1631681 subscribers

“yes. what.”

I thought about it for a while after receiving a common sense question.

It’s not even a live broadcast anyway.

It’s not even a broadcasting station with people who mistakenly think that keeping the running camera steady is the most important thing in the world.

It is said that you can just hang up even if you ask an unplanned question.

But, when the camera turns, they ask a surprise question?

‘What’s up?’

Are you trying to unilaterally upload a scene where I reject the question and ask for it to be edited?

However, judging from the attitude common sense has shown so far, it doesn’t seem like he would act so recklessly.

“yes. First of all, I had money because of various things.”

I tried to answer like this.

“yes. Does it have anything to do with what the rumors say?”

Common sense immediately asked.

“… … .”

“ah. You don’t have to say anything if you’re uncomfortable.”

In fact, an algorithm is an algorithm, but it is true that financial power played a role in the success of my channel.

I have no intention of hiding that fact.

It would be a lie if I said, ‘As long as you use the algorithm, you will succeed!’

What I don’t want to expose is my private life.

“yes. Can I turn off the camera for a minute?”

“oh. yes.”

Common sense heard me and quickly signaled to the camera crew.

“sorry. It sounds like you’re asking an uncomfortable question.”

Common sense quickly apologized.

It was an apology that was too soon.

If so, why did you do that in the first place?

“hmm. It’s a question that’s not in the script, so if I answer it right away, I think I might say something I don’t want to say.”

“Then we can edit it right away. Isn’t YouTube easy to edit?”

hmm. Rather use it as an excuse?

“But even if you edit it, the words you said on the memory card will remain intact anyway.”


Common sense scratched my head.

“We will delete that while editing. Don’t worry.”

It’s sad to think that way.


I tilted my head and called the beomsu.


Others were watching, so I called him with respect.


Beomsu also responds naturally.

“Do you delete the leftover footage after editing?”

“hmm. That’s rarely the case. I usually leave the original.”

Bumsu replied in a polite tone.

“Who deletes it?”

And added this.


I laughed when I heard Bumsu’s words.

“So. People who have touched the video think about it that way.”

After I said this, I turned to Common Sense.

“And it’s not a world that’s beautiful enough to risk the good will of others.”

“ah. yes. hahahaha.”

Common sense smiled bitterly.

“All right. sorry. I will go according to the script.”


I nodded and added again.

“Actually, it is a bit deceptive to say that our channel only increased subscribers because of the algorithm. So I will talk about financial power.”

“oh. really?”

“yes. But that’s not what we’re talking about when talking about algorithms. We choose a topic like ‘YouTube channel and investment problem’ and talk about it.”

“ah. yes. I guess that’s right. with another image.”

Common Sense nodded, adding:


“yes… .”

After this happened, common sense never crossed the line again.

The recording ended safely.

“thank you. I think today’s video was really good.”

Sang-sik smiled and said thanks.

“no. I had fun too.”

“We want to treat you to dinner.”


When I heard that, I asked the beomsu.

“P.D. Do you want to go eat?”

“Good. I’m hungry.”

The beggar laughed and said.

“ah. But we’re originally friends, so it’s a little different because we use hard titles.”

Beomsu said in a whisper behind his back.

“That’s right, but let’s keep it.”

“Are you wary of that?”

“There is also… . It will take a while for something different from before.”


Beomsu asked, but he didn’t get a chance to answer.

“There is a sushi restaurant in front of this. I have a reservation there.”

“A sushi restaurant?”

“yes. A house that does omakase.”

“Ew? Are you Omaka?”

Me, Beom-su, and Sang-sik, three people.

You have five mouths, but you want to go to Omakase?

“There are 5 of us, and you serve omakase?”

“ah. Our staff has the following schedule. It’s just me and the two of us.”


I quickly looked at the faces of the staff.

I could feel them hesitantly avoiding my gaze.

“no way. We worked together, though, and we eat together.”

I said looking at their faces.

“And, you don’t have to eat omakase. I just go to a Chinese restaurant or something.”

He looked at common sense and said.

“ah. After watching the video, it seems like you only go to good restaurants. I was just trying to treat you.”

“That’s what happens when you shoot a video. I usually eat normal food.”

“All right. Still, these friends are busy with their next schedule. Let’s just go with the three of us.”

“We are fine. I have to move right away.”


The staff I worked with didn’t eat well, so I turned down omakase.

But the omakase refusal is a snap and the staff still don’t feed it?

Besides, common sense and I like to talk, so the recording ended incredibly quickly by normal standards.

But why send the staff as soon as it’s over?

It means you don’t want to eat together.

It’s not a joke, it’s a joke

First of all, there were a few things that I didn’t understand, but just looking at them, I’m not very good at it.

“If the three of us have to eat anyway, shall we go to Omakase? If there is no reason to buy it, there is no need to decline.”

“oh. yes.”

Common Sense put on a slightly puzzled expression.

what. Are you thinking that money is solid inside?

“We like to eat omakase. First of all, one video will come out unconditionally.”

“yes. yes.”

Common Sense did not hide his bewildered expression.

I thought the money would be solid, but was it upset that it didn’t?

Still, take care of your facial expression.

“We’ll treat you to something good for the next post-shooting party. instead.”


“At that time, I want all the staff to eat together. That’s why we work together and eat alone.”

“ah. All right. At that time, I will skip the schedule in advance.”

Common sense said this and smiled at the staff.

But that too, ‘next time we’ll eat together. It was more of a feeling of ‘go quickly now’ rather than a feeling of ‘it went well’.

* * *

“It’s an omakase, but I got it table style.”

“ah. okay. that’s right. Omakase also has a lot of separate rooms.”

After I sat down, I started talking to common sense.

“Good. Because the video of eating at the table at an omakase restaurant doesn’t upload well.”

I smiled and leaned back in my seat.

“hahahaha. Why won’t the table come up?”

“Actually, it’s better to eat at a restaurant to get an omakase video. You can see your hands as the chef gives each one. So, once you visit with difficulty, you will be filming in Dachi.”

“okay. I’m not familiar with those videos.”

Common sense smiled and nodded.

I did add one thing though.

“Anyway, the channel <What No One Does> started by uploading omakase videos first. It’s a new feeling.”

“hahahaha. Iknow, right. Deliberately set up a table to eat according to that. thank you.”

I smiled and thanked you.

“no. I grabbed a table because I thought it would be comfortable to talk about, but thinking about filming a video, I wonder if it would have been better to grab a dazzi.”

“no. The rarity of the video has actually increased.”

I said laughing.

“Originally, you went with your mother for the first video, right? The sushi restaurant there was a newly opened store of a famous chef, so you went there because of your mother’s connections.”

“uh… . yes.”

When I answered, Common Sense laughed in advance and set up a smoke screen.

“ah. Is this a bit private? Still, our camera isn’t on. hot hot.”

“yes. Yes.”

I smiled bitterly.

“And today, you’re going to take the subject of algorithms and financial power in the next order, right? After that, I thought it would be nice to take a picture with the subject of networking. I remembered Kim, so I asked.”

common sense added.

“yes. Yes.”

In fact, relationships are also important.

My channel also grew because of my financial power and personal connections.

After some thought, I answered.

“yes. I went because my mother and the chef knew each other.”

“… … .”

Beomsu saw my answer and looked at me with an unexpected expression.

I guess I didn’t know how to answer so easily.

“But I didn’t film anything my mother ate.”

Because it was originally shot in first person.

In the video at the time, the mother did not appear at all.

I can only infer that only someone who knows the circumstances would have gone with my mother.

It seems that common sense also deduced it.

“Iknow, right. hahahaha. Still, I am so glad that my mother is able to resume her activities thanks to her.”


I didn’t answer that.

ah. I’ll put some sushi on it Do you have to be nervous and have a conversation?

“well. As for the person who reviews our restaurants, I never said it was my mother.”

“Oh. is that so?”

“yes. It is our channel’s principle to neither affirm nor deny about personal life or relationships.”

I have never revealed on YouTube who Purple Mask is, whether my father is Chairman Koh Moo-hyuk and my mother is Jang Hye-min.

only rumors abound.

But common sense keeps asking questions based on that premise.

“ah. I see.”

Whether he knew it or not, Common Sense tried to continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.

“Well, to tell you the truth, although my mother is right.”

“ah. hahahaha. Still, in private, you let me know.”

“To be honest, that much is known.”

I shrugged and continued.

“My mother is allergic to mackerel. So there are some restrictions when reviewing omakase.”

When I said this, Common Sense smiled bitterly.

“oh my. Mackerel is a very popular dish in omakase, but it’s a pity that you can’t eat it.”

“yes. So ask them to remove it beforehand and eat it.”


“… … .”

During this conversation, Bum-soo tilted his head.

“The first food came out. Now that the weather is getting a little chilly, I’m serving chawanmushi for the first time.”

The server said this and placed it in front of us.

“oh. As expected, the best way to start an omakase is with an egg.”

I said as I opened the lid of the chawanmushi.

Beomsu set the camera so that he could see his dish clearly and opened the lid.

Then, he picked up his cell phone and started typing something.

– Jiing~

And, my phone’s KakaoTalk rang.

I could intuit that the person who sent the KakaoTalk message was Beom-soo.

I checked the KakaoTalk messages naturally so that common sense would not notice.

– Didn’t your mother eat the mackerel sushi as an encore the other day, saying it was delicious? Did I get it wrong?

When I saw the message, I smiled.

Beomsu also has a good memory when it comes to subtle details.

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