That's a little embarrassing

"Ha ha!"

Lu Cheng smiles perfunctorily.

It's a bit embarrassing.

Since he became a member of the family, most of his weddings have not been attended by his family.

In the past three years, I haven't heard that Lu Cheng had any friends coming to him.

Every new year, there is no intention of going home.

In the eyes of the he family, Lu Cheng is an orphan.

No relatives, no friends.

Now, a man came out and said he wanted to find Lu Cheng.

This is absolutely big news.

Lu Cheng did not expect that one day he would make an irreparable mistake for this reason.

Depressed and embarrassed.

"I'll see who's looking for me."

Although in the heart already had a guess, after all did not see the person, Lu Cheng is also difficult to say.

He just wanted, not really that guy.

Because, he has not said that he is hiding his identity now.

It won't expose me.

Lu Cheng is in a hurry.

As soon as he let go, Lu Cheng ran away.

Xiao Mei is anxiously waiting in place.

She only remembered yesterday that she didn't leave any contact information except knowing where Lu Cheng was staying.

I came to Lu Cheng in a hurry.

Who knows, she just said Lu Cheng's name, and everyone's eyes fell on her one after another.

"Ha ha, do you hear me. She said she wanted to find Lu Cheng

"Our garbage Lu Cheng also has friends to look for. But she may not know that Lu Cheng is poor and has no money. It's a look at Lu Cheng, who wants to steal some money from it? "

"Look at her. She's a real monster."

Xiao Mei is a little older than Lu Cheng.

Maybe because of work, there are more business lines exposed.

In this way, when you are outside, it is easy to be misunderstood as that kind of woman.

There are also some misunderstandings in the way these people of the he family tease her now.

Xiao Mei works in the branch.

Now he is in charge of the office in Yicheng.

It represents the Lu family.

Nowadays, Xiao Mei can't bear to be treated as a joke“ Are you laughing at me? How dare you slander Lu Shao? Believe it or not? "

Is it difficult?

In fact, it's not difficult. Lu's strength covers the whole of China.

Dare someone to ridicule Lu Shao, let him be fed up.

Xiao Mei is already angry.

Just then, Lu Cheng's voice came.

"Sister Mei, don't..."

Xiao Mei is older than her and it's normal to call her sister Mei.

Xiao Mei's frown unfolded and she welcomed Lu Cheng with a smile: "Lu..."

I'm about to shout Lu Shao. If I'm called out, it's too much.

It's no use hiding what you've done.

Lu Cheng held Xiao Mei's mouth.


Fortunately, it didn't come out.

Lu Cheng said with a smile, "I didn't give you money that day? You don't have to go after the company. "

Qi Qi lost his voice.

A girl who watched the crowd was carrying coffee and spraying it directly.

"I suspect you are driving, but I have no proof."

"This conversation is so unorthodox that I suddenly feel very dangerous."

Lu Cheng and Xiao Mei are completely stupid.

Just now, he just said it to ease the embarrassment.

After listening, it's true!


Seeing the more tired discussion about the two people's unfair trade, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and pulled Xiao Mei out.

"Sister Mei, let's talk about it in another place."

On the company side, it's crazy.

"My God, Lu Cheng went out with a woman he didn't know. There may be some deals between the two of them. "

"I didn't expect that Lu Cheng didn't show mountains and water, and he never spoke when he was scolded. I'm so sullen that I can do such a big thing. "

"Lu Cheng eats from our family, lives in our family, and even spends money from our family. Now I still use our money... "

Not angry, angry, and even a trace of jealousy.

When the news came to He Yi's ears, some passers-by's happy mood suddenly fell back!

"Lu Shao... Where are you pulling me?"

Lu Cheng pulls Xiao Mei onto her BMW X6. Lu Cheng's second-hand Jetta is also very hard hit. It's being sent for repair.

He took a taxi with He Yi to work today“ You come to me, don't you just want to tell me something? Take the car to the coffee shop and we'll have coffee and say

It doesn't matter where you go.

Lu Cheng just doesn't want to be here. It's not good to be seen too much by the he family.

"Well, there's a new monoplane coffee shop ahead. Let's talk about it there."

In fact, it's still something at work.

Xiao Mei introduced her next work.

I didn't say much.

Lu Cheng's attention falls on Xiao Mei.

It's pretty.

When she talks, her body will shake unconsciously.

Moreover, the whole person seems to be shaking.

Her identity is very good... This one trembles, towering as the mountain falls apart.

Lu Cheng felt that his body was suddenly hot.


"Lu Shao, why is your face red?"

"Lu Shao, am I particularly good-looking?"

"Lu Shao, do you like my type?"

Lu Chenghua, Xiao Mei is a demon. How could anyone come up to ask such a question.

Xiao Mei's eyes are full of temptation.

"Lu Shao, do you know? Those of us who work for the Lu family are the dogs raised by the Lu family. You are our master... Do you know what that means? In other words, if you want to, you don't have to be responsible! "

Xiao Mei's landing is approaching.

Her face, like a woman, rose a trace of red.

Lu Cheng has fully understood Xiao Mei's meaning.

But is to frown a way: "Mei elder sister you sit well, my in the mind only have He Yi, you don't say those words to me again, otherwise I will not be happy."


Xiao Mei was stunned.

For the first time, it turns out that a man is not interested in himself.

"I see."

After two people finished their coffee, Xiao Mei said, "I'll take you back, Lu Shao."


His car needs to be picked up tomorrow.

Before they were sent to the community, Lu Cheng called Xiao Mei to stop.

"I'll get off here and go in again. If my mother-in-law sees me get off from a strange car, it will cause misunderstanding."

"Lu Shao, you are a good man."

In the past, women praised other people's good men, which was a derogatory word. But Xiao Mei praised others, which really thought Lu Chengren was good. I got out of the car.

As soon as Lu Cheng entered the alley, He Yi was waiting for him.

At this time, He Yi was still wearing work clothes, and the two looked at each other.

Then He Yi smiles: "is that the woman who just sent you here? The company is full of rumors. I didn't expect it to be true. "

There is a misunderstanding.

Lu Cheng understands that He Yi has misunderstood this.


He took a deep breath, did not want to introduce, but raised his head and asked he Yi: "have you bought the food?"

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