I'm her husband

"Where are you going?"

Bai fan thought Ouyang Qian was asleep, so he dared to get out of the car.

Did not expect him to open the door ready to go down, Ouyang Qian's voice sounded in the back.

"Oh, I'm looking for the toilet."

Bai Sheng entrusts Bai fan to pursue Ouyang Qian, and now is the stage of his fierce attack.

If Ouyang Qian knows that he wants to get off the car to see a woman, Bai fan knows clearly, Ouyang Qian will definitely have an idea.

It's said that these rich women have a strong desire to control.

"Ha ha!"

Ouyang Qian looked contemptuous.

She knew exactly what the Bai family thought, but in front of the Ouyang family, they wanted to pursue themselves, but they didn't know they were just dogs.

It's just that people are happy.

The owner will never look up to the dog.

See the figure in the wine, eyes seem to have tears.

White fan heart a pain, only feel that this square heaven and earth, in front of himself only left that figure.

He Yi grits his teeth, but the appearance of helplessness is distressing.

"He Yi, why are you here alone? Have you drunk too much?"

Bai fan finally asked.

"It's you, Bai fan. What bad idea did your Bai family come up with? Do you want to force my family to give you five million dollars? "

Bai fan was embarrassed for a while, but he Yi, who was drunk, was still so difficult.

With a smile: "no, He Yi, don't get me wrong. I saw you drunk, so..."

"Look, I'm drunk and want to take advantage of it?" He Yixiu eyebrow condensation: "white fan you dare I call the police."

Bai fan is silly. He thinks he Yi can show his manliness when he is drunk.

But now, He Yi's words made him blush.

He may not have that mind.

Drunk, take care of yourself, and then

Bai fan gritted his teeth. He didn't care much about being scolded by He Yi. Instead, he said with a smile, "He Yi, I'll help you to open a room first. You can have a good sleep."

With that, he was ready to help He Yi.

At this time, an angry figure appeared. The next moment, a punch hit Bai fan's nose.

"She's my wife, Bai fan. What do you want to do here?"

Lu Cheng made a real fire with this punch.

White fan's nose is red... Er, it's not red, it's bleeding.

Bai fan wiped his nose and was startled to see the blood flow from his nose“ Lu Cheng, what are you doing? You dare to beat me. You wait. My father will not forgive you. "

Lu Cheng was stunned.

Then look at the white sail.

laughing out loud.

"Why, your father won't let me go, and then ask me for revenge."

"It's not that I said that if you white family dare to provoke me again, I'll make you feel like you can't take it."

After a scolding, Lu Cheng turned his attention back to He Yi.

"Let's go back, wife. I'm wrong."

He Yi's expression is very delicate.

She's holding the bottle and obviously going to keep drinking.

But Lu Chengduo is here.

The appearance of Bai fan also made her understand that it was dangerous outside.

"I'll go back..."

He Yi shakes off Lu Cheng's hand.

It doesn't need to be supported by Lu Cheng.

Even if her head is a little dizzy.

On the way.

Lu Cheng heard the sound coming from the car.

"Brother Lu Cheng, she's the one you joined, isn't she?"

"Ouyang Qian..."

Lu Cheng was surprised, but it's possible to think about it. After all, Bai's family is Ouyang Qian's dog now. When Bai fan appears here, Ouyang Qian also has a chance to be there.

"What do you want to say? Ouyang Qian, don't say I didn't warn you, you dare to touch her

I'll make it hard for you

White fan has also followed up, see these two people quarrel, frown.

Suddenly, he had some guesses.

What Ouyang Qian is going to do, he didn't tell the white family.

He only increased his shareholding in Baijia company, and he also opened a branch in Yicheng on behalf of Ouyang Jia.

However, there is speculation that Ouyang's family came to land.

Now Bai fan sees that Ouyang Qian seems to know Lu Cheng, and he already has some guesses in his mind.

Lu Cheng left with He Yi.

Ouyang Qian is not convinced, stamping his feet: "brother Lu Cheng, sooner or later you will regret it."

But Lu Cheng has gone far, and can't hear what she said.

Bai fan got on the bus again and said suspiciously, "Miss Ouyang, do you know Lu Cheng? Is he from Luyun group? "

Bai fan is a little afraid of Ouyang Qian, and her voice is very small.

Ouyang Qian eyebrows, still angry: "you tube so much, open your heart."

The car. " Bai fan's eyes widened and his expression was full of horror.

Ouyang Qian's reaction has strengthened his judgment.

He even wanted to go back and tell his father that he's such a cow that he has this guy as his backing and can't move him at all.

"What are you thinking when you don't drive? I tell you, if there is any news about brother Lu Cheng, I want your family to be buried with me. "

Ouyang Qian such a shrewd person, would not know Bai fan's idea, immediately sneer.

"Yes, I see." Bai fan was so silly that he nodded his head and bowed his waist.

He Yi is very uncooperative along the way.

I'll go to the front and sit at the back.

She's drunk, and she's a little grumpy.

At this time, Lu Cheng was as meek as a cat in front of her.

I dare not denounce He Yi in a word.

When he Yi couldn't walk, he held her in his arms.

He Yi fell asleep.

The long eyelashes, like cherry like mouth.

But Lu Cheng couldn't give birth to any thoughts. He just wanted to walk more steadily and make her sleep more comfortable.

"He Yi, I'm sorry. I shouldn't make you angry."

"Sorry, I shouldn't have kept those things from you."

"I'm sorry, I won't hurt you any more."

Lu Cheng said slowly, at the same time, every step is very sweet.

It's very tired to hold a person on the mountain road.

"Well..." I don't know if he Yi heard it.

Lu Cheng brought He Yi back, but Zhang Guifang had a slightly better attitude towards him.

A cold reprimand.

"How dark it is, don't you hurry to buy food and cook? Want to starve us to death? "

Lu Cheng smiles.

Yes, go shopping.

He put He Yi down, took the car key and set out.

When I came back from the supermarket not far away, I remembered that Zhang Guifang didn't give him any money.

Now that Li's card has been opened, Lu Cheng doesn't have to worry about going out with no money to do more.

"Bah, we look up to you when we come to buy a house in banshanju. I said that Miss Ouyang is not an ordinary person. I only want the most luxurious villa in banshanju."

Back to the community, just passing by the sales department, Lu Cheng heard a quarrel inside.

Originally, Lu Cheng didn't like to join in the fun. But he is too familiar with the speaker's voice.

Bai fan... So miss Ouyang in his mouth is Ouyang Qian?

"Look what's going on!" Lu Cheng couldn't help stopping.

Most of the sales department has gone since they are off duty. The one who is left here should be a salesman on duty. And the fat manager.

To be honest, Lu Cheng has a good impression of the manager.

Seeing that Bai fan spoke impolitely to him, he was also a little upset.

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