2089324 subscribers

Sung Woo-hyun and Lee Yong-na are both YouTubers who are second to none in terms of expertise.

If there is a difference between the two, one of them is from the daily newspaper M-Ilbo.

Since it is a daily newspaper specializing in economics, it may have a lower status than general magazines.

However, it seems that economic journals are more recognized by entrepreneurs.

Perhaps because of this, the attitude of executive director Jeon Chang-soon toward Lee Yong-yong, a former reporter, and Sung Woo-hyeon, a pure YouTuber, were noticeably different.


I looked at it and frowned.

‘It’s not a very nice sight.’

“CEO Cha Seong-soo of the <Cha Line> channel is a little late.”

The former managing director frowned and said.

“ha ha ha. him You’re also late for the L car meeting.”

Lee Yong smiled and said.

“You must be famous for being late, right?”

“no. Not like that. Unlike me and team leader Seong, he doesn’t notice and is confident. anywhere.”

It was Lee Yong’s answer to the former managing director’s question.

“hahahaha. Yes.”

When his name was mentioned, Seong Woo-hyun smiled and agreed.

“But you are great. To gather these members?”

It was a word of use.

“We tried to invite the most influential and credible YouTube channels.”

Go Hyun-se said with a smile.

“It’s embarrassing to say that, but I still think you have great public relations skills. Well, since it’s an L car, it might be natural.”

Lee Yong-eun looked back at the people in the conference room with a friendly smile.

It is a similar image to the one I saw on the <Autotube> channel.

Calm and friendly impression and tone.

And a review that focuses on the merits of the car.

He is a YouTuber who uses a ‘good person image’ as a weapon.

A business card that reads ‘From M Daily’ makes it unnecessary to show off your expertise with sharp words.

The modifier ‘professional but inclusive’ was naturally attached to Lee Yong-gwa and his channel <Autotube>.

It has about 650,000 subscribers.

He boasts the most subscribers among car YouTubers today.

<Cha Line> is 550,000, and <Car Tube> is 450,000.

There is a difference of about 100,000 from each other, and these channels are among the top 5 domestic car YouTube channels.

“Three representative automobile channels. And one channel with 2 million subscribers. It is structured like this.”

These were the words of Seong Woo-hyun from <Katube>.

“Iknow, right. I also enjoy watching <What No One Does>. Seeing that you are working with L Motors, how many of the rumors are true? hahahaha.”

Lee Yong looked at me and smiled.

“hahahaha. We’re not even a car-specialized channel, so thank you for joining us. I’m a little embarrassed.”

I didn’t respond to the word ‘rumor’ and was greeted like this.

“I am watching all three channels intently.”

When I said hello like this, Seong Woo-hyun smiled and said.

“Ugh. You must be busy running the channel these days, but I don’t know if you have time to watch our channel. Anyway, thank you for your words.”

At this moment, the conference room door opened.

“CEO Sung-soo Cha of <Cha Line> is here.”

The secretary guided me carefully.

“hello. hello. It’s a bit late.”

Cha Sung-soo entered with a smile.

“uh. Please sit down quickly.”

The former managing director looked at Ko Hyeon-se and Ko Hyeon-seok and said.

Ko Hyeon-se did not change his expression, but Ko Hyeon-seok was different.

He frowned and did not hide his displeasure.

hahahaha It is not often that you see someone late at a meeting attended by L Motors high-ranking officials.

“sorry. I had a shoot, but it ended a little late. I stepped on it while testing the car engine, and the engine shuts off? I couldn’t come here and almost went to the ER. hahahaha.”

Seongsoo Cha sat down while talking like this.

“nice to see you. nice to see you. Oh, I’ve seen you two a lot. Representative Lee, Team Manager Seong.”

Cha Sung-soo nodded his head and said hello.

<Cha Line> is different from <Auto Tube> and <Car Tube>, which aim to deliver objective information.

Cha Seong-soo’s characteristic is that he pointed out the shortcomings of cars with his unique snarky attitude.

It is a channel with many people subscribing for the fun of watching Cha Seong-soo swearing at cars.

From nob le mt l dot com

Just like the personality seen on that channel, Seongsoo Cha was showing off his presence here as well.


Ko Hyeon-seok sighed disapprovingly.

“Aww. sorry. Nice to meet you though.”

“You have a slightly similar style to a YouTuber I know.”

Ko Hyun-seok said in a low voice.

“oh. Who? I wonder who the YouTuber the director of L Motors knows is.”

“there is. My name is Park Jeong-gu.”


Hearing Koh Hyun-seok’s words, all YouTubers instantly became ice.


Ko Hyeon-se also made a puzzled expression.

Because Ko Hyeon-se also said that he watched Park Jeong-gu’s video.

Only Manager Lee Dae-hoon and Executive Director Jeon Chang-soon were making innocent faces saying, ‘Who is that?’

“hahahahaha. Park Jeong-gu.”

Cha Sung-soo laughed.

Then he straightened up and said.

“I understood what the director was scolding me for. I will do it seriously.”

“No, not really.”

Go Hyun-seok said arrogantly.

“How long have you been talking?”

Although Cha Seong-soo took the attitude of bowing down to Ko Hyeon-seok once, he was not very intimidated.

“This is the beginning. We were saying hello to each other.”


Cha Sung-soo nodded.

“It’s difficult for these three channels to come together. We got together thanks to L Motors.”

“yes. To say it one more time, we have gathered car YouTubers with public confidence and representation.”

“okay. I see.”

Seongsoo Cha, who had been nodding his head, suddenly looked back at me and said,

“But why is he there? That person is not a car YouTuber.”

Ugh. be picky

impolite. However, with Park Jung-gu, it is a different style.

“That person is the owner of the <What No One Does> channel, right? Purple Mask. You wore a purple mask today.”

“ha ha ha. Iknow, right. I am also embarrassed.”

I laughed and nodded my head.

“We have gathered a lot of professional review channels, but we also need channels that speak from the consumer’s point of view. It is a channel selection with balance in mind.”

Go Hyun-se smiled and explained.

“her. Is <Nobody Doing> a normal car consumer? It seems like a channel that discourages ordinary consumers.”

I don’t know what Seong Woo-hyeon and Lee Yong-ri are thinking.

Lee Yong-eun is the type to make benevolent expressions, and Seong Woo-hyun is the style to not show any expression at all.

But first of all, I know for sure that Cha Sung-soo is hostile toward me.

“It is. Still, I plan to buy a lot of cars in the future. It would be nice if you treated me as if you were sitting with a student who has a lot to teach.”

I said scratching my head.


Upon hearing my answer, Seongsoo Cha tilted his head.

“I know you have a pretty good temper, but you are very docile.”

“ha ha ha. Now, let’s say goodbye.”

The former managing director lightened the atmosphere with a smile.

Good timing, actually.

Because I was thinking of saying something soon.

“Looking at the YouTubers now, they seem to have quite a bit of tension. There must be a lot to discuss with our staff. I think it will be fun in a good way.”

“ha ha ha. Iknow, right. I think the staff at L Motors have a lot to say.”

Cha Seong-soo received the former executive director’s words with a smile.

“oh. When did you see it?”

“Last time, an employee of L Motors called ‘Ki-bae’. Let’s see how it feels. So even when I came here today, I was a bit confused.”

“ah. that.”

The former managing director put on an ambiguous expression.

And I could see him quickly giving his gaze to manager Lee Dae-hoon.

“In fact, there are many difficulties to work from the point of view of practitioners. Also, there are times when I feel frustrated when I see what the reviewers say. So it seems that many of our L Motors employees want to advance to YouTube.”

It was the words of Manager Lee Dae-hoon, who received the glances from the former managing director.


Listening to their conversation, I thought that the YouTube happening could have been caused by a rather organized movement rather than a single employee.

“omg. Do you do YouTube yourself in L car? hi go. People like us also have to eat. If you do it yourself, there will be no room for us?”


At the words of CEO Lee Yong, manager Lee Dae-hoon laughed happily.


Anyone can see that this is Lee Yong’s lip service.

Are there any YouTubers here to really be afraid of?

However, it seems that Manager Lee Dae-hoon took Lee Yong’s words as they were.

“Heh heh. don’t worry too much We will not invade the territory we are doing now.”

If you hear that word, it’s disgusting.

“Hi go. be scared.”

Seongsu Cha muttered with an exaggerated expression and tone.

It was clear that he felt the same way as me.

“I feel that way when I work for a large company.”

Manager Lee Dae-hoon didn’t seem to notice at all that Seong-soo Cha’s behavior was sarcastic.

I opened my mouth seriously.

“What do you think?”

“It seems like a large company can do anything, and if it does, it will do well.”

“yes. It means that you are good at YouTube.”

Seongsoo Cha said with a chooimsae.

“If you do, you have a lot of bullets, so wouldn’t it be advantageous! But you have to think about something more fundamental.”

“What is it?”

Lee Yong-do seemed to be curious about what manager Lee wanted to say.

However, this nuance was also felt in his words.

‘I’m rather curious what a person who can’t even understand sarcasm will say.’

However, Manager Lee spoke again solemnly, as if he hadn’t noticed that at all.

“It means you can’t touch the alley. Did you see that an IT company was hit with a mace while expanding the octopus foot? It’s stock prices, public opinion, and falling into the abyss, so it’s about as good as it gets.”

While saying this, Manager Lee Dae-hoon’s gaze suddenly turned to me.


Even when he met my eyes, he didn’t look away, he looked at me and said.

“It’s not about doing everything you can. From the standpoint of large corporations, we have to coexist.”

Manager Lee Dae-hoon, who doesn’t take his eyes off me until he finishes saying this.

“oh. That’s right, though.”

There was no way he didn’t know that manager Lee Dae-hoon’s gaze was someone else.

Cha Seong-soo looked at the faces of Manager Lee Dae-hoon and mine and said,

“But why are you saying that while glaring at our Purple Mask-sama?”

“ah. no.”

It seems that Seongsu Cha did not know that he would point out his gaze so directly.

Manager Lee looked away with a slightly puzzled look on his face.

“ha ha ha. I think I know somehow.”

I said laughing.

“oh. is it so? What is it? Have you two ever met?”

Cha Sung-soo asked with a mischievous smile.

A reviewer who is picky and doesn’t notice the surroundings.

Rather, it’s this style, so there’s something that suits me.

This was because the manager, who was trying to fight his senses while arguing about what he wanted to say, was taken aback.

“I’m not going to tell you now, but I’ll talk about it later when the official agenda comes out.”

“hmm. what.”

Cha Sung-soo tilted his head.

“Now, then, first of all, we will briefly brief you on the plan that L Motors will bring to YouTubers this time.”

Go Hyeon-se intervened and caught the flow of words.

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