The owner of villa one


"You have no friends in Yicheng. Where are you going? Lu Cheng, stop it. "

Lu Cheng believes that He Yi just wants to persuade himself to go back.

But in my heart, I feel a little uncomfortable.

"Even he Yi thinks that in Yicheng, I have to rely on he family to be my son-in-law to survive?"

Lu Cheng knows that his emotions are biased.

Maybe it's because of the other party's skill. The sense of loss is very strong.

He Yi again advised a few words, see Lu Cheng did not want to come back.

Then he said, "well, you're really depressed at home. If you stay in a hotel for a few days, I'll give you some money later."

He Yi doesn't get much salary in his company, but he is willing to provide Lu Cheng with hotel accommodation.

Maybe she was accompanied by Lu Cheng when she was lost that day. Her attitude towards Lu Cheng changed a lot.

"No, you can bring me the key in the pillow. I'll wait for you in Tianhong shopping mall for an hour."

"All right!"

Lu Cheng came out of the company because the car was also taken away by Zhang Guifang. Lu Cheng had to drive the Ferrari left by his elder sister first.

Customized version, power and so on.

May be used to driving a second-hand Jetta, always feel not so smooth.


A three story shopping mall next to the community.

Zhang Guifang's family would come here if they didn't like to buy anything in the market.

There is a security guard in the mall who is responsible for guiding the vehicles to stop.

Because it's working time, the parking lot is not full.

The security guard thought he was tired and wanted to have a rest, but when he looked up, his eyes became more straight.

Luxury cars.

A customized Ferrari can't get down.

He has been guiding the parking here for almost two years. He doesn't make much money, but the logo of the car is very good

Absolutely. With this car, the security guard estimated that it was the most expensive one he had ever seen in his career.

"This is a shopping man? How do I think he's here to buy the whole mall? "

The security is a little cramped.

Then he saw the people in the car come down.

Originally some exclamation face, now full of shock.

It's terrible.

The other party is wearing like a beggar, slippers, vests, big underpants, cough, a look at tens of millions of luxury cars, security doubt is wearing the international top brand vest?

A closer look, it seems a little familiar. Has the other party ever been shopping in the mall before?

The security guard was also surprised. If he had been here, tens of millions of cars would have impressed him.

He never thought that Lu Cheng had been here, and every time he was carrying big and small bags, Zhang Guifang criticized him for eating soft food.

At first glance, it's a man who is kept by his wife's family.

It's the kind of people he absolutely despises.

"He Yi!"

Lu Cheng's eyes were sharp, and He Yi, who was at the entrance of the shopping mall, looked around with his toes.

"I'm here."

He Yi just saw Lu Cheng coming from the parking lot. Because he didn't see Lu Cheng coming down, he didn't see what car Lu Cheng was driving.

Pass the key to Lu Cheng.

He Yishun took a small stack of banknotes in Lucheng's pocket just as no one noticed.

In a flash, Lu Cheng was so stunned.

He Yi is very kind.

I'm worried that I can't eat well. It's a deliberate gift.

When he didn't notice this little action, Lu Cheng said with a smile, "you don't seem to have anything to do today. I'll show you around."

"Shopping malls?" He Yi frowned.

It's not that it's wrong to go shopping, but that I just give Lu Chengqian money. It's a bit hard to say that I turn around and go to the supermarket.

For a moment, she doubted that she was not quite right about Lu Cheng's recent attitude change?

I'm a little confused.

Lu Cheng didn't expect he Yi's idea. He said with a smile, "He Yi, go, get on the bus. I'll take you to a good place."

Perhaps it is the stimulation of Zhang Guifang that Lu Cheng has already had an impulse.

He wants to be honest.

He Yi followed Lu Cheng to the parking lot and saw Lu Cheng go to a sports car.

Press the car key, open the door and invite He Yi in.

Micro dew doubt, He Yi but did not ask, sat into the co pilot.

One does not ask, one does not explain.

They were speechless and soon reached the mid levels.

Familiar places.

This time, I didn't go up the mountain.

It's going straight to the middle of the mountain.

On both sides of the marble Road, there are mountains, trees and lush green.

It's not the same road up the mountain.

So it's very quiet here.

It's like, just two people's footsteps. Lu Cheng brings He Yi to the gate of the villa.

When he was ready to enter the password of the password lock, He Yi, who had no words all the way, finally spoke.

"Lu Cheng, what is this villa?"

I don't know what I'm guessing, but he Yi is not willing to admit the answer.

In his impression, Lu Cheng is the one who is ridiculed by his parents and how his family ridicules him. He can't speak and is slightly dull.

Is it

Without explanation, Lu Cheng enters the password, goes in, and then reaches out to invite He Yi.

He Yi didn't come in.

Standing at the door, he said: "I just checked your car on the Internet. It belongs to a person surnamed Lu. The license plate is in Yanjing. The head office of Luyun group is in Yanjing. Is it the Lu family in Yanjing who can spend a lot of money on this car? "

"It's not a big deal for the Lu family to leave tens of millions of customized cars in the branch."

"Your classmate is the manager of the branch company. The car is very likely

It's on his side. But Lu Cheng, you are not a member of Lu Yun group. Do you want to borrow Lu's car from a friend? What do you want to express? Let my mother regret seeing this luxury car? "

"Or are you going to let all the people who have mocked you see how promising you are now? Are you going to drive to the company tomorrow? "

He Yi said with a sad face.

"Lu Cheng, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Do you never want to rely on their own efforts, their own hands to change their impression of you? be opportunistic? You will only make me look down on you

He Yi talks to Lu Cheng, saying that Lu Cheng is extremely embarrassed.

Concealing one's identity is a little bit wrong.

Now Lu Cheng regrets it. Should he say it earlier? He Yi will not be mistaken for the person who borrowed the car to revenge?

Standing there, Lu Cheng was embarrassed.

"Did you borrow this villa from your classmates? You want us all to think you're rich? Oh, your surname is Lu, too. Do you want us to think that you are the blood of Lu family in Yanjing? "

He Yi smiles.

After what Lu Cheng did today, his former good feelings for Lu Cheng suddenly dispersed.

"Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng, do you know that you will not receive respect from others, but will make people look down on you even more?"

Joking, desperation.

He Yi finished, turned around and ran down the mountain.

Lu Cheng was numb.

From beginning to end, he didn't even have a chance to explain.

"He Yi..."

Heartrending cry, can run away people, can hear it?

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