He Jia crisis

Finally, the manager saw that He Yi was really having dinner with them.

In addition, there is no way to be entangled by Guo Ling. Finally, he gave Guo Ling a discount.

Pushed him nearly a thousand dollars.

This time, Guo Lingle is broken.

He Yi has been smiling.

"Sister He Yi, you are so kind. I didn't expect that sister He Yi, you are such a powerful person, a member of he family. Your company is very big. If you have a chance in the future, I wonder if you can cooperate with my family? "

He Yi has no interest in the post.

Wave coldly.

"It's not possible. Our two businesses are different. Besides, aren't you from abroad, and now you're in your own company? Can you decide your company? "

"Even if you can, I can't. I'm in Ho's home, just a nobody. "

Here, after he Yi finished talking, he asked if Xia man was going back?

Knowing that Xia man and they are going to continue to be crazy, He Yi follows her.

"Lu Cheng, let's go."

They drove away.


The ones who mocked Lu Cheng very hard before.

One by one, their faces changed.

"Well, sure enough, this is the rich man. We people have too little vision. "

"It's so low-key that I can't see the feeling of the rich second generation."

"Just now, who ridiculed them for being poor, but now they're really slapping at each other?"

Xue Xue's expression is ugly. Damn, didn't you say that just now? How does it mean that you are alone?


In the corridor.

He Yicai stopped a little.

"Lu Cheng, are you out of money again?"

Lu chengyileng, if Lu's card can still be used, he has a lot of money.

He opened didi and saved some money, but it didn't work.

So what he Yi said is right. He really has no money. Otherwise, he would not be so embarrassed after a meal today.


See Lu Cheng stammering.

He Yi shook his head.

"Forget it, I'm not going to ask. Your salary will be paid next month. If you need money urgently, please come to me

Then, it is still so indifferent expression.

He Yi stepped into his room. There are some things.


It's changed.

It's not the same.


"Thank you."

Lu Cheng shouts at He Yi's back.

Although he Yi doesn't care much about himself, it's progress. At least expressed concern for themselves.

"Well, go on."

He believes that as long as he is firm, sooner or later, He Yi will change his impression.

However, Lu Cheng did not expect it.

Because of this meal.

Xia man and Guo Ling come together again.

He knew it the next day when Guo Ling invited them to dinner.

This time, there were only four.

Guo Ling and Xia man.

Lu Cheng and He Yi.

The Japanese restaurant I went to this time is much more exquisite. But because there is no need to drink, it is actually cheaper than yesterday.

Lu Cheng stops the car and goes into the private room with He Yi.

When I saw the two people sitting on the floor, it was intimacy.

Lu Cheng only felt his eyebrows jump wildly.

"You are..." he didn't understand how to describe the relationship for a long time.

Because in Lu Cheng's impression, he still stays in the day when he accidentally bumped into Xia man and took off some clothes. Then Li Gang beat himself up.

He also slandered himself and deliberately peeked at her body.

How long has it been?

Just a new boyfriend?

He Yi shows his hand and seems to be reiterating his evaluation of Xia man.

"You see, that's right. I've said before that my cousin's private life is chaotic."

Eyebrows pick pick pick, but Lu Cheng can also think of open.

After all, on the edge of the entertainment circle, their circle is chaotic.


Besides, Xia man was happy. She didn't cheat on her and did no harm to society. It's wrong to blame her.

During this time.

Lu Cheng has been watching Guo Ling.

Maybe it was yesterday.

Lu Cheng's impression of Guo Ling is not good.

Li Gang, who has been mocking Lu Cheng, means to help Xia man. Lu Cheng felt that the other side was just trying to please Xia man.

But Guo Ling has some shady eyes.

This makes Lu Cheng feel that he may have some thoughts about this relationship.

Just one day yesterday, they got together.

Is it because of who is who?

Lu Cheng thought about it, but he couldn't say it face to face.

This meal, everyone has their own ideas.

As a result, the meal is not pleasant.

Then when I leave, I have to laugh with them. Congratulations on their marriage.

To tell you the truth, it's very difficult.

Ouyang Qian in Yicheng these days.

It's a psychological change.

From the beginning, she just wanted to find Lu Cheng to go back. She used Guanyin's self-confidence

However, I feel that I can cross Lucheng. Lu Cheng promised to get married without saying a word.

I didn't expect that.

Lu Cheng tells her that he is married.

The mentality exploded completely.

Ouyang Qian also thoroughly hated Lu Cheng.

There is despair.

She still likes landing, so she won't do anything about it.


At the moment, she has a picture in her hand.

She took it with a private detective.

The profile is very beautiful.

"Brother Lu Cheng, is that what you like? He Yi... OK, I see. I will make you regret it. "

Clenched lips.

There was a trace of blood falling.

When Lu Cheng came out of the hotel, he always subconsciously looked behind him.

He Yi frowned: "what's the matter?"

He Yi shook his head: "nothing."

It seems that he saw the figure just now. Lu Cheng thinks that he was wrong.

If it was really her, she would not be able to sit and make a lot of noise.

They drove far away.

Ouyang Qian came out of the Japanese hotel.

I didn't follow.

After thinking about it, the more hatred I felt in my eyes.

Then directly take out the mobile phone and call the familiar number“ Dad, I need help! "

He company, after cooperation with Luyun group branch.

This year's crisis has been alleviated.

He Zhen sat in the office, looking at the financial report of the second quarter, his brow almost twisted.

Everyone can only see the splendor of he family.

But few of his family knew.

He's a company that can't make ends meet.

From the moment the old man died, the company was losing money.

At the beginning, the land that the old master had laid down was also swallowed up by similar companies.

This is the month before the third quarter.

Because of the cooperation of Luyun group, because of the inexplicable betrothal gift of Yanjing Lujia.

The company's crisis has been eased.

But it's not a long-term solution.

"I calculated that according to the current rate of money burning, the company may only survive to the end of the year, even if the third quarter has given me the hope of profit."

He Zhen is greedy for money.

That's true.

But let him watch his son be cut off.

Just because of five million.

To be honest, he Zhen can't do it.

After all, if you don't like it any more, it's flesh and blood.

It's because if he takes out the five million in his account, the company will go bankrupt next month.

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