It's over. It has to be over

Lu Cheng summed up his assessment experience.

First of all, we should keep a low profile and do more work.

How else can you earn the 200000 yuan?

Before the big sister seems to have said that if you make more money, you will get the highest score if you pass the audit? Two hundred thousand or entry?

So will we continue to pick up rubbish next?

Lu Cheng estimates that if the elder sister sends someone to pick up the garbage again, it's definitely not a handful of people.

And it's not easy to do that kind of scene before.

All right.

After all, I made a small profit.

Lu Cheng turned and left.

"Look for a place to collect waste products, but..."


There was a protest.

Lu Cheng hasn't had breakfast yet. It's already noon.

"Get something to eat first."

When Lu Cheng made up his mind, he saw a noodle shop not far ahead and went there directly.

The owner of the noodle shop is a fat man in his forties.

It's his wife who receives Lu Cheng. She looks like husband and wife to her boss, and she's also very fat.

"What would you like to eat?"

The boss poked his head out in the back kitchen, with fat folds on his forehead.

His wife is playing with her mobile phone at the front desk and is reluctant to pay attention to Lu Cheng's appearance.

Lu Cheng took a look at his clothes and rebuilt the trash can just now. Although he washed it a little, it was dirty and not as clean as before.

No wonder the landlady doesn't like it.

"I'll have a bowl of shredded pork noodles."

Lu Cheng said with a smile: "boss, I put the bag on your stool. Don't worry, I carry it all the way, it's not dirty."

"Good." The boss is laughing behind.

But at this time, the landlady is not happy!

"The bottles you picked up are on my stool. How can other people sit? Put it on the floor. "

Laugh at yourself.

Lu Cheng understood.

I'm still looked down upon.

There are 200000 in this bag, and Lu Cheng is also worried about being escorted.

Just put it on the stool, he carried the bag all the way, where will it be dirty?

The big brother of the back kitchen was also very embarrassed. He simply stopped talking at this time.

This meal is tasteless. The landlady over there, after watching Lu Cheng shout three glasses of water, sneers again.

"Are you here to eat noodles or drink water? Would you like a pot of them all?"

I've been thirsty all morning.

Lu Cheng shrugged his shoulders and shook his head helplessly.

"I see. I really went too far. I'm sorry."


But the landlady still doesn't like to talk to Lu Cheng.

After eating noodles, Lu Cheng got up.

"Madame, check out!"

Seems to see that his wife does not like the young people in front of him.

The boss himself ran out from behind.

"I'll do it. I'll do it. A bowl of shredded meat noodles. Twelve yuan."

The fat boss wiped the sweat on his hands, smiling, to ease the embarrassment of the atmosphere.

It seems that the landlady doesn't intend to give Lu Cheng any face at all.

Sarcasm in the rear.

"Why only twelve yuan? If he drinks so much water and charges him one more, it will be the water bill. "

"Wife, you're going too far."

The boss was not happy on the spot.

Seeing that they had to fight for themselves, Lu Cheng liked the boss and shook his head with a smile.

"Brother, don't quarrel with your sister. If you have more money, you will have more money. I'll give you a hundred and you'll get me a drink. I'm very thirsty, so I don't have to change the rest. "

Lu Cheng's words are also heard by the landlady. She turns her head and scolds a garbage collector in her heart. Do you want to pretend to force rich people to tip? How many bottles do you have to pick up?

Lu Cheng slowly unties the bag and takes out 100 photos in front of the boss

On the table. Then he went to the door and picked up the cheapest bottle of mineral water from the landlady.

Take out the business card you used to get and put it on the table.

"Brother, I have something else to do. I'll go first. I think you're good at making noodles. If you want to expand your business, you can call us a week later and we'll have a chat. "

Why schedule it in a week, because this week Lu Cheng is still busy with family assessment.

With that, Lu Cheng turns and leaves.

At this time, the woman could not help laughing.

"Ha ha, I said Lao Zhou, it's the first time I've ever seen such a pretender. You mean you're poor enough to pick up trash, and you're forced to tip. "

"In the end, what else do you want to talk about? I'm sorry, is he qualified? It's no use looking for him. "

With that, the woman found that there was something wrong with her man today.

Looking at Lao Zhou in doubt“ Why don't you talk? It's not going to be stupid! "

At this time, the man shrugged.

"You know a fart, where is he picking up waste products? I'll tell you. I saw several stacks of money in his snakeskin bag just now, so I took out one. You didn't see that he didn't even blink. There are more than 100000 in that bag at least. "

"With more than 100000 people, you still need to pick up waste?"

Women can't believe it.

If she didn't know her man was honest, she would have doubted whether he had changed his mind.

"So much money?"

The man nodded.

"He dares to say that because he is rich, but I think he is young and runs out to pick up rubbish. Maybe it's just the rich second generation who have such bad habits. "

"Lao Zhou, you always wanted to expand your ancestral noodle making skills. If he is really a rich man, doesn't that mean we have a chance..."

Old Zhou immediately said: "did you just ridicule him as a garbage collector?"

"The rich second generation should not care about this." The woman clenched her teeth: "no matter what, I'll apologize at that time, and I can't let your dream break down!

"In a week."

Lu Cheng's dress is really looked down upon.

After buying the bottles, Lu Cheng turned around and ordered a high-end club.

Wash clean.

I went to the wholesale market for a while.

Then that night, the corners of the mouths of the Lu family were twitching.

Lu Cheng, start to set up a stall.

Looking at the booth in front of me.

Lu Yuan scratched her head: "I think he's starting his own business. Should grandfather not be angry again? "

The bodyguards didn't dare to answer the call. They didn't see a brother just go to perform the next task. When they turned around, they were robbed of 200000 plus several thousand.

Just now, the first lady didn't say to make up the money.

If you don't make it up, it's nothing to go out and get it back.

Think about how much you want to cry.

Is it easy for them to make a little fortune?

"Or destroy it? Can anyone else go? "

Where are the bodyguards.


The phone rings.

Connect, there is my grandfather's roaring voice.

"It must be stopped. Stop Lu Cheng's nonsense. At the end of the assessment, that's the end of the assessment. " What is really low, Lu Cheng ran to do.

The old man has a bad heart. He's afraid that he will see Lu Cheng run didi to deliver the express... And then he'll go to the sea to film in the island country.

Lu Cheng's performance on this day is really good.

It has to end.

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