Ouyang Qian

Lu Cheng has some difficulties here.

He sat on the chair by the door on this side of the office, frowning and thinking about the solution.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands covered his eyes.

"Guess who I am? Cluck... "

The laughter is like a silver bell, and even a little witty.

Lu Cheng didn't have to listen to the voice to know who was coming.

To be honest, Lu Cheng felt numb when he heard each other's voice.

"Cough, I said Ouyang Qian, every time you come out, don't always use this move. It's really old-fashioned."

It's Ouyang Qian.

The only daughter of Ouyang family in Yanjing.

Speaking of the Ouyang family, it is also the top family in Yanjing. Even the Lu family should be courteous to them.

Ouyang Qian is only one year younger than Lu Cheng.

The two families have business contacts again. When they were young, Lu Cheng and she often played together.

It was also at that time that the Ouyang family often said.

"Anyway, there are two boys in your Lu family, and Lu Cheng is not welcome in the Lu family. Why don't you just let Lu Cheng join our Ouyang family. It happens that we Qianqian also like him. His cowardly character, even if my family Qianqian bullied him, I don't worry about Lu Cheng's outburst. "

You must have said it with a smile.

I don't know why.

At that time, Lu Cheng felt very angry.

Why should I get involved?

Why should I go to Ouyang's house and let Ouyang Qian bully me?

Also at that time, the young heart already felt that the world was different.

Sometimes Lu Cheng thinks about it. It seems that the present life is no different from what the Ouyang family described at the beginning. The only difference is that he family is not as rich as Ouyang family.

He Yi is different from Ouyang Qian.

"Oh, brother Lu Cheng, you can't pretend you don't know. Guess who I am? It's not fun to play games like this. "

Ouyang Qian stamped her feet, put her hands around her chest and pulled the chair beside her

He sat down and looked angry.

Liu Tong had seen Ouyang Qian's strength before. As soon as he saw that the boss really knew her, he couldn't stand still and didn't say a word.

"You're old and old. How can you be so childish?" Lu Cheng tilted his eyes.

Ouyang Qian really grew up, no longer say the memory of the little girl.

He Yi is shorter than he Yi, with a smaller face and retro air bangs. The clothes are girlish.

However, the figure is no worse than any art.

At this time, Ouyang Qian was waving her teeth towards the landing“ I've been looking for you, brother Lu Cheng. You don't know. I went to Lu's house and they said you left. They didn't answer what I asked. It was not easy for me to see Lu Yuan's family returning home and arrange a personal follow-up for her, so I finally decided that you were in Yicheng. "

She looked up and down.

Look at the size of the company, observe the size of the company.

"Brother Lu Cheng, the company on your side is too small. If you want to be the chairman of the board of directors, you should come to my house. Then I'll let dad give up the position of chairman of the board of directors

Here you are

This girl chirps, but she still remembers what she joked about at that time.

Lu Cheng smiles bitterly in his heart.

He is the least popular in the Lu family. Even if the Ouyang family wants to marry the Lu family, they should not find their own.

To be honest, it's bitter.

Ouyang Qian Leng next, continue to say smilingly.

"Brother Lu Cheng, you should know that I have been waiting for you all the time."

She looked longingly at Lu Cheng.

If Lu Cheng agrees, I'm afraid Jiang Shan can't change his excitement.

But Lu Cheng looked at Ouyang Qian and shook his head.

"No, I can't marry you."

"Brother Lu Cheng..." Ouyang Qian surprised.

She came to Yicheng to find Lu Cheng in person, and the future of Ouyang's family will be in her hands. Hasn't Lu Cheng always been looked down upon by the Lu family? As long as brother Lu Cheng agrees to himself, he will have the capital to challenge the Lu family.

She couldn't understand why Lu Cheng didn't agree.

"I'm married." Lu Cheng touched his chin with a smile: "if you re-enter your Ouyang family, it's the crime of bigamy. It's against the law."

After being stunned, it is despair.

"Brother Lu Cheng, you can divorce her. I'll wait for you!" Ouyang Qian said tenderly.

She has been waiting for brother Lu Cheng for so many years. She can't imagine that Lu Cheng won't agree.

But Lu Cheng was shaking his head.

"Qianqian, you are old and old. You should understand that this is not our childhood. You, listen to me, go back to Yanjing, find a good boy. There will be men who hope for you. "

Lu Cheng is good at persuasion.

But Ouyang Qian has completely collapsed.

She glared angrily.

"Lu Cheng, if you don't marry me, I won't let you live. If you don't tell me who she is, I'll stay in Yicheng. One day I'll meet her, and then I'll let her know the end of robbing men with me. "


Desperate, she picked up the wooden office chair and smashed it at the desk.

The desk is also made of wood. It's very thick“ Click

The leg of the chair broke on the spot.

Ouyang Qian wiped her tears and ran out.

Lu Cheng saw that she had blood in her mouth because her broken chair leg had scratched her finger.

But stubbornly ran out.

Get up and tidy up the chairs.

Lu Cheng has some helplessness: "sure enough, elder sister is right, you are my disaster."

Ouyang Qian to stay in Yicheng, to revenge, Lu Cheng this has no way.

He couldn't persuade Ouyang Qian.

It's impossible to ask Ouyang Qian to do anything.

"He Yi, alas..."

With a long sigh, for the time being, Lu Cheng only hopes to protect He Yi.

Others, I don't want to.

When Lu Cheng takes care of the situation here.

Back home.

Maybe Zhang Guifang changed her mind. Anyway, since yesterday, she hasn't bothered Lu Cheng.

And when he Jingyuan asked what department Lu Cheng was assigned to and what work he was doing, Zhang Guifang was very angry when he heard that Lu Cheng was assigned to work as a security guard.

"He Zhanfei is a bully to our family. Otherwise, Lu Cheng is a university studying abroad. He is an authentic overseas student. Why not go to an important department to train him and become a manager when he comes out?"

On this day, Zhang Guifang often scolds he Zhanfei.

However, He Yi's performance is particularly indifferent.

At the moment, after listening to these, he waved: "it's not important. No matter what department they are in, they mostly contribute to the company. "

When Lu Cheng saw he Yi, he knew that he was still angry about driving a luxury car yesterday.

Lu Cheng was also particularly aggrieved.

I didn't borrow my car.

I bought the house myself. Now there are so many things I can't use. I've been misunderstood as a frivolous person. This is called irritability.

Lu Cheng did not dare to mention Ouyang Qian.

"Well, what's the girl doing in Yicheng at this time? It's not a nuisance!"

Lu Cheng had a headache and scratched his hair hard.

In the middle of the night, Liu Tong's message pops up on wechat.

When Lu Chengyi saw the news, his whole life was not good.

"Mischief, this girl is mischievous!" He said angrily.

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