between them exists only on paper.

There's free circulation of goods and people between the countries and Half-breeding is look upon as good neighboring.

In the major cities markets, there are always products from each country and sellers of different races.

All the cities of each country have families of different races living there.

Children can attend school from 6 to 10 years old, to learn how to read, write and do arithmetics. The expenses are low since the costs of books and materials are all covered by the countries.

There are also schools specialized in the education of new Knights and Mages, for students since 10 years old until 18, but these schools are expensive, so only families with major possessions can pay for their children expenses.

In the Empire, only the children of Nobles can attend school.

Social Classes:

In every Kingdom, the classes are divided as Royal Family, Duke, Marquess, Count, Viscount, Baron, Knight, commoner, and slave.


The currency in every Kingdom, including the Empire, is 1 gold coin equals to 100 silver coins and 1 silver coin equals to 100 copper coins.

In every Kingdom except the Empire, the normal wage is 12 silver coins per month for child labor and 1 gold coin a month for an Adult.

Family earnings can go up to 3 gold coins a month.

Sleeping in an Inn costs 3 copper coins per night with one meal. A meal normally costs 1 copper coin.

In the Empire, the wage is half and an Inn or a meal costs double.


In every Kingdom except the Empire, everyone must pay living taxes per month to the Kingdom, that normally amounts to 10 silver coins per adult and 1 silver coin per child.

Landowners must also pay 10 silver coins for each 1 gold received by the selling of the products harvested. Or instead, sent to the King the same value in products.

In the Empire, all taxes are doubled.

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