Lu Yuan leaves

"Lu Cheng, come out for me."

Outside, Zhang Guifang is roaring.

Finally, Lu Cheng was relieved and came out.

He is a little afraid of Zhang Guifang.

He Jingyuan nodded in the direction of landing.

All along, he Jingyuan is the kind of man who can't fart. He always holds the newspaper. Even if there is a lot of noise at home, it's none of his business.

This time, maybe he Yi helped Lu Cheng explain, and he also said a few words.

For the first time.

Lu Cheng came out.

Seeing Zhang Guifang, I was still worried.

I always think she'll rush out and scratch herself next second.

"Since it's Li Gang who brags himself and you don't expose him face to face, it's nothing to do with you." Zhang Guifang said coldly.

Lu Cheng smiles and reconciles with Zhang Guifang.

"But..." Zhang Guifang eyebrows PICK: "I ask you, how do you understand so clearly? Is there anything else you're hiding from us? "

Lu Cheng thought of being in the car at that time. He Yi said that everyone cheated his loneliness.

At the moment, I just feel some pain in my posterior teeth.

"In the taxi before, the driver just told me about the situation there."

Lu Cheng did not finish, He Yi nodded: "well, at that time in the car, the driver did say the situation of No. 1 villa."

Zhang Guifang didn't doubt Lu Cheng until he Yi testified.

Just told a sentence: "you are not allowed to take care of our family's affairs in the future."

He went downstairs angrily, saying that he was going to his sister's house to persuade the late summer.

Lu Cheng was a little depressed.

What does he Yi mean, she didn't fall asleep when she was in the car?

Did she suspect something?

If he Yi knew that he cheated her, would he ignore himself?

Some accidents, some worries.

Holding the key in his pocket, Lu Cheng has no courage to take it out.

"Find a place to hide at night." He said to himself.

The next day, Lu Cheng sent He Yi to work and received a short message on the way.

I didn't see it.

He Yi does not ask.

All the way to the company, stop the car.

He Yicai said: "do you feel happy if you open didi?"

Lu Cheng was surprised: "how can you say that? It doesn't matter whether you are happy or not. Anyway, it's a job. It's good if you are hungry. "“ When you were bullied by them at home before, did you hate me for not helping you? " He Yi asked another question.

With a bitter smile, Lu Cheng shook his head: "everything you do is right."

"You and I have a lot in common." He Yi adjusted the earrings“ You know, if I help you, my family will be the target of attack of those people in Ho family. "

What Lu Cheng understood was a shrug: "it's too much."

"I've observed that piece of chalcedony you sent me these days, and my grandfather seems to like it very much!" He Yi pursed his lower lip: "and yesterday I was wronged in the company. If I mention it, my grandfather will certainly agree with you to work in the company

I did. Would you like to

Lu Cheng scratched his head: "this..."

He is the boss behind Luyun group. How can he look up to a job in any company?

He Yi suddenly said: "in addition to sending me to and from work every day, you can work under the same roof with me. You don't have to wait for me in the canteen, OK?"

Lu Cheng is a little shy when he Yi tells him the secret.

"How do you know?"

"I've seen it for a long time. I haven't asked you." He Yi waited for a moment, "if you don't want to, I won't force you."

"I will!"

"Well, I'll go up to find my grandfather later. If you have something to do, go ahead."

He Yi pointed to Lu Cheng's mobile phone.

Seeing he Yi disappear in the building, Lu Chengcai turns on his mobile phone, looks at it and frowns.

The next moment, step on the gas.


Yicheng is a third tier city in Central China with only one small airport.

There are not many flights.

There are only flights to a few big cities.

But obviously, there is still a plane to Yanjing.

When Lu Cheng came to the airport, he saw the evil looking man at first sight.


Lu Yuan.

"Sure enough, you're here. You still don't want me to be a sister!" Without the sadness of parting, Lu Yuan closed her hair with a smile.

She spread her hair.

The hair was black and straight.

It fell on me.

Lu Yuan's figure is actually very good.

Different from her two brothers.

Lu Yuan's appearance also belongs to the stage of evil. She has been excellent all the way since she was a child, and she was admitted to MIT on a full scholarship. If it wasn't for her return to help the family business, Lu Yuan would be able to enter Wall Street after graduation.

Maybe we can make a giant.

The face of a typical oriental beauty is open to the West.

Where Lu Yuan goes is the focus.

At the airport, people look sideways and stop on Lu Yuan.

Lu Cheng felt a pain in his posterior alveolar teeth.

"I said, elder sister, you can't keep a low profile every time you go out? Don't get used to it every time. "

Lu Yuan smiles.

"Didn't you bring your goddess to see me?"

"I don't want her to get in touch with the Lu family." Lu Cheng shrugged.

"Well, it's up to you." She sighed and straightened the suitcase: "Oh, little brother, I'll go back to Yanjing directly this time. Is there anything you want me to take back?"

After thinking about it, Lu Cheng shook his head: "no more."

Lu Yuan nodded: "take care of yourself and take good care of the branch in Yicheng. Grandpa, I'll say good things for you. "

"The Lu family has nothing to do with me. I just want to be able to guard He Yi." Lu Cheng thought for a moment and said, "you tell my grandfather that if he dares to fight against any family, I will be out of the Lu family in this life."

He thought of the threatening text message that day, saying that he wanted to set fire to his family.

Lu Yuan also knew about it and nodded: "OK, I'll bring it for you."

"And tell Xiaoshanzi that if you dare to call young master again, I'll take off his skin."

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Lu Yuan off, Lu's family also left Yicheng.

It means that the Lu Yun group in Yicheng is completely handed over to Lu Chengyi.

It was a long day.

When Lu Cheng returned to the company, He Yi heard the good news.

"Grandfather promised you to come to the company."

"But my grandfather asked you to do something for him. That day, there was a bride price from the Lu family in Yanjing. My grandfather guessed that it was from Luyun group. "

"But I didn't say which girl the dowry was for, and I didn't see each other. Grandfather wants to ask you, can you help him to meet the Lu family?

He scratched his head.

I can't believe it.

He Zhen asked himself to meet the Lu family?

"I... how did grandfather think of looking for me?" Lu Cheng is very strange.

He Yi immediately rolled a white eye: "it's not that you were in the meeting room yesterday and directly took out the phone to talk with manager Liu. Now these people in he family think that you know such a big man, it's different, so my grandfather asked you to contact this matter."“ I... "Lu Cheng Fu Er, what is he doing?

He does know the Lu family.

Lu Yuan, just got on the plane.

Who can he introduce to Mr. He?

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